Haven't played in awhile, do you get engineering materials for fighting in planetary conflict zones?

I got burnt out and bored of fighting in planetary conflict zones and stopped playing. The last thing I suggested was that you get engineering materials for fighting in planetary conflict zones and if that were to happen, I'd feel a little more incentive to log in again and get back to the grind. I'm just curious if there's been any statements from FDev on this matter or if it's still the same.
All AX missions now have very good materials that you can trade down. I am almost maxed out on all materials from being on the AX frontlines.
I have looted ground CZ settlements on occasion just to check that it is possible. Stuff is lying around, and lockers can be opened etc. No power though. ot worth the time and effort imo.

I have seen mats hanging around a settlement following a CZ. With the amounts that appear though, it's best viewed as an unexpected bonus rather than a viable method for finding them.
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