Hippos need to be more territorial

In Real Life Hippos attack pretty much every Animal that comes to close. Even Gazelles. But in the Game they are way too peaceful. I didn't test it with many Species but it seems like they do only attack Rhinos. I would really like it if it would get changed to be more realistic
That's interesting. I haven't mixed hippos with anything else, but you're right it would be more realistic that way. I don't know how difficult this would be (probably a good bit) but a code could be written for territorial aggression - beyond the fear and predation that currently exists. Maybe even have that factored into the level of difficulty, though that would take even more coding to do. It would be nice to see that level of realism.
And while this change is being made, their space requirement could be reduced a little bit too. 🙏
Earlier I would've said that the Requirements are fine but that's only if you keep 2-3 Hippos like most Zoos do, but if you want to keep a relatively big Herd there's so much Water needed. I think I'll add a secret Backstage Pool for my Hippos 😆
Yes. I've wondered about the vast space requirement for hippos and polar bears in particular in the game. Seems much larger than any habitat I have seen for either species at zoos.
It has been a thing since the arctic pack, a big discussion in this thread:

Then, the requirments for polar bears were halved, but...it has been continously mentioned by people all around the forum that it is still too much, but I doubt anything will change regarding this unfortunately.
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