How does Interstellar Factors accepting credits affect BGS??

Hi, I just need to know what effect handing in factional bounty credits at an Interstellar Factors will do to the BGS.
Does it still affect the bucket drops in the same way or is it nullified?
I have some bounty hunting credits from a faction that I do not like so I don't want to hand them in at the systems they are present in and I was wondering if the IF will redeem them but without any boost the un-favored faction.
That's been my observation as well. Your reputation rises with the faction, but there doesn't seem to be any gain to system influence provided the faction doesn't have a presence in the system the Factor is in.
You can't cash a faction's bounties at an IF is that faction or superpower allegiance for superpower bounties is present in the system.

I can also confirm that any bounty deposited through an IF has zero influence effect, only reputation gains.

Deleted member 110222

So from what's being said, IF won't increase influence for the bounty issuing faction? I myself have a few bounties that I don't want to allow to cause influence, because they're from filthy corporations.
Sorry for the necro but quick confirmation. By keeping bounties or fines (by not cashing them or paying them), could it hurt the CF that has issued them ?

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
Keeping bounties will have no effect. If there is a negative from an issued fine, paying it off with the faction may reverse the transaction (not tested - its a fiddly one to do) paying it off with interstellar factors or not paying it will not reverse the transaction.

If the "may" clause is correct you could speculate further that accumulating mutliple fines in situations where they count as [x]multiple transactions and paying them of in one go may well result in x-1 negative transactions
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Keeping bounties will have no effect. If there is a negative from an issued fine, paying it off with the faction may reverse the transaction (not tested - its a fiddly one to do) paying it off with interstellar factors or not paying it will not reverse the transaction.

If the "may" clause is correct you could speculate further that accumulating mutliple fines in situations where they count as [x]multiple transactions and paying them of in one go may well result in x-1 negative transactions

That is exactly my point. By generating x _ve transactions by having fines in different ways, will I generates X transactions when i pay them or just 1.
I will put it on my to testing list...

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
That is exactly my point. By generating x _ve transactions by having fines in different ways, will I generates X transactions when i pay them or just 1.
I will put it on my to testing list...

I would expect it to be 1.

I would also expect there to be a minimum threshold for the fine to count as a transaction. Also not tested, but if the other thresholds are anything to go by it will most likely exclude collisions, assualt, interdiction, parking and littering.
Keeping bounties will have no effect. If there is a negative from an issued fine, paying it off with the faction may reverse the transaction (not tested - its a fiddly one to do) paying it off with interstellar factors or not paying it will not reverse the transaction.

If the "may" clause is correct you could speculate further that accumulating mutliple fines in situations where they count as [x]multiple transactions and paying them of in one go may well result in x-1 negative transactions
As best as I can tell, outside the rep hit for killing ships, or incurred fines from smuggling which may effect states - I have not seen any instance of which fines (or lesser bounties like Trespass or Assault) itself caused any influence hit for a related faction.
My question is: When you have a bounty on your head and you go to an interstellar factor to pay it off, who benefits? Since the issuing faction cannot be present in the system where you pay it off, I'm wondering if the issuing faction receives any benefit. I get that turning in bounties in a system the faction is not present in gives them no BGS benefit but I've been hard pressed to find out about the effect of paying bounties has.
My question is: When you have a bounty on your head and you go to an interstellar factor to pay it off, who benefits? Since the issuing faction cannot be present in the system where you pay it off, I'm wondering if the issuing faction receives any benefit. I get that turning in bounties in a system the faction is not present in gives them no BGS benefit but I've been hard pressed to find out about the effect of paying bounties has.
No one benefits, except you of course.

It would be a nice feature if it would help the IF station controller, especially for anarchies, but that's not the case.
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