Hey FDev: Can Commanders run for Federal Congress?

Hey FDev!
With the federation presidential elections in the near-ish future a question crossed my mind. What if a player could run for president? Turns out people have already been talking about this one, and its a pretty big ask. So I figured I'd aim a bit lower and ask if players could be candidates for the Congress? Would be pretty cool in my mind if Federal aligned commanders like myself could run to represent some systems. What are your guy's thoughts on that?
Hey Commanders! What do you think about players getting to run? Let the world know down below!

-CMDR Jvahle3
For The Federation!
Fdev doesn't want players to own star systems nor become Powerplay characters. So running for FC won't ever happen unless they change course with the game design. I would like player owned star systems (territory control) though.
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We may be demi-gods to the typical Federation wage slave, but even then we're just cogs in the machine.

Personally I think there's enough games out there where you're the hero of the story and it's up to you to save the day. I like having a game where you have the freedom of nothing you do as an individual really mattering.
One of the KS rewards was something along the lines of being involved in the DDF - Design Decision Forum - and somewhere (my memory is hazy now) something along the lines of DDF members having God-like powers to be able to intervene in the progress/story of the game.

They pretty quickly pushed a forceful knee right into the danglies of that one, so no, a player running as president?

More likely to get ship interiors, base building and earth-likes before that one happens!
Hey FDev!
With the federation presidential elections in the near-ish future a question crossed my mind. What if a player could run for president? Turns out people have already been talking about this one, and its a pretty big ask. So I figured I'd aim a bit lower and ask if players could be candidates for the Congress? Would be pretty cool in my mind if Federal aligned commanders like myself could run to represent some systems. What are your guy's thoughts on that?
Hey Commanders! What do you think about players getting to run? Let the world know down below!

-CMDR Jvahle3
For The Federation!
No thanks

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