Guardians Discussions

Actually I think the timing of the mission being available, and the timing of the Guardian weapons being available from tech brokers is what was wrong. Galnet is actually keeping the correct pace if you think about it. The timing of everything else is what makes no sense :)

Not that I'm complaining though. Had a great time grinding for my new weapons on those first couple of days.

Yeah i think fdev it up, giving us the guardian weapons and pp before anything was decoded...

There was something mentioned, that some sites far away could give more data. Some1 found any? Or do we need to wait for fdev to klick a button?
There was something mentioned, that some sites far away could give more data. Some1 found any? Or do we need to wait for fdev to klick a button?
To the best of my knowledge, nobody has found Guardian structures around the distant Guardian ruins yet. I've recently posted a a thread asking the same thing, and was directed to ask in this thread instead. So, anyone else looking for the new structures elsewhere? Also, AFAIK the guardian vessel blueprint segments have so far only been gotten from the bugged obelisks, no?
To the best of my knowledge, nobody has found Guardian structures around the distant Guardian ruins yet. I've recently posted a a thread asking the same thing, and was directed to ask in this thread instead. So, anyone else looking for the new structures elsewhere? Also, AFAIK the guardian vessel blueprint segments have so far only been gotten from the bugged obelisks, no?

I guess most people returned to the bubble for 3.0 and are now engineering or unlocking new stuff. Probably not many looking out there.
As for the vessel blueprints, i think i got all i have from normal obelisk scans before it was patched. Did the first Ram Tah mission after patchday (well, the non-bugged part) and got a lot blueprints before i even knew this was not supposed to happen.
All scans at the new sites gave me only weapon blueprints so far.
Can we find all Guardian sites through contacts now or were only the already known ones and those from the new Ram Tah's mission tagged?

All sites.

It's only ones that have been discovered by cmdrs though. Systems with undiscovered sites don't show as Guardian.

I checked pretty much straight away after 3.0 dropped - the HD site from Ram Tah's announcement that hadn't already been discovered didn't show as Guardian whereas others did. It did start showing after some time though.

I've not been able to confirm whether a system starts showing as Guardian when a cmdr discovers a site, or whether the cmdr hands in the exploration data to UC. Quite possibly it shows on the discovering cmdrs Galmap straight away, but only shows for other cmdrs when the data has been passed to UC.
It's only ones that have been discovered by cmdrs though. Systems with undiscovered sites don't show as Guardian.

I checked pretty much straight away after 3.0 dropped - the HD site from Ram Tah's announcement that hadn't already been discovered didn't show as Guardian whereas others did. It did start showing after some time though.

I've not been able to confirm whether a system starts showing as Guardian when a cmdr discovers a site, or whether the cmdr hands in the exploration data to UC. Quite possibly it shows on the discovering cmdrs Galmap straight away, but only shows for other cmdrs when the data has been passed to UC.

HD 63154? Still shows as "None" civilisation for me. However...

I thought Space Voyager's question was whether all Guardian sites showed through contacts (i.e the tab on the left-hand HUD), which, yes, they all show when you get within 1,000Ls of them. That's what I was answering.

WRT Galaxy map, only consistent facts I know are:
- Only systems with Ancient Ruins show up as Guardian Civilisation systems (if they only contain a Guardian Structure like HD 63154, they won't show up)
- You don't need to have been to the system yourself before.

Whether they only show on the galaxy map after someone discovers them or not, I've no idea.
I'm on my way out to Eta Carina Nebula - taking me longer than wanted as I haven't had the time - current near the Statue of Liberty Nebula with about 60 jumps to go.
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I've heard reports that all remote areas apart from the NGC ones have been checked. Double check is always worthwhile as only GR systems were checked.
HD 63154? Still shows as "None" civilisation for me. However...

I thought Space Voyager's question was whether all Guardian sites showed through contacts (i.e the tab on the left-hand HUD), which, yes, they all show when you get within 1,000Ls of them. That's what I was answering.

WRT Galaxy map, only consistent facts I know are:
- Only systems with Ancient Ruins show up as Guardian Civilisation systems (if they only contain a Guardian Structure like HD 63154, they won't show up)
- You don't need to have been to the system yourself before.

Whether they only show on the galaxy map after someone discovers them or not, I've no idea.

Well this is weird! I've just checked, and yeah, it's as you say. However, I swear blind that HD 63154 was showing up as Guardian on mine. I'd been wondering about how it worked, so when pretty much as soon as the update had completed, I checked the three systems via the civilisations filter and the known one (the Col 173 one) was showing as Guardian and the other 2 weren't. I went straight to HD 63154 it after that, and when I next went to the Galmap, I'm sure it was showing as Guardian. I then plotted a route to another relatively nearby Guardian site (100ish ly away) using the filters - can't remember which one though, as I found a new site on the first jump.

Baton confirmed that for the ruins, sale to UC appeared to be what determined whether they appear in the filters part way through all that, here:

Naturally, when I need screenshots I haven't got any!

I wonder if this ties in with the reset that seems to have happened to the mission (lots of people have reported that the mission and data logs have disappeared from their transactions).


Yeah, on re-reading I reckon you're totally right about Space Voyager's question. Sorry about that! Coffee hadn't kicked in at that point! :)
Active ancient ruins

I'm on ps4 and was searching around the vala dark region looking for orbs and I happened across 2 ancient ruins on the planet that has the gaurdian site and also a 3rd ruin about 1000 is away on a planet with a slightly smaller planet obiting about 1000 km apart the first 2 appeared to be dead but the third ruins are active with gaurdian materials and obilisks to be scanned I know you guys prob already know but I just want to share what I found out vala dark region kr-w c1-24 and also found active gaurdian site in vela dark region dl-y d112 on planet 1a happened apon it on way to c124
I thought Space Voyager's question was whether all Guardian sites showed through contacts (i.e the tab on the left-hand HUD), which, yes, they all show when you get within 1,000Ls of them. That's what I was answering.

And this was my question. I wanted to know whether I'd be able to detect the sites or is planet surveying still the only option. So, thank you for your answer.

EDIT; Aren't all Guardian sites mostly in the same direction, meaning like beads on a straight line? Shouldn't we be looking further in that direction?
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And this was my question. I wanted to know whether I'd be able to detect the sites or is planet surveying still the only option. So, thank you for your answer.

EDIT; Aren't all Guardian sites mostly in the same direction, meaning like beads on a straight line? Shouldn't we be looking further in that direction?

I'd love you to point out the straight line - here's the map

And you only see guardian stuff in the usual 1000 ls (well, apart from that trick) - worth remembering
I just checked the Guardian systems around the Eta Carina nebula, can confirm there're no structures found in them. I'll stay here and look for new systems; if anyone else is in the area, feel free to send me a friend invite!
Think the next step will be the Data Ram Tah decrypts will be how to locate the sites mentioned in logs 23 and 26 which will be in the other bubbles of Guardian systems?
I'd love you to point out the straight line - here's the map

And you only see guardian stuff in the usual 1000 ls (well, apart from that trick) - worth remembering

Bloody hell, I didn't know there were this many! My tags only have a few systems and those are more or less in a line towards the new Ram Tah's mission sites. Obviously, there is no line and beads, so please excuse my ignorance.
Think the next step will be the Data Ram Tah decrypts will be how to locate the sites mentioned in logs 23 and 26 which will be in the other bubbles of Guardian systems?
That's why a few of us are looking at those bubbles. Care to join us?

Also, about log 26: I wonder if it's meant to imply that if more and more people complete the mission, Ram Tah is sooner or later going to give out more specific hints about where we should look.
My somewhat theory regarding guardian ruins/locations/etc possible routes or areas we could look along the lines in the image? Most cross paths with permit zones (although most would no mater direction)

Im currently out near a permit zone on the line towards meg cloud then will ship around towards north to another nebula that is on top line while on route to bleia5 (Possible location of dead/alive guardians in hiding.

Personally i think oresians are the guardians or adleast still fight for them and are actually trying to get back to their creators in retreat while making a war with humans on the way to redirect klaxians path to them. Please look at terrible paint image below lol.

May i add maybe klaxians now reside in bovomit for millions of rears after going rouge and horsehead is just a huge area of thargoid/guardian death.

Hey folks, just posting this for anyone who isn't aware.

The best way to find new Guardian areas is via Braintrees. They are much easier to find than ruins. See Baton's guide:

If you find a Braintree site there will be a ruin within 70-100 ly. Every body eligible for Braintrees which is in a 70 - 100 ly distance of a ruin will have Braintrees. Mapping out the extent of the Braintrees will enable you to get a rough idea of where the ruins will be.

The assumption at the moment is that this applies for all Guardian sites of any kind. That could be wrong of course, and it could specifically just be for ruins, but that would be pretty odd.
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