Hardware Subsection

I noticed a bunch of hardware-related posts got moved to the off-topic section, but I would argue that at least some of them are fairly on-topic, in that it has to do with how the hardware works with ED.

Might we have a separate subtopic for PS4 hardware as it relates to ED? If not, might the mods reconsider what threads go into off-topic? You have my thanks.

ps - welcome back, DustyArne! :D
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Nothing to do with hardware but I was wondering what the criteria were for moving some of the threads, for instance why was the European Alliance thread moved to off topic when the North American Alliance thread that it is basically a euro mirror of is still in the main forum?
Nothing to do with hardware but I was wondering what the criteria were for moving some of the threads, for instance why was the European Alliance thread moved to off topic when the North American Alliance thread that it is basically a euro mirror of is still in the main forum?

told you they bribed the mods with Snickers
i guess they are clamping down a bit harder now we are getting closer to sidewinder launch day, but i seriously don't understand why some post that rarely went off topic are now in the off topic sub-forum -example- the question about difference between american and european pre order bonuses by stormyuk wasn't off topic as much as say the NAA - no offence guys love your shady work for the feds ;)
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i guess they are clamping down a bit harder now we are getting closer to sidewinder launch day, but i seriously don't understand why some post that rarely went off topic are now in the off topic sub-forum -example- the question about difference between american and european pre order bonuses by stormyuk wasn't off topic as much as say the NAA - no offence guys love your shady work for the feds ;)

Well, the NAA post started with things like network latency, instancing, etc. That's a fairly ED-specific topic. If we were playing ESO, it wouldn't even be a question - I would be playing on the NA server, unless I wanted to impress you UK folk with my wood elf, then I would need to switch to UK server.
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