HOW do you board a vulture?

If you look around a vulture with the external camera, there are numerous mechanical linkages surrounding the canopy that I believe are related to the canopy lifting upwards, and taking the dashboard with it, and under the dashboard I believe there is a sliding / folding ramp to bridge the last bit of that height gap.
As I said, I think it pivots upwards, and I think the pivot point is all the way back here:

Here's a little snapshot showing the linkages:

and another:

I don't know if you noticed but the dashboard seems to be supported on arms/legs growing out of the canopy rather than out of the floor? This observation in conjunction with the fact it has those mechancal linkages surrounding the upper part of the canopy, makes me think that the canopy lifts up a little bit.

Also, when you look at the cockpit you can see there is a distinct downwards ramp in the floor from just infront of the pilots seat to the tip of the canopy:

The Concept art from Ben Andrews on Artstation seem sto support that supposition, in that there is clearly complex geometry at the very tip of the floor under the scanner:

Image taken from:


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    818 KB · Views: 31
So its like building a greenhouse, omitting the door but making the whole thing open outwards instead to go outside :D
Pretty much...

...I've got an IGES model of a Vulture (that I downloaded from open in solidworks just now, there is clearly only 4 hatches on the undersice, one being the cargo hatch, the other three being the landing gear:

Although I do have to wonder if the panels I've highlighted in orange in the following picture are meant to retract and presumably roll up like the vultures hardpoint doors do?

That could either retract and a staircase come down, OR that could in itself be the stair that simply folds down?
Pretty much...

...I've got an IGES model of a Vulture (that I downloaded from open in solidworks just now, there is clearly only 4 hatches on the undersice, one being the cargo hatch, the other three being the landing gear:
View attachment 205433

Although I do have to wonder if the panels I've highlighted in orange in the following picture are meant to retract and presumably roll up like the vultures hardpoint doors do?
View attachment 205434
That could either retract and a staircase come down, OR that could in itself be the stair that simply folds down?
That's what I said.
Hatch up ramp down.
Also, it's a Vulture, canopy is usually open anyway... :D
After roughly inspecting other ships, where is the ladder to climb into the Corvette? While it's gigantic and I'm sure there's space for one, I didn't clearly see an opening that would work for that. On the bottom side, the three large panels are 1) the large hardpoint, 2) SRV hatch 3) fighter bay... Where is the ramp? There's also no door anywhere I could see like in other ships. Or maybe I'm just blind :geek:
That's what I said.
Hatch up ramp down.
Also, it's a Vulture, canopy is usually open anyway...
Erm... Sorry; I did my usual thing, reply to the OP then read the thread, I'm 95% its tilting of the canopy, as there are too many details modelled into the front for it not to be a moving canopy, but taking into account what you had said, I highlighted those orange bits as a means of illustrating your suggestion.

I don't get "cockpits" in Elite. That is a HUGE amount of wasted space.

They are more akin to a bridge than a cockpit, but the huge amount of wasted space and the disproportionately large glazed area makes it feel like the ships are made for bigger CMDR's. If you take an Eagle for example, with the canopy framework it feels very much like an X-Wing, and creates the illusion of a small vessel into which the CMDR is snugly cocooned into the cockpit like the rebel alliances finest:

Which means the X-Wing is roughly fighter jet sized:

However, an eagle is about the size of a 737:

meaning there is so much space behind the pilots seat they could probably have a waltz to the docking computers music back there:


  • 1611508386616.png
    276.2 KB · Views: 34
They are more akin to a bridge than a cockpit, but the huge amount of wasted space and the disproportionately large glazed area makes it feel like the ships are made for bigger CMDR's.
See, the problem with this is that you are using Hollywood "logic". In the real world, you don't waste space like that.
so i brought this up in Jan and now i can walk around the Vulture im back wondering...... How do you board it?

If its the front Canopy that opens why isnt it sat open as you approach it on foot like every other ship or at least below where there is an obvious door

and if its the rear hatch/ramp that opens down to let us in why isnt it open ready

I am back to think FDEV forget the access when designing the vulture
I also think it is the ramp in the back that comes down... the way i see it is that where ever the bleu cirkel is that's where the door/stairs/ramp is to board the ship. Aldo the cockpit has weird arms around it that i have no idea why they are there 🤔
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