How did you find ...

Ian Phillips

Volunteer Moderator
I was at work, just starting my PC up when a colleague said 'Heh, you would be interested in this', and showed me an article about the Elite: Dangerous kickstarter on some Technical/games site that he subscribes to (he's a programmer, I'm a software tester). We both pledged within 5 mins :cool:

That was at the start of the kickstarter: about 3 days in I think. I pledged 40 quid straight off, thinking that a normal game cost more than that anyway and I would happily pay it for a new Elite. Later, during the surge, I jontied up for the boxed set and Beta.

Philip Coutts

Volunteer Moderator
BBC web-site interview with David Braben. Watched it, picked my jaw off the ground, composed myslef and went to Kickstarter, set up an account and pledged. Then waited at least 2 days before increasing my pledge for the first time....
I found out via Twitter within minutes of it going live. I kinda expected it might happen to be honest - there's a few British developers like Peter Molyneux that jumped on Kickstarter when it came out in the UK. My first thought when reading through the campaign was a mixture of excitement and "You idiots, you don't have a video! This will never succeed!" I pledged anyway, and soon many many other pledges poured in :) The BBC interview obviously helped a great deal.
Saw something about it on Google News but didn't pay much attention.

The next time I saw it - again on Google News - I think it was the day before the Kickstarter finished - I pledged the day after I think.
I missed the initial 'advert' on the BBC, but saw the second one (about a week before the KS ended). So I jumped in then. Without me seeing that BBC article, I would certainly have missed it. I do not spend time crawling around kickstarter looking for interesting projects.

First pledge at the level that gave all the enhancements into the future. I later jontied up to DDF membership (me and over 100 others) after the DB 'Godlike powers' statement.
I read about it on the BBC, a few days into the KS I think... paid £20 immediately and later upgraded my pledge to £100 for lifetime expansions and beta access. Wanted to go to DDF level (to take part in the design process) but there was no definitive answer about the possibility of choosing not to have Founder advantages, and I also didn't really want the inside info of the DDF when it comes to playing the game.
I found out through Chris Roberts pitching it on the Star Citizen website. Thought it sounded promising, so I went ahead and pledged.

Rafe Zetter

I had joined this forum quite a while ago after an odd moment; whereby I googled elite badge and found the post from the Elite competition winner, and had to join to post a reply to his post.

Didn't think much more of it, had no idea there was stuff in the works... this was before the KS occurred.

Then I got an email from the comp winner saying he remembered my post and I should hit the link..

About 1 min later I'd ponied up a ton, then started reading. :)
About 1 min later I'd ponied up a ton, then started reading. :)

so many people pledged this way, for myself i'd just got £40 from my aunt for Christmas and felt it a perfect way to spend the money, I was looking at the £40 mark and spotted the second round beta for £50 so jumped in without another thought
Stumbled across it while surfing Kickstarter a few months ago, but then forgot all about it. While looking at Kickstarter again a couple of weeks ago saw that Elite had been funded (and suddenly remembered having forgot to back it). Luckily it took me to a link where Elite could still be funded via Paypal. And now here I am, while I suffer through the year-long wait for my Premium Collector's Edition..

Actually, the wait will be rather painless as I am now doing beta testing for Drifter, another Kickstarter space trader game.. :)
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What was your first reaction to discovering this?


Heard about it from my wife who in turn heard about it from a friend of hers who I believe saw it on the BBC web site.

Within 24 hours we had pledged a fortune :D
Heard about it from my wife who in turn heard about it from a friend of hers who I believe saw it on the BBC web site.

Within 24 hours we had pledged a fortune :D

by my Calculation you spent a whopping £6500
Name a frontier System
special thanks' game credit,
name the founders system
2x jamesons
4x tickets to the launch party
2x named planets
2x named stations

I have to say that is pretty hardcore for an Elite fan,
havnt a clue if you brought any models on top of that?
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