Ships Haven't played for a year, have the devs fixed the Corvette ?.

Last year i (and many others who replied to my thread) was very disappointed with the state of the Corvette compared
with it's information, and compared with other ships . The Corvette is described as the heaviest military vessel from the federation
and is used to patroll the outer borders .
Ye it has a jumprange that isn't worth talking about. And strangely enough it has SMALL hardpoints, considering it's the heaviest military ship
from the Federation, and compared to ships like the Anaconda, it doesn't really output that much more damage..while the Anaconda does everything
else a lot better.. corrently setup 80Ly jumprange.

So i'm wondering. Has the corvette been changed to perform according to it's information or does it still have superlow jumprange and
little to no advantage in firepower !?.

I own both the Anaconda and the Corvette. There is no comparison when it comes to combat. A properly engineered Corvette is a beast. With shield boosters and thermal vented lasers you can wrap a rubber band around the trigger and walk away. I never run out of weapon power and the shield rarely get dented. With a Guardian FSD you can get the jump range up to give the Corvette plenty of legs.
Try go after some Thargoid Interceptors... it can be done for sure. But a bit more speed and the original hard points design would make more sense once the Corvette is supposed to be the ultimate fighting machine

Interesting. But I mentally tuned out the alien stuff when I read somewhere that I needed special weps in order to affect them at all. I did unlock the fsd booster as I saw the benefit of owning it. To me, aliens look like just another grind/distraction and I couldn't come up with a good reason to do it. ;)
You can do a Cyclops with the "normal" AX weapons... Basilisks and above, you'll need guardian gauss cannons... all 4 of them and a speedy ship
You've unlocked the Guardian FSD Booster? My Corvette jumps 30ly or thereabouts. And as I've based myself right in the middle of the Bubble, I can get anywhere in the Bubble in a few jumps (I rarely need to take a warship further afield, but I have other options for that, and Carriers are coming).
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