Horizons / Odyssey Compatibility

Imo they can pull this out of the fire if they back off on the grind and fix the UI. Its just transparently disingenuous of them to call it a release instead of a paid beta, but i understand greed, its what corporations do. They should also be capable of foresight and have some respect for their playerbase.

No it's not. It would have been disingenuous and "disrepectful to the playerbase'" to overstretch QA equipment access during a work stay at home order (UK/pandemic) and potentially damage Horizons playability while stabilising Odyssey.

Horizons players did NOT buy the new expansion, so why should FD be disrespectful and disrupt Horizons? Turns out they demonstrate the 'foresight' to know their QA 'capability' is currently restricted instead.
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Wow, well aware of it though I can't help but be shocked by so much disrespectful hate speech towards Frontier.

And yeah how Frontier dare to allow people to segregate themselves from the new full Elite experience? How dare they ask for money for years of development? How dare they nonetheless work at bringing parts of new features for free but probably hit technical hurdles?

Yep, FDEV don't deserve you cry babies, get a refund and play something else.
Nope, that's not the reason, the PEGI restriction is about content, not about how they make it run.
The reason is technical, and that's why they hope to be able to get things back together by the time they launch for console.
🤔 As I understand it, in my own idiot fashion, by technical you mean getting the EDO surface tech to mesh with the EDH Stella Forge surface generation? Because they are running on different COBRA software versions?

So fdev don't actually know what the solution to this problem is? They are just hoping that if they give a bunch of coders until "Autumn" that they'll be able to resolve this problem and re-merge EDH with EDO so that they are running the same Stella Forge and Surface tech code (and presumably this will resolve the journal issues in the background too)? So, in the meantime, they have just said that EDH players can't have any of the EDO content and have kept the two versions self contained while that closed-door discussion is taking place. The other point is that they want to 'encourage' EDH players to buy EDO... [bad idea to gamble when you are only holding a pair of 3s]

It will be an interesting situation when Autumn rolls around and they haven't resolved the problem by the time of the Console launches.
Please remember all you refunders:

Don't download the client update next Wednesday - leave the servers free for those who boldly choose to go ... on an Odyssey ;)View attachment 226027
Clearly, your definition of Odyssey is different to mine...

a long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience.

Scanning a few different vegetables by pressing the button on a widget Isn't an Odyssey to me. It's a rip off.
Wow, well aware of it though I can't help but be shocked by so much disrespectful hate speech towards Frontier.

And yeah how Frontier dare to allow people to segregate themselves from the new full Elite experience? How dare they ask for money for years of development? How dare they nonetheless work at bringing parts of new features for free but probably hit technical hurdles?

Yep, FDEV don't deserve you cry babies, get a refund and play something else.
My issue is with the lack of exploration content, not the inclusion of the planet tech into EDH. What fdev do or don't do with the planetary tech between now and Autumn is entirely their call.

I'm just not into FPS games, and turning EDH into one (please, enough with the kickstarter POOP ok), without the exploration content too, it's a non-starter for me. Fdev decided to prioritise FPS content over exploration. Ok. Then I'll wait until there is some exploration content worthy of paying for the DLC. In the mean time, fdev lost a customer.


Volunteer Moderator
It's not about bugs but about communication. They're doing a limited rollout instead of the full one they had planned for May 19th. They're not telling us the reason, but it looks like a public beta. I don't mind participating in a beta, but I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into before I spend money. Quite an alien concept these days, I know.

I think the discussion about "communication", "partial rollouts" or "beta" terminology and personal understanding thereof are a bit moot to be honest 🤷‍♂️ . The DLC will be what it will be, starting on the 19th you will be able to see it on streams, video gameplays and game press reviews. It will be a very straightforward case of WYSIWYG. Based on which you should be indeed able to know what you are getting into before you spend your money. Not an alien concept at all, and fully applicable in this case. Like it? Buy it. Dont like it? By all means dont. Not sure I understand the outrage, consumers in this case have full control.
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Is that your theory? That they're splitting the player base temporarily because of PEGI? :ROFLMAO:
I was under the impression that they'd already admitted this.

To be fair that clip does seem to imply that the restriction only applies to planetary surfaces, where personal weapons are available and avatar-to-avatar combat might take place. So there's a good argument to be had that they've increased the scope of the "split", or that they weren't explicitly clear about the scope when it was first mentioned. The question was about non-tenuous planets, but the answer could be read as applying to all Horizons-Odyssey instancing with a generous interpretation.

Either way, unless I've massively misunderstood, different PEGI ratings preventing integration isn't an eleventh-hour thing or a new theory. It's something FD were talking about, at least in part, in February.
I think this is interesting as it does seem to be a departure from Frontier's previous practice. If I am understanding this correctly, they are effectively keeping two versions of the underlying technology of the game running live at the same time.

It does fit in with my personal crack pot theory that Frontier are throwing everything at getting the Windows version out in a time frame that was pre-announced to investors.

Then they'll have to pick up the pieces.
Wow, well aware of it though I can't help but be shocked by so much disrespectful hate speech towards Frontier.

And yeah how Frontier dare to allow people to segregate themselves from the new full Elite experience? How dare they ask for money for years of development? How dare they nonetheless work at bringing parts of new features for free but probably hit technical hurdles?

Yep, FDEV don't deserve you cry babies, get a refund and play something else.
Once again, criticism is not necessarily abuse.

If there is a lot of criticism, maybe, just maybe, it's because there's a lot worth criticising at the moment?
This one goes out to all the fans!

  • The explorers who say there is no exploration content!
  • The FPSers who say there is no meaningful FPS content!
  • The old PC owners who say the unoptimised alpha needed optimisation!
  • The space game players who call for smol dark caves to be added!

here it is, what you've all been waiting for .... 🥁

I think this is interesting as it does seem to be a departure from Frontier's previous practice. If I am understanding this correctly, they are effectively keeping two versions of the underlying technology of the game running live at the same time.

It does fit in with my personal crack pot theory that Frontier are throwing everything at getting the Windows version out in a time frame that was pre-announced to investors.

Then they'll have to pick up the pieces.
Yeah, it's pretty clear now that they HAVE TO get it out no matter what.
Maybe it's better this way, so they also have to fix it as soon as possible, and a lot of data to do it :p
Just expect some mayhem in the first month.

PS: Another positive effect of having it released early, is that they can't claim to have some magical build somewhere to be released later...
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Sure critics can be made. It's with the "betrayal! Malice is at work at FDEV's" I'm fed up with. Furthermore coming from entitled whiny trolls that look like already fed up with the base game, not interested by Odyssey yet wanting its content (bar what they don't want) for free. That they'll have, but later than expected nonetheless, so they're searching for any wound they can find so they can put salt in, even if it means rewrite history, make their opinions like if it was opinions of the majority, so it fits into their narrative.
My personal opinion about this..

Looks like sales of Odyssey is not going well.
Dividing the player base so that player are “convincing” others to buy Odyssey in order to play together is simply …lame.

For me everything in FDEV points to a ty Product Management.
  • Creating content ( at that moment with the best intentions )
  • Launching an Alpha which need to be paid for ( paying to do the FDEVs job )
  • The Alpha represents only a small amount of the final release ( that what they thought will be the top selling feature – FPS )
  • Sulky reactions to player feedback ( Short Range Composition Scanner )
  • Stick to the launch date, no matter what
  • Find ways to boost product sales without admitting that something went ( divide the player base into Horizons and Odyssey )
  • Keep the “we know best” mentality
  • Stick to the launch date, no matter what

The difference to a good Product Management is that
  • A launch date is NEVER carved in stone
  • The manager /team is able to admit errors and are willing to correct them

As long as FDEVs behavior will not change the unbelievable potential of this game will propably die with this game.

The investors have the ultimate word on this. IF they want EDO launched in fiscal year 2020, it has to launch no matter what.
The manager / team had to do it... or quit.

And yeah how Frontier dare to allow people to segregate themselves from the new full Elite experience?

They are segregating the old experience as well... There is nothing new in EDO (except some local cosmetics)* in regards with the Space/Ship experience.
All the new stuff in EDO are happening below the exclusion zone of the planetary bodies (new or old)

* (what was it? different witch-space-tunnel-animation? some lightning adjustments? debatable UI changes)

But well, i guess if they allowed instancing in the current level of development it would have been an way bigger mess that what the segregation brings in
The investors have the ultimate word on this. IF they want EDO launched in fiscal year 2020, it has to launch no matter what.
The manager / team had to do it... or quit.
... that's really not how companies work. The company (fdev) sets the goals - if the investors don't like they sell and buy something else. Or they try and vote down the company in meetings (rarely works). ofc the company doesn't want investors to leave, so will try and meet targets - but it's their choice.

Really, I'd expect adults to know this basic stuff on governance ...
It does fit in with my personal crack pot theory that Frontier are throwing everything at getting the Windows version out in a time frame that was pre-announced to investors.

Or the bank.

Odyssey is different from previous expansions which have always been seasonal and presale. This time the development money has all been spent ahead of time and Odyssey release could have been in the financial plan for five years for all we know .. and this is the year a pandemic lands, everyone's ordered to stay at home and that affects different businesses in different ways.

Generally people who complain about FD, justify doing so as being "for the good of the game". That might often be true but for me this is one of those scenarios when people would do more good for the game by keeping their own misgivings about Horizons compatability to themselves. Whining's not going to change anything, if FD could update Horizons they would. Whining does throw a spanner in the marketing of what - for all we know - could be a critical cashflow moment though.

"For the good of the game," be nice if people gave the rest of us a break maybe.
This one goes out to all the fans!

  • The explorers who say there is no exploration content!
  • The FPSers who say there is no meaningful FPS content!
  • The old PC owners who say the unoptimised alpha needed optimisation!
  • The space game players who call for smol dark caves to be added!

here it is, what you've all been waiting for .... 🥁

View attachment 226139

You forgot:

  • Solo players moaning about not being able to instance with their friends.
  • Gold rush farmers passing off as explorers to find something to moan about.
  • People that, <ahem>, make a lot of noise and slam the door shut, but then proceed to stick around.
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Sure critics can be made. It's with the "betrayal! Malice is at work at FDEV's" I'm fed up with. Furthermore coming from entitled whiny trolls that look like already fed up with the base game, not interested by Odyssey yet wanting its content (bar what they don't want) for free. That they'll have, but later than expected nonetheless, so they're searching for any wound they can find so they can put salt in, even if it means rewrite history, make their opinions like if it was opinions of the majority, so it fits into their narrative.
No need to get riled up. It's just the usual bunch that for years pretended not to see what was announced numerous times, and are now throwing their final temper tantrum as the train prepares to depart anyway while their endless moans are ignored. See it for the bright side: annoying people are unhappy. :)
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