Guardians Discussions

Food for your thoughts:
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The link below shows a gallery of Guardian Structure layouts for most of the sites that have been discovered. It'll help you navigate the sites and quickly find pylons and destructible panels. Keep in mind this is the first pass (hence the word Preliminary) and we will add more verified combinations in due time. Eventually we'll all have this set up nicely in the Canonn API and whatnot.

Update: Made a proper album.
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Does anyone have a trick to get the Guardian Sentinels to spawn or is re-logging the way to get 34 weapons parts?

SYNUEFE EU-Q C21-10 A3, relog


After solving the puzzle, 3 sentinels will come. if You kill them You can not repeat the puzzle without re-log.
They will respawn after some time. Point defence will cover 5 from 6 missiles if parked like on the picture. Park SRV like on the picture and collect epsilon data then drive counter-clock around to attract all 3 of them and park SRV near the ship. In front of sentinels - 4 pips to shields so SRV wont move when hit. Turret mode, when they charge missiles - kill them. Park SRV on marked position and re-log, scan for epsilon first. I had no items in SRV (beside relic) for scanning (done after the patch), I do not care for Ram Tah. ORB is cca 1,5 km from the site, (gravity on re-log bla bla).


Puzzle still gives only 1 "thingy". Ridiculous!

Bring at least 2 SRV just in case. I brought 3 to be on a safe side.
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SYNUEFE EU-Q C21-10 A3, relog

After solving the puzzle, 3 sentinels will come. if You kill them You can not repeat the puzzle.
They will respawn after some time. Point defence will cover 5 from 6 missiles if parked like on the picture. Park SRV like on the picture and collect epsilon data then drive around and park SRV near the ship. In front of sentinels - 4 pips to shields so SRV wont move when hit. Turret mode, when they charge missiles - kill them. Park SRV on marked position and re-log. I had no items beside relic for scanning (done after the patch). ORB is cca 1,5 km from the site, (gravity bla bla).


I don't have PD on my Asp, but the sentinels are rather easy to take out with the SRV.

I don't think I will bother with all the reloging. Don't really want the Plasma Charger anyway. :D

Nice map though!
I read the discovered messages on cannon site and one of them talks of other structures to discover far away from the ones we know. Does anyone have an idea of where that would be? Are those half way to colonia count as being far away?
In order to unlock the Guardian Weapons and the Power Plant we need, if i did the math right, 22 Weapon Blueprints and 4 Module Blueprints. Do we really need to repeat the puzzle a minimum of 26 times?
Maligno, apologies but I can't remember, in your audio analysis do you compare the Brain Trees to noises made by Barnacles at all?

I did a very basic "eyeball" comparison of the spectrograms. It wasn't a side-by-side study, but if you look at the following paper you'll see what I mean:

But more intruiging, in my view, is the audio analysis of Bark Mounds, which I believe have a closer resemblance to Brain Trees:

Bark Mounds also have certain acoustic features that look suspiciously like some Codons (Sparse Spaces) in Obelisk audio.

The thing that sets Brain Trees apart from Bark Mounds or Barnacles is the intensity of the high-frequency (i.e. > 10 kHz) acoustic features.

If you have questions about the methodology, you can start with the Brain Tree paper itself:

As far as I can tell, the acoustic features (and their repetition frequency) of all of these Organic formations does not map to anything meaningful. But, as always, I'll keep my peeled for any changes....
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In order to unlock the Guardian Weapons and the Power Plant we need, if i did the math right, 22 Weapon Blueprints and 4 Module Blueprints. Do we really need to repeat the puzzle a minimum of 26 times?

Welcome to hell, sinner!

And You cannot do it twice in a row. Re-log or mode-switch, and repeat all.
Once activated and scanned, any repetition of the whole process will result with no data <- bug.
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I don't have PD on my Asp, but the sentinels are rather easy to take out with the SRV.

I don't think I will bother with all the reloging. Don't really want the Plasma Charger anyway. :D

Nice map though!

For anyone else interested in the safe farming of Sentinel components, I recommend the following site:


You can follow ExoForce's defensive tips (Point Defense, pips to systems, etc). When you proceed to "1" on the map, one sentinel is guaranteed to spawn at the indicated location ("2"). After killing that one, you can proceed to "3", at which point 3 sentinels will spawn at random from 3 of the usual spawn locations. Since there's good cover in this particular site layout, you can take your time dispatching them one by one while your ship protects you from the missiles. This is a small site that does not have an Ancient Data Terminal.

I do not recommend trying to farm Sentinel parts at site type below. It's the type of site the looks like a "cross" from above. The issue with this type of site is that 4 sentinels spawn at the same time, and due to the lack of cover they can converge on your SRV right away and overwhelm you if you are not ready. The "cross" sites can be found in Col 173 Sector HU-D D13-2 A 1, HD 62755 10 B, COL 173 Sector JX-K B24-0 B 2, Vela Dark Region HB-X C1-28 E 2, and Vela Dark Region EL-Y D32 B 1.

Does each scan give 3 blueprints ? so 9 times ?

No, You will receive 1. I never got Module, so until I see a post-patch confirmation I would not be surprised if somebody got 100 weapon after 100 scanning but no module. There are at least 6 bugs there.
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Thanks for the answers Cmdrs Exoforce and Delmonte! I think i will ditch the Plasma Charger Turret and the Power Plant, making it only 12 blueprints needed = 12 puzzles.

FD Devs are evil Guardian AI Contructs confirmed! :D
Are the blueprint segments not spcific to the site? Of the 3 sites listed in galnet i was getting weapon segments from one and module segments from another.

The third site was not active. Obelisks only. This was before 3.0.2 though
Are the blueprint segments not spcific to the site? Of the 3 sites listed in galnet i was getting weapon segments from one and module segments from another.

The third site was not active. Obelisks only. This was before 3.0.2 though

I thought of that also. I checked SYNUEFE EU-Q C21-10 A 3 and Col 173 Sector QU-O d6-25 5 B.
Anyone got at least 1 module data from the puzzle (not from the obelisk)?
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Ive 2 module segments and ive only completed the sites in the galnet article. Got neither from an obelisk.

Synuefe was giving weapon and the other active site was giving module segments.

So that may have changed in the patch then.

I came back to the bubble to get the CRCR from tech broker and got sidetracked getting rep for a corvette but i can head back out there tonight and check.
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So from the Galnet listed sites im getting the following from puzzles,no obelisk scans:

Synuefe EU-Q C21-10 A3 Weapon blueprint segment

Col 173 Sector QU-0 D6-25 5B Site Inactive (Working Obelisks present)

HD 63154 B3A Module Blueprint Segment

In HD 63154 7 Sentinals spawn after you charge the pylons,id advice to be be at the place where you drop the relic when charging the last pylon
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So from the Galnet listed sites im getting the following from puzzles,no obelisk scans:

Synuefe EU-Q C21-10 A3 Weapon blueprint segment

Col 173 Sector QU-0 D6-25 5B Site Inactive (Working Obelisks present)

HD 63154 B3A Module Blueprint Segment

In HD 63154 7 Sentinals spawn after you charge the pylons,id advice to be be at the place where you drop the relic when charging the last pylon

Thanks CMDR, I am going there tomorrow. 7 sentinels?
AspX checklist- 2 x PD, 2 x turreted MCs, 1 x pack-hounds, 1 x mining lance, 3 SRVs, limpets
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In order to unlock the Guardian Weapons and the Power Plant we need, if i did the math right, 22 Weapon Blueprints and 4 Module Blueprints. Do we really need to repeat the puzzle a minimum of 26 times?

9 times as you get the 3 for 1, and from different sites, as I have not managed to get them to repeat even after activation, though I feel this might be a bug otherwise why supply each site with so many Relic towers
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