Haters gonna hate

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And it's hard to be an individual on a forum.

I think this thread is just all about Old Duck trying some gimmick shift. Since EBL is a thing of the past there's not a lot to post about so that's a bit of an identity crisis, and everyone is doing VR so that's not his own thing neither.

Going full on Taylor Swift meme poster is the guy's new carreer. I respekt that. At least he's not going totally Stigbob clone so there's still hope.
I don't think we need yet another box to try to categorise people into.

Repeat after me: "We are all individuals" ;)

White knights. Don't let them bully you Riverside. Its plainly obvious to anyone reading this place that those people are the most toxic and elite destructive group by a long way. How they can think they are doing anything positive by being insulting or belligerent to people who define the well doing of elite alongside them escapes me. Yeah real angels they are.

Though the above is just as bad i guess. "Likers gonna like".
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Frontier has stuck to their "roadmap" so far in that all of the little features that we were supposed to have by now are in the game.

Planetary landings, engineers, Guardians, Thargoids, SRVs, fighters, transports, Holo-Me, multicrew (sort of), megaships, the camera suite, and so on. However, there have also been shortfalls for Lifetime Pass holders, delays that have resulted in seasons being folded into one another, further delays to new promised features such as the carriers, and other things like this. The only reasonable conclusion I can come to is that Frontier has hit a lot of milestones and missed a few along the way. Some players are forgiving, because they are enjoying the game for what it is, and others are disgruntled (either because they're bored with the current offering or are simply predisposed to being disgruntled).

There hasn't been a lot of sweeping innovation. There have, however, been quite a few small innovations that were both promised and delivered. So the old "Frontier pulled a Todd Howard on us and lied about sixteen times the detail!" line doesn't fly, but neither does the notion that Frontier has been stellar when it comes to the pace of development. They have covered themselves well with statements like "Space Legs is effectively dovetailing a whole new game into Elite" and "It's a long way off", so you can't fault them for building people up about that, but players are nonetheless eager and expect the game to move in measurable strides toward such development goals.
White knights. Don't let them bully you Riverside. Its plainly obvious to anyone reading this place that those people are the most toxic and elite destructive group by a long way. How they can think they are doing anything positive by being insulting or belligerent to people who define the well doing of elite alongside them escapes me. Yeah real angels they are.

Though the above is just as bad i guess. "Likers gonna like".

Thank you. I wonder how much flak FDev have to deal with from people wound up by the kind of jerks we see in threads like these, making mountains out of molehills.

I think everyone's just fed up with going over the same few topics again & again while we wait for FDev to get their act together & clarify stuff through the jeering of these hecklers who ask 'why do you want to know?' to every question only FDev could hope to answer (or may have already answered that has been overlooked).

Dislikes on a youtube vid are a complete non-event that nobody controls, anyone can click either either or neither for any reason or none. It's reactionary tripe.
Frontier has stuck to their "roadmap" so far in that all of the little features that we were supposed to have by now are in the game.

Planetary landings, engineers, Guardians, Thargoids, SRVs, fighters, transports, Holo-Me, multicrew (sort of), megaships, the camera suite, and so on. However, there have also been shortfalls for Lifetime Pass holders, delays that have resulted in seasons being folded into one another, further delays to new promised features such as the carriers, and other things like this. The only reasonable conclusion I can come to is that Frontier has hit a lot of milestones and missed a few along the way. Some players are forgiving, because they are enjoying the game for what it is, and others are disgruntled (either because they're bored with the current offering or are simply predisposed to being disgruntled).

There hasn't been a lot of sweeping innovation. There have, however, been quite a few small innovations that were both promised and delivered. So the old "Frontier pulled a Todd Howard on us and lied about sixteen times the detail!" line doesn't fly, but neither does the notion that Frontier has been stellar when it comes to the pace of development. They have covered themselves well with statements like "Space Legs is effectively dovetailing a whole new game into Elite" and "It's a long way off", so you can't fault them for building people up about that, but players are nonetheless eager and expect the game to move in measurable strides toward such development goals.

I think you might be in the wrong thread, this one is about ~100 dislikes on a youtube video.
White knights. Don't let them bully you Riverside. Its plainly obvious to anyone reading this place that those people are the most toxic and elite destructive group by a long way. How they can think they are doing anything positive by being insulting or belligerent to people who define the well doing of elite alongside them escapes me. Yeah real angels they are.

Though the above is just as bad i guess. "Likers gonna like".

Forum translation service.

White Knight=

I think this thread is just all about Old Duck trying some gimmick shift.
I'm actually very surprised this thread is still going. I figured I'd get some agreement and some disagreement and it would just fade away, but I was hopeful the CMs (who are the ones at the receiving end of the preemptive dislike carpet bombing) would see it and take heart and realize that most of the broad-sweeping negativity wasn't targeting them as individuals. That's was my mindspace.

Now if you want to support my actual "gimmick shift", head on over to this thread, as this is what I'm most proud of:

Not that I did anything spectacular (I'm standing on the shoulders of giants), but the end result has helped me fall in love with the game again, and if I want anything to be my "legacy", this* is it :D

* and Elephant Butt Leather, of course!
Thank you. I wonder how much flak FDev have to deal with from people wound up by the kind of jerks we see in threads like these, making mountains out of molehills.

They probably have to deal with flak from the wound up types having tantrums all the time, I'm sure they take it no more seriously than anyone else does.

I think everyone's just fed up with going over the same few topics again & again while we wait for FDev to get their act together & clarify stuff through the jeering of these hecklers who ask 'why do you want to know?' to every question only FDev could hope to answer (or may have already answered that has been overlooked).

FDEV have been very clear on the plan, you not liking it doesn't equate to it being unclear.

Dislikes on a youtube vid are a complete non-event that nobody controls, anyone can click either either or neither for any reason or none. It's reactionary tripe.

Pre-emptive dislikes on an as yet unwatched stream (which is what this thread is about) however are absolutely pathetic in the extreme and deserve nothing but mockery.
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