Community Event / Creation Help make a galaxy wide memorial to all we carry with us.

As DW2 draws to a close, it has become evident to me that there are a lot on this trip carrying the memory of loved ones. Many times I’ve heard the same statement “my friend/family member would have loved this game” or “they did love this game” and are in this game themselves partly in their memory.

I would like to propose a galaxy wide event in memory of those we carry with us. Give your ideas, something everyone everywhere can do, something truely galaxy spanning.

DW2 is fully over June 13th, so I propose that this event be sometime after that. So that’s a month and a half minimum to plan. But let’s do this right, and make this something truely meaningful.

There are those that will think this is silly. That this is a dumb idea. And to people like you, it is. I ask you to please respect our attempts to honor and remember our friends, family, and those even closer to us. And if you think it’s silly, or dumb, help us make this event even better. Help us make this something that will continue, that will grow, perhaps even beyond elite.
CMDR Vger StarseedToday at 01:10

Post to paige : CMDR Vger Starseed26/04/2019
Hi paige just a quick message. do you know if it would be possible to get a star named after my deceased son, if so who would i have to contact with regards Vger.
Ps. contact through discord(edited)

Reply from paige : PaigeHarveyFDEV26/04/2019
Hey Vger,

I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your son. I hope he's found peace, and that you and your family are able to heal together.

Unfortunately though we'd love to help, at this time we're unable to add new memorials into Elite Dangerous, as the structure of our team has changed internally and we aren't currently able to dedicate the time and care that each memorial deserves. We wouldn't want to let anyone down, when these memorials mean so much.

We hope you understand, and please do let us know if we can assist with anything in the future.


I fully agree with this request as there are many in this game who have played with friends and loved ones. It would be nice if they could be remembered in some small way. Maybe even to make the TIONISLA SHIP GRAVEYARD. a reality in game.

To all of you who have lost somebody close My condolences and best wishes. 07
I can understand the FDev point of giving each request the proper care ....

How about an annual “Memorial Run”: I know many motorcycle clubs - for example - will do an annual drive on some particular weekend - to honor friends or family that have passed...Maybe something symbolic like that?

Find a beautiful POI or two - not too far from the Bubble - but far enough to make everyone think of who they are making it in remembrance of...Perhaps something in the 8-12 KLy range...


Just as an update to my comment above Today has been difficult as it would be the 3rd anniversary of our sons life support being turned off. And I for one would like to see something in game to remember him by. 07
The idea of an annual memorial run is a great idea.

Others also have given an idea of supporting a pacifist day, where no attacks are carried out on other players... and even against NPCs.

Tho I do understand some BGS mechanics make those attacks necessary so extending it absolutely to include NPCs may not work. But keep those thoughts coming, and we’ll try to make something worthy of our friends and families memory’s.
I, too, would support this. Just a month ago, we lost a deeply loved family dog and FDev responded to me in a similar way to above. I tended to play in the evenings and Tinto, a Husky, would come and find me and make an odd chirping sound if I were not playing at the normal time as a reminder for us both to go to the 'cockpit' and spend the evening together in the elitian universe
That is amazing. I’ll keep working on this, as it will relieve the Fdev from all the requests for various monuments, but still allow people to honor their loved ones. Including beloved pets, since they are family members.
Now that I think about it, a special day of no PvP would be good, but maybe also have a special system that opens once per year for a week, that people can have a “pilgrimage” to it. Maybe near the core? Would make use of the new XA station more and give another purpose to it.
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