Hotspot yellow heat map not appearing

  • Thread starter Deleted member 254248
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Deleted member 254248

Hello fellow commanders,

New to the game, only three weeks playing, but like everyone, I'm sure they have a procedure that they follow to go mining for their preferred mineral of choice. For me it's LTD in Borann A 2. I want to reference this thread that was posted a year ago, rather than necro an old thread. I'm also posting this here to see if it's actually a bug before referencing this in an official bug post. I've seen references on other websites about this being a known thing in certain systems, but nothing about fixes or workarounds, so I'd like to explore it a bit here. I apologize if this has been discussed before and my searching here didn't find it.

In this thread the CMDR is saying that they've scanned the ring once, and when they came back a while later the hotspot circle indicators showed up in the ring, but the yellow "heat map" of the ring was not visible. Like him, I have noticed this, and tried what they did, to scan the ring again and found that since I had scanned it already, I of course couldn't scan it again. I then undertook to figure out what was happening through some basic experimentation. I'd like to share the results here, see if anyone else can replicate this, and see if anyone else would like to help in diagnosing it.

1. Position your ship outside of your preferred mining system and have the cockpit set in Analysis Mode. (I'm assuming you have already scanned the planet ring previously)
2. Jump into your mining system and travel directly to your mining planet, staying in supercruise, do not exit to normal thruster navigation.
3. Look at your planet and see if the yellow heat map is visible. (for me, it is always visible at this point)
4. Travel to a station in the same system and dock. (for me, I used auto docking and landed at a civilian outpost in orbit, not a starport)
5. Refuel, or do anything that requires you to enter the Starport Services screen.
6. Exit the Starport Services screen and launch. (for me, I used auto launch to exit the outpost)
7. Enter supercruise and travel to your mining planet again.
8. Look at your planet and see if the yellow heat map is visible. (for me, it never will be)
9. Return to your station and dock.
10. Exit to the main menu, but you don't have to exit the game.
11. Continue your game and reenter your ship, now docked at the station. (for me, I was in Solo mode for all of this)
12. Exit the station. (for me I used auto launch to exit the outpost)
13. Enter supercruise and travel to your planet.
14. Look at your planet and see if the yellow heat map is visible. (for me, it is again always visible at this point)

I have Xbox One X video clips of this entire testing process for proof. The above for me is repeatable, and consistent across multiple play sessions, different days, and different ships, all on the same account.

I will continue testing different variables, such as not using auto dock and auto launch, not entering the Starport Services screen, just landing and launching again, landing at a starport or on a planet instead of an outpost, etc. but I'd like the community's help in looking at this as well.

It seems that upon the system first loading, either from outside the system and jumping into it, or from logging into it while you're docked in it, the yellow heat map works fine. As soon as the system is unloaded, or interrupted by a docking somewhere in the system, the yellow heat map disappears, but the hotspot circles stay visible.

I've watched countless mining guides on YouTube, and read multiple forum posts about selecting good areas to enter the mining hotspot areas. The guides mostly say to enter in the bright yellow small rings in your entry area vicinity. I've never seen actual evidence that entering in the bright yellow areas makes more or less of a difference over the dimmer yellow areas when it comes to either density of the asteroids or the yield, however if it does, then having the yellow heat map would be beneficial for mining efficiency. Don't get me wrong, we can all still make millions of credits per hour even without the broken yellow heat map, so even if it doesn't matter in the end if it appears or not, it still appears to be a bug that can be researched and fixed.

So, do you CMDRs have anything to add on this? Your help in testing this, and other variables in the procedure is much appreciated.

FDev, if you are interested in this, and want any more information, we're all happy too help.

Deleted member 254248

There very well might be a bug, I do not know if FDev has acknowledged it is or not, you guys who have been here longer than I have would know better than I. It could be the intended functioning of the heat map, as unlikely as that seems.

As I mentioned, I did a lot of searching and most of the threads on Reddit, here, and on other sites about this issue said the same as you, "don't know what causes it or how to fix it." My post gives one causal link to the heat map disappearing, and one solution as well. I'm interested in seeing if the community can replicate the issue and the solution to see if we at least have a workaround until it gets fixed, if it ever gets fixed.

1. The causal link from my testing to the heat map disappearing is that it will disappear when you dock at a station and use the station services screen for anything after you enter the system but before you go mining on the planet.

2. The workaround is either not to dock at a station, and go directly to the planet to mine once you jump in, or to dock at a station, use the station services, exit to the main menu and then continue back into your game from there to go to the planet to mine.

I'm interested if anyone else can confirm both of these, and then if anyone wants to continue testing various other scenarios to see if it can be narrowed down any more or not.
My experience when they disappeared was due to removing the planetary scanner module. It holds it for a while but then once added back they re-appeared.

Just make sure the module is equip and active.

I haven’t had what I think is a bug the way you describe it. I assume it’s server side due to the other issues I’ve had recently like planetary mining items falling through the ground and disappearing.

Deleted member 38366

I've seen this effect quite often by now (I'm on PC).

IMHO it might be caused by bright Star types and when the inclination of the Asteroid Rings is steep vs. the Star (as opposed to most Rings being often perfectly aligned with the System Orbital Plane, with their typical total eclipse and darkness on the back side of the Planet/Gas Giant).

I >think< the issue is most often with Metal-Rich and Rocky Rings but I could be easily wrong.

Either way, the issue definitely exists.
Analysis Mode and DSS Equipped - but while the Nav Panel is full of Hotspots and the small Target circles are shown - the colored Hotspots indicating the total Hotspot sizes are totally AWOL.

Deleted member 254248

My experience shown above is repeatable. Mine isn’t based on planet type because it works in one situation with a planet and doesn’t work in another situation with the same planet.

Deleted member 254248

After more testing, I can confirm the circumstances in the first post are accurate with the following:

1. Ship type doesn’t matter. Tested 8 different ships of small, medium, and large types and the bug affects them all.
2. Star system doesn’t natter. Tested this in eleven different system with ringed planets. Six of them had stations in them to land on, five did not. Going directly to the planet after jumping into a system always shows the hotspot heat map. Landing at a station either before or after visiting the planet causes the heat map to disappear.

I’m going to continue testing whether the advanced docking computer has any affect, and if entering the star port services menu has any affect.

At this time, if your heat map disappears while you’re in a system, then log out to the main menu and then log back in to see it. To prevent the heat map from disappearing, do not land at a star port before visiting the planet to mine.
I had this happen this morning in Borann. No matter I thought, I fired probes to refresh them and none of the probes would hit the rings. They just disappeared as they reached the ring. Awesome.

Deleted member 254248

You can only scan the rings once, the probes will never hit the ring again.

As I’ve mentioned above, either log out and back in, or jump out of the system and then back in and do not go to a station before going to the planet. That should fix the problem.
I noticed something similar to Op. I also later accidentally destroyed my ship whilst answering a phone call, when I returned with a new ship the ring needed to be completely rescanned, which solved the problem. Until next time presumably.

Deleted member 254248

The issue seems to be more encountered in Borann rather than in Col 285 Sector HU-K b23-7. The reason is that a lot of people tend to refuel at Garay Works in the Borann system before they go mining so they can just jump out afterward. Stopping at Garay means that the heat map won’t be visible when you approach the A 2 planet. Col 285 Sector HU-K b23-7 doesn’t have a station in the system, so people just jump in and go to the planet, and in that case the heat map will always be visible.

I mine in both systems, and if I want the heat map to be visible in Borann, I land at Garay Works to refuel and while I’m there I log out and log back in. When I leave Garay the heat map is always visible. Takes fifteen seconds.

Strange that FDev hasn’t isolated this yet, or chosen to fix it.
Now in the year 02 May 2022 the bug still exists.. How is this possible.. Frontier was not able to fix that in 2 years...?? Shame on you !

I am at system " Omicron Capricorni B " and my scanned datas for the rings dont show up in yellow color !
Now in the year 02 May 2022 the bug still exists.. How is this possible.. Frontier was not able to fix that in 2 years...?? Shame on you !

I am at system " Omicron Capricorni B " and my scanned datas for the rings dont show up in yellow color !

you sure you're having a DSS equipped in your ship and your hud is in analysis mode?
I've experienced this bug a few times lately. Logging out and back in tends to solve it for a few seconds (!!) and then the heat map just magically disappears again as I watch. Pretty annoying. I'm sure I saw a more recent thread which mentions the same thing, by the way.
Have you not seen it lately @Northpin ? Maybe it's dependent on GPU drivers or something. (My last bit of mining was in EDH but I now own EDO as well so I must try it there.)
This happens alot, go mining land on the carrier and log out. Next session heat map gone. Happens independent of star type or ring type. Happens on Rocky,metalic, metal rich and icy. I have found that if you just go to a hot spot and prospect a few asteroids then leave the hot spot and enter super cruise all the heat maps for the ring re-appear. This is on PC.
I've experienced this bug a few times lately. Logging out and back in tends to solve it for a few seconds (!!) and then the heat map just magically disappears again as I watch. Pretty annoying. I'm sure I saw a more recent thread which mentions the same thing, by the way.
Have you not seen it lately @Northpin ? Maybe it's dependent on GPU drivers or something. (My last bit of mining was in EDH but I now own EDO as well so I must try it there.)

I have seen this bug once in the last year. But i did encounter it several times back in 2020 during the mining frenzy.
But i have to admit i only did whatever mining required for the few mining CG we had, plus some 2000tons of Tritium and about 2000-3000 tons of Platinum
However, i cant really recall if it was on PC or on XB (i did the CG on both xb/pc, tritium mining the same, platinum mining happened only on PC )
I have found that if you just go to a hot spot and prospect a few asteroids then leave the hot spot and enter super cruise all the heat maps for the ring re-appear. This is on PC.
Yeah I can muck around and relog or just in and out of SC to make the heat maps reappear sometimes, but they will then very often disappear seconds later, literally while I am watching them on screen - they just vanish. (Not certain I've recorded a video of that yet but I must do so.)
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