It looks like a sharp build. It will work. However. If you are going for the top end price. Means more travel times. More times getting interdicted more often. And with a full load yes you are looking at a easy 350mil. Maybe even more if you get lucky.
With that said. 70+ cargo is great. 140mil for getting ed at my own mistakes and failed motherloads. Is still rewarding. It paid for my aspx. Which as you know is cheap. My T9 for when i do long huals with friends. And my phantom for when i go to explore the stars.
Well, since I am mining in an NPC free system about 165 ly from New Yembo, which INARA consistently shows as either #1 or #2 for selling price for LTD's, Alexaderite, and Granderite, my travel time is not that bad.
I have not been successfully interdicted in so long I have forgotten the last time it happened. I have a tried and true techniques that prevent it. As soon as the message threat comes up in the comm screen, set the slowest speed I can without actually stopping.
That forces the punk to get very close to me to interdict me so the "tether" is shorter.
It makes the area of the cone he can work in to try to drag me off the vector as small as possible.
According to Newton --- A
more massive
object has
more inertia than a less massive
moving objects have more inertia than slow-
moving objects. An
object would not
have any
inertia in a gravity-free environment (if there is such a place).
Inertia is the tendency of all
objects to resist motion and ultimately stop. So, reducing speed should also reduce the inertia the interdicting ship has available to use to try and drag me around.
If the message comes in while I am scooping or just as I exit hyperspace, I slow to just moving and point my astern to the star. Invariably the punk will crash into the star trying to get behind me. No interdiction actually initiated.