Honoring the Epic Ships of Elite – Followup & Continuation

Honestly I expected this thread to fill up with entertaining tales of PvP ships like Morbad's Corvette :)

I returned to the bubble in the Wayward Wanderer a few days ago and have been doing loads of the new mission templates that have come in while I was out. My ship finally met it's match trying to take out a clean terrorist leader (Deadly Cutter) in a wing of 6, plus a few cops (too busy to count), I had the Cutter down to 8% hull and zero Powerplant, could have high waked but chose to try to kill the Cutter and low wake, didn't quite make it but had huge fun trying :D

I took that hull & loadout to Beagle Point, to Colonia and plenty more, it paid for itself in exploration data alone :) It's replacement hull's paint is still shiny and I've upgraded it into a more combat focused loadout for massacre missions, and if my faction needs an NPC leader to go away it's still my go-to ship.
Honestly I expected this thread to fill up with entertaining tales of PvP ships like Morbad's Corvette :)

I returned to the bubble in the Wayward Wanderer a few days ago and have been doing loads of the new mission templates that have come in while I was out. My ship finally met it's match trying to take out a clean terrorist leader (Deadly Cutter) in a wing of 6, plus a few cops (too busy to count), I had the Cutter down to 8% hull and zero Powerplant, could have high waked but chose to try to kill the Cutter and low wake, didn't quite make it but had huge fun trying :D

I took that hull & loadout to Beagle Point, to Colonia and plenty more, it paid for itself in exploration data alone :) It's replacement hull's paint is still shiny and I've upgraded it into a more combat focused loadout for massacre missions, and if my faction needs an NPC leader to go away it's still my go-to ship.

Sorry for the ship loss, but an interesting account of events none the less.

I've been continuously updating my entry based on things The Ronin encountered or participated in, such as the recent Stephen Hawking Memorial Event. I encourage others to as well, if they feel motivated to do so.

Sorry for the ship loss, but an interesting account of events none the less.

I've been continuously updating my entry based on things The Ronin encountered or participated in, such as the recent Stephen Hawking Memorial Event. I encourage others to as well, if they feel motivated to do so.


Good idea, I've updated my first post with the new info. I barely noticed the 31mCr rebuy (I'm not rich, just don't care) but I'd rather lose it this way than faceplanting into some barren rock 60,000Ly away ;)
Good idea, I've updated my first post with the new info. I barely noticed the 31mCr rebuy (I'm not rich, just don't care) but I'd rather lose it this way than faceplanting into some barren rock 60,000Ly away ;)

Ha ha. Don't jinks it! I plan on taking a stripped down version of my ship on DW2. :D

Won't update the entry with the build info for the long range variant until I have it in the game. Still lazily gathering materials to upgrade all of my ship's FSDs to the new maximum potential.
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Name: Heris Serrano
Reg Nr: VFS-06
Model: Type-7 Transporter
Pilot: CMDR Brynhild Hervorsdottir
Loadout: On File, On File

It's forward-deployed to the Pleiades to help with station rescues and rebuilding. I'm not going to quote how many refugees and tons of repair supplies it's hauled, because other people have hauled more, suffice to say it's thousands of each. Reason it's special is because it had a run-in with a Thargoid Interceptor and managed to get away with less than 70% hull left, limping in to The Oracle to drop off its 256 ton load of superconductors.


Betrayer of the Federation. All money earned while grinding 20 missions at a time to become Admiral has afterwards been donated to the holy Empire.
Annihilator of 2000 Elite pirates. Spreading chaos in high security systems, bringing "peace" to compromised anarchy beacons. Two huge, continuously firing green beam lasers make burning the enemy to ashes a colorful delight.
Protector of civilian tourists. Enjoy a peaceful day without pesky terrorist attacks while a heavily armed green Corvette is guarding your golf course.

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For your Consideration (excuse the RP nerdiness and all the links)

The Kererū
A Faulcon DeLacy Sidewinder Mk.I
Cmdr Blain Crighton

Named for a wood Pigeon found some small islands on old earth.

Imagined Livery inspired by the Kererū

Acquired by Cmdr Blain Crighton as military Surplus from the Second Eranin Civil war of 3300 in basic configuration

Since modified and engineered, making full use of the modularity of the ship, can be outfitted for exploration, cargo, salvage, combat, passenger roles or General Mission Config as described below

AIE018 "Kererū"
Sidewinder Mk.I
Custom modified Ship

Pulse-Beamer Inc. Class 1E Beam Laser with Concordant Sequence modulation
Sulfuric acid treated Zirconium Focus Crystals and modified firmware for modulation

Kinematics Armaments Class 1D Rail Gun with Feedback Cascade
Radiolic meta-material light weight manganese alloys and Conductive Ceramics fitted with micro shield emitters that use Open Symmetric Keys to determine the targets shield cell bank operations via the ships sensors.

Class D Light Weight Frame Shift Wake scanner and Manifest scanners assembled out of the light weight Manganese alloys and Conductive Ceramics for minimum mass whilst rating scan range of the Commercial modules

Devin Armour Specialist grade 1A Lightweight Military composite hull assembled from high density titanium composite frame, Military grade tin-iron-germanium Alloy panelling , conductive ceramics and hull components for energy better dispersion, the 26.8 tonne spaceframe offers twice the protection of the standard 25 tonne light weight alloy space frame .

Class D1 Hull Reinforcement package adding 1.8 tonnes worth of Propriety Core Dynamics Composites (Details are commercial sensitive and the reminded of the details redacted after contact by a CD's Legal division)

DeLacy Spin Ionic MV (Daftworks Inc. Performance Enhanced edition)
Tuned for lower thermal emissions and further performance by means of a modified Specialised Legacy consumer Firmware , & Conductive Components to enhance thermal dispersion and hybrid Capacitors to enhanced fuel and thrust balancing across the drives to improve mass curve efficiency

Auger Visions Rating 1A Ships sensors
With semi-organic Electrochemical Arrays & iron-germanium-niobium Hybrid Capacitors to enhance range

Armoured Sirius Corp Hydrogen Fusion Power Plant
With High Density Composites Carbon Composites and Vanadium-Tungsten alloy Compound Shielding with additional heaty vanes, allowing the power plant to have a higher output whilst at the same time having a lower heat signature from waste heat

Fabricated out of Heat Resistant Ceramics Proto Light Alloys, the Sirius Corp Power Distributor with Chemical & Exquisite Focus Crystals Hybrid Capacitors, and "modified" industrial firmware offer enhanced charge rates to ships systems, weapons and main drive.

Kraken Shield Specialists Class 2A enhanced low power shield generator, sporting light weight Military grade Niobium-Germanium Thermic alloys, and utilizing "flawed" focus crystals to randomise the shield cycle.

Manolife Life support system fabricated from Conductive Ceramics & manganese Alloy for minimised mass without loss of function, and supplemented with Hazardous Filtration Modules corporation filters to keep the air and water fresh and pleasant.

A Customized "Cmdrs' Quarters" with Silastoplaston bunks fitted with the Star Dreamer Time Control unit & Holovid dream inducer for long journeys, and Ships mess with set up for long range missions with a Chef unit, integrated Rajukru Multi-Stove, extensive Owndirt Inc. recycling facilities & Tiolce Waste2Paste Unit

A Long Embedded Systems Micro Auto-Fabricator used for Insitu synthesis of consumables

Vespine Transport Systems Standard 4 ton cargo rack, and Universal Cargo Hatch.

LURP Ships System Class 1A Fuel scoop

Small arms locker with a Thordarson Frontier Revolver and a Dead-eye Defence Systems Lever Action Dangerous Game Rifle

Whilst initially just a "Gopher" ship (go for this and that fetch and carry) for the Zeta Fornacis Empire Assembly, the then faction in Primacy in Cmdr Crighton's home system of Zeta Fornacis, in November of 3300 the Kererū carried out an expedition to the Pleiadies, and though she was disabled, she was recovered and refitted for further adventures.

With the Urupation of Zeta Fornacis, Cmdr Crighton and the Kererū took to the Flag of Argon Armrend and the Angeil Imperial Enterprises for all manner of missions

But the exploration bug would bite again & later expeditions would take the Kererū to NGC 4463 SECTOR RY-R E4-5




Traversing Witch Space as far out as EOK GREE LD-H D11-1815 B2






Stopping in at Jaques and Colonia as well as Sagittarius A* and the Great Annihilator


But not Just Exploration

The Kererū as part of a wing that obtained an Unknown Artefact from a Federal Convoy in July of 3301 and delivered it to Leonard Nimoy Memorial Station before the toxic effects were know, only that that was the destination of Cmdr Palin.

When conflict came to the Pleiades between the Empire and the Federation over the Meta Alloys the skills learnt 'obtaining' UAs from Federal covoys came to play again with liberating Meta Alloys of Federal Naval Corvettes

The Kererū was one of the ships following the Imperial mandate to bring the terrorist and traitor Kahina Tijani Loren and her cohorts to justice, barely being able to keep pace with the Jumps of the Seven Veils by extensive use to FSD injections but never got sight of the traitors ships.

The Kererū has also carried out the investigation of the


& Thargoid Surface sites



And with the arrival and incursions of the Thargoids the Kererū has been active in both research and combat operations against Marauders

There is hope AX weapons that a Sidewinder can fit is on Aegis' planning board

Attempts to Piggy Back the Kererū on a Type 7 have yet to succeed.

In late 3304 when the Thargoid forces attacked Imperial Space, Cmdr Crighton and the Kererū deployed to Kamadhenu, this time with Meta Alloy armour, & two Short range Rail Guns that could make short work of the Thargoid scouts, though Interceptors still prove impervious to the small crafts weapons




During this time Ram tah had developed size 1 Guardian Weapons that the Kererū was capable of fitting to her hard points, and whilst Cmdr Crighton has obtained the licences to a multitude of reverse engineering guardian modules and technology, he was still reluctant to install any on the Sidewinder.
Too much time reading of the Guardian GAI Constructions in the Monolith network archives to truly trust that such modules or weapons would not one day be a back door into the ships systems.

Cmdr Crighton eagerly signed up to the Canons mission to jump into the Cone Nebula in the Gnosis having taken part in the early investigations of the UA and the construction of the Gnosis herself.


The Kererū joined the Gnosis a few days before launch, primarily fitted for planetary research, a cargo pod with the rails guns was shipped to the Gnosis

During the Attack that followed by the Thargoids, the Kererū launched and engaged many waves of scouts, in the hope to help allow non combatants to escape, but she was again no use against the interceptors, as whilst a pair of Guardian Gauss Cannons have been made for her, they are still to this day in the original crate, sealed.
Once the fighting abated, the Kererū spend the next few weeks charting the nearby systems and investigating the Thargoid barnacles forests and dormant site before returning to the Bubble

The remainder of the 3304 was spent in conflict with the Co-Prosperity Cooperative, who was undermining imperial control in the systems Allied to the Angeli Imperial Enterprises, though this conflict is never bound by time or space.

When Distant Worlds 2 departed in 3305 the Kererū was in the 13000 ships to begin the journey and in June of 3305 she arrived at Beagle point


{editors note: I am still putting together a video of the images taken for this)

She is at present still in the Abyss making her way to Colonua
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[IDA] Pleiades Rising , Anaconda, CMDR Bigmaec

I'll nominate "[IDA] Pleiades Rising" https://s.orbis.zone/1wsj


My trusty long-range hauling Anaconda, formerly known as "Save The Oracle!", which hauled way over 100k tons to The Oracle and the other damaged starports in the Pleiades Nebula.
I bought her quickly after realizing that the dreaded Energy Grid Assembly for The Oracle (and later the even more dreaded CMM Composite) are not the type of commodities to haul with a short range hauler.
Although she didn't pay off herself due to the relative low rewards of the Operation IDA commodities, she well paid off in terms of LY-"mileage" and time saved,
making the Kessel EGA Lan Disk run in 5 jumps to Lan Disk and 9 back to The Oracle (numbers to be reviewed as soon as I have access to the game).

After finishing The Oracle, I gave her the current golden paint job and renamed her "Pleiades Rising [IDA]".

"Pleiades Rising" never lost her shields under attack, and did many many long range runs to Arnason Works in Ngobe or Grimwood Hub in Lan Disk.
Although stationed in the Pleiades Nebula, she was never hyperdicted by Thargoids and is considered a "lucky ship".

After I retired as a coordinator for Operation IDA, "Pleiades Rising" was refitted as a long range Explorer and will be the first ship in my fleet to be equipped with an experimental class 5 Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster.
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Alright, I like this. :)

This is my entry:

The IEV Starhopper, CH-SST (edit: Diamondback Explorer, Chris Simon behind the wheel)
She's been mine for years. Entered service in 3301, just after landing on alien planets was allowed. Has been twice around the galaxy, discovering close to 8000 star systems, never failing to deliver me home. We went old school. No engineering, not even an AFMU as one can't afford such luxury in a ship this small. Still runs strong without ever needing more than a paintjob touch-up. Love that thing to bits.





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Just a reminder for those submitting ship entries that they wish to be included in the roster to please specifically list your...

...ship name, ship ID (optional), ship type (model), and in-game Commander name.

Feel free to edit your submissions to include this info.

Thanks for the submissions. :)
My entry:

Idris, Canonn - Imperial Cutter - CMDR Darwin

It is easy to choose just one ship - historically any ship I am actually flying was called ‘Beagle One’, the favorites being the Cobra and the Imperial Cutter. Always intending to write the next parts of ‘The Voyage of the Beagle’...


However, the festive season of 3303 changed everything.

In the galactic 'Special Effect' charity auction (a very good cause!) as part of the 'Festive Fun and Charity Livestreams' events, there was an opportunity for something rather rare - all while helping raise funds for 'Special Effect', a charity based in the Sol system

"a custom, one of a kind, special unique paint job. You will be able to work with our paint job designer to create something custom and unique for you."

After sterling work by Tjaart Kruger and the team, ‘The Return’ delivered with it something I was looking forward to more than sightings of Thargoids...

The initial concept was 'St. George & the Dragon'. Can you actually turn an Imperial Cutter into a dragon?



Whether just pootling around the galaxy, exploring, investigating Thargoid attacks, barnacles or evacuating damaged starports, Idris is my ship of choice.





I think it turned out rather well...
My entry:

Idris, Canonn - Imperial Cutter - CMDR Darwin

It is easy to choose just one ship - historically any ship I am actually flying was called ‘Beagle One’, the favorites being the Cobra and the Imperial Cutter. Always intending to write the next parts of ‘The Voyage of the Beagle’...

However, the festive season of 3303 changed everything.

In the galactic 'Special Effect' charity auction (a very good cause!) as part of the 'Festive Fun and Charity Livestreams' events, there was an opportunity for something rather rare - all while helping raise funds for 'Special Effect', a charity based in the Sol system

"a custom, one of a kind, special unique paint job. You will be able to work with our paint job designer to create something custom and unique for you."

After sterling work by Tjaart Kruger and the team, ‘The Return’ delivered with it something I was looking forward to more than sightings of Thargoids...

The initial concept was 'St. George & the Dragon'. Can you actually turn an Imperial Cutter into a dragon?

Whether just pootling around the galaxy, exploring, investigating Thargoid attacks, barnacles or evacuating damaged starports, Idris is my ship of choice.

I think it turned out rather well...

The Cutter with its bespoke paint job is AWESOME!!!
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