Guardians Discussions

IIRC, long time ago devs gave us hint "as seen from above" for some Guarding content. I do not recall was it for glyphs or the pictures on the bottom of the pillars or overlay texture on pillars.

Can't remember that quote, but could be a reference to the possible ternary coding in the obelisk alignments.

An explanation & the start of the last bout of looking into it is here:

Original spot was by Zorbaq IIRC.
Can't remember that quote, but could be a reference to the possible ternary coding in the obelisk alignments.

An explanation & the start of the last bout of looking into it is here:

Original spot was by Zorbaq IIRC.

I agree that the layout of obelisks is important (less so then location on site). Every individual layout is typically associated with data types and are glyphs in the sense of being a configuration of triangles.

I don't think the offset or trinary apply. It's not consistent with every configuration. If there's a way to decode them, it'll work for every group. The offset processed mentioned only applies to obelisks in a line, which isnt all that common.

I was experimenting with each group of obelisks and items are glyphs. They may even be combination of glyphs. The A group on beta sites for example can be seen as two triangles made of 5 bits each set on top of each other.

The ram tah data says the layout of the obelisks is ceremonial. But the construction of them is unique. I say unique because they are all constructed by stacked or connected triangles. The solid structures on the rest of the site use big chunks of metal that are etched. Obelisks, relic towers, and the items are all interconnected triangles. That is the common thing that links them.

I think each piece is a part of the puzzle. Obelisk groups, the shape of items, the data items unlock, the data per obelisk group, the glyphs on relic and obelisks, shapes on relic towers, all are needed to solve this.

Why does casket and casket on group A (beta) give you a specific data? Is it because casket glyph, plus casket glpyh, plus A group glyph outputs that data stream and other combinations output Garbo?
...The A group on beta sites for example can be seen as two triangles made of 5 bits each set on top of each other.

The ram tah data says the layout of the obelisks is ceremonial. But the construction of them is unique. I say unique because they are all constructed by stacked or connected triangles. The solid structures on the rest of the site use big chunks of metal that are etched. Obelisks, relic towers, and the items are all interconnected triangles. That is the common thing that links them. ...

Procedural generation will be translated as triangled connections in observers eyes. Nice catch for the bolded text in Your quote.
For immersion sake lets call it ancient architects math knowledge.
Procedural generation will be translated as triangled connections in observers eyes. Nice catch for the bolded text in Your quote.
For immersion sake lets call it ancient architects math knowledge.

I'm not talking about procedural generation, the design of the groups and the objects we pick up seems intentional. where the groups end up might be random.

Here's an example:
Taking the following example of a group

Translating it into a corresponding glyph, actually 2 glyphs:

This is toying with the possibility groups of obelisks are glyphs or glyph combinations. Meaning guardian language is split into static glyphs (like what's on the relic) and dynamic glyphs (obelisk animation). Also if you take a good look at casket, urn, totem, and tablet there's similar patterns of triangles in hex patterns. Orb is there if you only look at the ribbed parts (makes a triforce).
So still no Rosetta stone?

Odd that a race that left their history for all to find left no primer....
Yet Ram Tah found the Guardian equivalent of... well. CMDR Dreamstate could tell you more about that.

Don't forget, we as a collective group, have taken almost a year now to start to decipher the pillars. Yet it took Ram Tah like a few minutes (or days?) to give us the contents of the Guardian internet.
Yet Ram Tah found the Guardian equivalent of... well. CMDR Dreamstate could tell you more about that.

Don't forget, we as a collective group, have taken almost a year now to start to decipher the pillars. Yet it took Ram Tah like a few minutes (or days?) to give us the contents of the Guardian internet.

For me that's the proof that old Ram already knew about the Guardians.

This just occurred to me - and I'm barely capable of adding and subtracting without a calculator so this might be gibberish - but it's always struck me as odd that the Ram Tah mission is for 101 bits of data spread across 5 subjects and there's 3 types of site- is that configuration of numbers somehow significant? I mean, there's no reason at all that Fdev couldn't have made that an even 100 bits of data, all it would have taken is leaving out one thing, or splitting one paragraph across a few others. 101? suspicious.
...snip... the glyphs on relic and obelisks, shapes on relic towers ...snip....

I'm sure someone else mentioned the shapes on the relic towers as well, so just thought I'd mention a few things.

I don't have a better image to use for reference so this one will have to do:

On them there are:

- Original shapes/patterns (non-triangular) some of which have had triangular patterns roughly hewn over the top of them
- The triangular patterns

Original Shapes

- They are more intricate than the triangular patterns, and in outline resemble lines drawn with a flat nibbed pen held at and angle to the stroke.
- This can be best seen in the top right panel in the image
- All panels in the first two rows have these
- Each panel has one out of a small set of patterns
- It's possible to work out which pattern is on each panel, including the panels that have had the triangular shapes hewn over them (I don't have this to hand, but have done it).

The Triangular Patterns

- As far as I've been able to discern, these are a very early form of the glyphs (various posts explaining this, but they're all quite old and will need a bit of finding), and what we have is oldest form = relic tower bases, intermediate form = relics, advanced form = obelisk displays.
- They appear to have been roughly hewn on to the original relic tower base panels, which puts their time of being done as later than the building of the relic towers (which also probably puts them as later than the relics and obelisks too).
- The roughness of their hewing could be due to weathering but looks more like they were done with basic tools.
- The best explanation I currently have for this is that these are something that was written manually on the relic tower in an early (and consequently easier to hack into stone) version of the language, either during of after the collapse of Guardian society.

As I say, there's various posts about this scattered throughout previous threads, but the reasons behind thinking all this are in L14-20 & B5 (for structural info pertinent to the nature of the sign language - 2 arms with two more joints than ours. 2 hands both with 4 digits).
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Excellent work guys, this is the type of fire I wanted to see working on these things.

On the last poster 101. I believe 101 might just be currently accessible data. I think the total number of actual data in ruins might be higher based on items and combinations.

We actually might have everything we need to hatch out a formula. Using variables with the known factors we could possibly hatch out a product for the known data...

Say history 1 is a product of orb and relic. Plus we know obelisk it specifically comes from and cluster. We assign specific variables for each one (well need to assign lower case, capita case and possibly even upside down case) the end product should give us the ID for history 1.

One way to narrow WHAT the formula looks like is by observing what combinations give the same data.

Also I think it might be safe to say that in combos that only use 1 item to activate, the blank spot might be the number 1 and not zero. As the mechanism would need a way to identify the item in the SRV as uniquely different from other solo items.
Yet Ram Tah found the Guardian equivalent of... well. CMDR Dreamstate could tell you more about that.

Don't forget, we as a collective group, have taken almost a year now to start to decipher the pillars. Yet it took Ram Tah like a few minutes (or days?) to give us the contents of the Guardian internet.

For me that's the proof that old Ram already knew about the Guardians.

Ram Tah had already received the masses and masses of raw data from the Obelisks that was handed in by everyone during the first Guardians CG. That was well before the issuing of his mission. It's even referred back to in the Language messages from the mission.

This just occurred to me - and I'm barely capable of adding and subtracting without a calculator so this might be gibberish - but it's always struck me as odd that the Ram Tah mission is for 101 bits of data spread across 5 subjects and there's 3 types of site- is that configuration of numbers somehow significant? I mean, there's no reason at all that Fdev couldn't have made that an even 100 bits of data, all it would have taken is leaving out one thing, or splitting one paragraph across a few others. 101? suspicious.

Can't see anything particularly suspicious about there being 101 pieces of data (or any other number for that matter). Meta-wise it could just be FD anticipating a "isn't it a bit suspicious for the number of pieces of data being a nice round human number..." line of reasoning if it was 100.
Ram Tah had already received the masses and masses of raw data from the Obelisks that was handed in by everyone during the first Guardians CG. That was well before the issuing of his mission. It's even referred back to in the Language messages from the mission.

I'm well aware.

Even with the Rosetta stone it still took over 20 years of work from many scholars before they were able to translate Egyptian Hieroglyphs. I think it's naive to suggest that after less than one month Ram Tah was not only able to translate an entire alien language - accurately - of an entirely alien culture dead for over a million years and not only that, decode an entirely alien computer coding system and build the appropriate software interfaces to view video and image files stored in a totally alien way on a totally alien network, using totally alien technology and designed for a biology that wasn't human - alone or at best with only a small team - with absolutely no basis for the comparison (no Rosetta Stone).
I'm well aware.

Even with the Rosetta stone it still took over 20 years of work from many scholars before they were able to translate Egyptian Hieroglyphs. I think it's naive to suggest that after less than one month Ram Tah was not only able to translate an entire alien language - accurately - of an entirely alien culture dead for over a million years and not only that, decode an entirely alien computer coding system and build the appropriate software interfaces to view video and image files stored in a totally alien way on a totally alien network, using totally alien technology and designed for a biology that wasn't human - alone or at best with only a small team - with absolutely no basis for the comparison (no Rosetta Stone).

These sites seem to function as a last call out for the guardians. Its the 'Monolith' communication network but programed to output the same data to maximize chance of it being found and discovered. Live on as long as we're remembered approach. So its set up to be understood. Also why the looping glyph may be there on every obelisk.

Beyond that it is kinda whimsical in how fast things are understood. The data Ram Tah retrieved was on the signal wavelengths (alpha, beta, etc) not the glyph data. Those signals are more like brain waves then radio communication we use so yeah its weird how fast it was understood. Cause its less word to word translation and more passing along the thought pattern. I guess Ram Tah was injecting his brain with the signals??

There may be a way to understand guardian glyphs, but right now we're working with configuration of triangles matching to concepts instead of words. What looks like a symbol could be one or more sentences and that's just hard to grasp. Supposedly the Guardian home world is out there, floating around a star that's dimmed (which is super vague). If there's coordinates to be found its going to be smallville directions "Go about 2 miles and turn right where the school used to be", maybe constellations. I dunno.
I was wondering something.

Yesterday I checked for the first time the Canonn 3d map for the guardian's ruins. I was surprised to see that there are bubbles spread all around the Galaxy, while we have not found more in the farther regions of the galactic plane (most likely due to the difficulty to reach those areas).

That rises me the question: Where do they come from? Being far more spread than humanity actually i, it may mean that they come from anywhere in the galaxy, even from somehwere nearby Beagle Point! There are also some regions still locked in the middle north plane of the Galaxy (can't actually remember the exact name). May this locked region have something to do with the Guardians? Is there where they come from? If so, is it possible that manybe we will find more Guardian's ruins nearby that region? Has any effort being made to try to triangulate possible origin regions using the known ruins?

On further inspection of "Orion" as seen in previous screenshot of mine:


There are 2 Orion nebulas - one in front of Barnard's Loop and one behind it - potential ground for more Guardian ruins?



I've been around much of the second Orion Nebula that runs along with The Running Man nebula, but I've not seen anything - doesn't mean something isn't there, though.

The video did show a white star...

Best guess is to search F-Class, A-Class, B-Class and O-Class stars near the Orion nebulas for any ruins.

I'll dump my Type-10 and have a wander tonight.

Important to note:

No ruins have ever been found near Barnard's Loop - so discoveries at the Orion nebulas would be a big deal.
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I'm at the VELA DARK REGION RC-V B2-5 triple-alpha sites but I'm getting tired of staring at them. I'll head towards the Orion nebulae tonight to bounce around there a bit. Good eyes seeing the 'Orion'. I don't want to influence anyone's reading of those blurs, but the top line looks like it's 'John Jameson' to me for some reason.

Also, any idea where this type of view would show up in-game?
I was wondering something.

Yesterday I checked for the first time the Canonn 3d map for the guardian's ruins. I was surprised to see that there are bubbles spread all around the Galaxy, while we have not found more in the farther regions of the galactic plane (most likely due to the difficulty to reach those areas).

That rises me the question: Where do they come from? Being far more spread than humanity actually i, it may mean that they come from anywhere in the galaxy, even from somehwere nearby Beagle Point! There are also some regions still locked in the middle north plane of the Galaxy (can't actually remember the exact name). May this locked region have something to do with the Guardians? Is there where they come from? If so, is it possible that manybe we will find more Guardian's ruins nearby that region? Has any effort being made to try to triangulate possible origin regions using the known ruins?


BLAA HYPAI OZ-O D6-16, there's only 4 logged sites out there but its in the middle of the groups. The history states guardians spread with 3 megaships, maybe they all went separate directions originating from that area? Though there's no known indication for finding their homeworld. I'd like to go out there but am torn between waiting for the Q1 update so i can explore all the pretty planets along the way.
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