Haters gonna hate

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Sad thing is, in this post era of social network hype, there's no such thing as bad publicity, and a dislike is still an indicator of engagement. People should just stop watching those two hours soul sucking non event.
Sad thing is, in this post era of social network hype, there's no such thing as bad publicity, and a dislike is still an indicator of engagement. People should just stop watching those two hours soul sucking non event.

Put the optional back into entertainment ?.

If they did that nobody would know how very upset they are about the video game.
That’s just it, though. On XB1 I didn’t see any of the stuff you mentioned. I didn’t really run into the ED definition of a bug (disconnects, gameplay mechanics not actually working, having to reset instances, having random sfx loop continuously until a full exit, etc.) until I, like you, started modding on my PC copy. That falls under the “user’s fault” category, though. Mod at your own risk, as they say.
I posted a list with a few hundred game breaking bugs on XB1 a few posts over yours.
Obviously all those early dislikes aren't about the current stream itself, but the general mood of the voters. It took a lot of time for FD to get rid of a lot of a part of the community's good will, it will also take some time to get it back up to where it once was.

This was a good stream imho, with a clear goal. The "Let's small talk" streams with some jump animations in the background on the other hand are a bad idea in my opinion. All they do is paint a target at the back of the CMs and give people an opportunity to vent some anger.

And to play devil's advocate, I'm sure there are also people who "Like" the streams within the first minute. But I think I know which ones are currently the majority.
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Then downvote the PRODUCT YOU PAID FOR on Steam or wherever. Going around and disliking everything related to Frontier is borderline stalking and creepy. You going to go to Paige's house and spray paint a red circle with a line through it on her door?
If you provide the address and transportation, i do happen to have a lot of spray paint....

Im joking of course. Tbh i sometimes enjoy their vids. Although i think they should do prerecorded and edited vids so they dont come off soooo amateury looking when they keep pausing to think of what to say while muttering 'uhhhhh' and ' ummmmm'. I did some work as a telemarketer a while back in '08 and we learned how to not do that by actually knowing what you're going to say. that is a huge no no for the host of a show.

Could you imagine watching the news..

Earlier today there was a burglary at uhhhh.. hmm.. oh yea, in the Village Green area at ummmmm Brandon's Pharmacy. Reports state uhhhhhhhh....

You get my drift. Its like they are not at all prepared to do a broadcast and didnt practice what they were going to say at all.
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Obviously all those early dislikes aren't about the current stream itself, but the general mood. It took a lot of time for FD to get rid of a lot of the community's good will, it will also take some time to get it back up to where it once was.

This was a good stream imho, with a clear goal. The "Let's small talk" streams with some jump animations in the background on the other hand are a bad idea in my opinion. All they do is paint a target at the back of the CMs and give people an opportunity to vent some anger.

And to play devil's advocate, I'm sure there are also people who "Like" the streams within the first minute. But I think I know which ones are currently the majority.

Drop the "we" "general" and "the community" stuff. Downvoting prior to the stream even starting is just the edge cases having a bit of a public meltdown because they think that helps them get their own way or something.

You tube downvotes are the only way the truly furious people with blanket bans across all social media can still interact with FDEV. I'm surprised the number isn't higher.
Drop the "we" "general" and "the community" stuff. Downvoting prior to the stream even starting is just the edge cases having a bit of a public meltdown because they think that helps them get their own way or something.

You tube downvotes are the only way the truly furious people with blanket bans across all social media can still interact with FDEV. I'm surprised the number isn't higher.

But as someone mentioned earlier, immediate upvotes are no better. I think this is an over-reaction.
But as someone mentioned earlier, immediate upvotes are no better. I think this is an over-reaction.

Someone routinely clicking like for a stream they enjoy sounds perfectly normal to me. No real comparison to some nutter logging in just to add their downvote after FDEV decided they were not worthy.

I asked OA what he does with the crazies in his comments and he bans them so they can't comment, they can't be stopped from adding up or downvotes though.
Someone routinely clicking like for a stream they enjoy sounds perfectly normal to me. No real comparison to some nutter logging in just to add their downvote after FDEV decided they were not worthy.

I asked OA what he does with the crazies in his comments and he bans them so they can't comment, they can't be stopped from adding up or downvotes though.

I think the difference is you describing one set as nutters, you are just over-reacting to a non-event. The numbers are tiny and not indicative of anything. What about all the people that didn't watch it live and/or didn't react either way? Maybe people miss Ed? Maybe they didn't like having to wait for the stream to start?

It could be anything.
Drop the "we" "general" and "the community" stuff. Downvoting prior to the stream even starting is just the edge cases having a bit of a public meltdown because they think that helps them get their own way or something.

You tube downvotes are the only way the truly furious people with blanket bans across all social media can still interact with FDEV. I'm surprised the number isn't higher.

I didn't even say "we" once, but I changed the one time I used the word "community" to "part of the community". I think I'll have to consult my lawyer before posting here. :D

But I don't think it's only edge cases who are a bit disappointed with the progress Elite has made over the last couple of years. Please note I said "I don't think" and I in no way claim this to be a fact.
I think the difference is you describing one set as nutters, you are just over-reacting to a non-event. The numbers are tiny and not indicative of anything. What about all the people that didn't watch it live and/or didn't react either way? Maybe people miss Ed? Maybe they didn't like having to wait for the stream to start?

It could be anything.

The nutters are not shy about telling us all at great length and repeatedly why they are so furious the game turned out how FDEV said it would instead of being their imaginary version instead. So there's no real mystery to it at all.

I didn't even say "we" once, but I changed the one time I used the word "community" to "part of the community". I think I'll have to consult my lawyer before posting here. :D

But I don't think it's only edge cases who are a bit disappointed with the progress Elite has made over the last couple of years. Please note I said "I don't think" and I in no way claim this to be a fact.

Being disappointed by a video game isn't a big thing, its how the people who fail at pre-purchase research always feel. The hanging about banging on about it for years afterwards is where it definitely becomes an edge case thing.

I was a bit disappointed FO4 was as buggy as all Bethethda's other stuff, I still enjoy it though and frankly expected it to be that way.

That wont make me auto-downvote anything they ever do, I recommend their games as great fun (with a bug warning).
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