Hoping for #FX18

Greetings commanders,

Does anyone else feel as I do, I was looking forward to the 2018 show of Frontier Developments, you know, like the raging success of the #FX17 show held at the Olympic Park in London last year, Being a devoted player of ED, it was essential for me that i went to see the people behind the content, and i'm not just talking about FDev here, I am talking about all the player groups coming together, as well as the social media content providers, though I was extremely shy, i met some great players, and had some great discussions, however, knowing what i know now, it would have been amazing to meet the likes of Obsidian Ant, Yamiks, Gluttony Fang, now I have the whole "being uncertain" under control, it would make for a great place now to meet and greet, and i know, for a fact, If Fdev were to put on and organize another "Raging Success" like last year, the community WOULD PAY FOR IT! (Like we did last year!! [big grin])
So come on commanders, who is with me, lets do something in this country again eh? (Nothing against Cologne , The church there is the biggest i have ever seen, and the riverside cafes are amazing.......;)

Peace and love o7!

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Likening Gluttony Fang to Yamiks and OA. Lol.

All he does is chuckle to himself.

He has made some helpful tutorials, just not in the full format of YouTube videos - his are written on the forum with videos as supplements.
I always reference his Thargoid fighting tutorial when people ask me.
Greetings commanders,

Does anyone else feel as I do, I was looking forward to the 2018 show of Frontier Developments, you know, like the raging success of the #FX17 show held at the Olympic Park in London last year, Being a devoted player of ED, it was essential for me that i went to see the people behind the content, and i'm not just talking about FDev here, I am talking about all the player groups coming together, as well as the social media content providers, though I was extremely shy, i met some great players, and had some great discussions, however, knowing what i know now, it would have been amazing to meet the likes of Obsidian Ant, Yamiks, Gluttony Fang, now I have the whole "being uncertain" under control, it would make for a great place now to meet and greet, and i know, for a fact, If Fdev were to put on and organize another "Raging Success" like last year, the community WOULD PAY FOR IT! (Like we did last year!! [big grin])
So come on commanders, who is with me, lets do something in this country again eh? (Nothing against Cologne , The church there is the biggest i have ever seen, and the riverside cafes are amazing.......;)

Peace and love o7!


If you like to "meet and greet" then you should consider Lavecon. Lots of the "famous" names are there (e.g. OA, Yamiks and Gluttony) and from a pure socialising with other people perspective (including many members of the Frontier team) I'd say it's actually better than the expo (plus it runs for a whole weekend and the "socialising" usually goes on until the VERY early hours of both Saturday and Sunday morning so you get those nice chilled hangover-breakfast conversations too :D). Alas you've missed this year's but there's always 2019!


But yes, I'd love there to be an FX18 - last year's was brilliant.
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