How does Issue Tracker REALLY work? (Issue not yet confirmed for some reason)

Hello, not to be a nag, but I'm curious how accurate this description of the issue tracker really is. (This was under the FAQ):


It also says this:


I bring this up because my own submission (linked here) has clearly reached more than three reproductions. Five in fact. And I believe at least four of these people remembered to click the "can reproduce" box, because of the "view reproduction details" beside their submissions:


So my submission has reached these requirements to be confirmed that you listed on your site. Yet for some reason, it is still listed at "confirming." I'd really like to know why, because these problems I submitted are really making it hard to play the game the way I wish to. And many other people clearly have the same problems. I'm concerned the submission isn't getting the attention it deserves, despite fulfilling your requirements. (Also if any other players here know what's up, or if I've misinterpreted their rules, please let me know!)
Yeah, the Issue Tracker is a mystery to me. Sometimes it required 6 contributions on my ticket to be confirmed and sometime like 4 was enough to confirm the issue, so I would also like to know what is going on with that. Somewhere I read that users have to add steps to reproduce the problem if they want their contribution actually count as confirming vote, but who knows...


Volunteer Moderator
@HeatherG oops sorry, do you think this post is better of under "feedback?" I'd be happy moving it there if you think so! Thank you <3
It's okay to leave it here :)
After 3 contributions it should go to the Voting stage. I'm not sure if it matters that when the other players added to it they clicked on "Can Reproduce" but didn't type anything out. Again, not sure if that matters or not.

If anyone is having this issue definitely add to it. Posting it here is a great word-of-mouth. I wish I could but this seems to not have affected me.
After 3 contributions it should go to the Voting stage. I'm not sure if it matters that when the other players added to it they clicked on "Can Reproduce" but didn't type anything out.
You can't do that - there is a 30 character minimum length on the reproduction details.
if you click 'Can not reproduce' then you don't need to enter anything and the issue tracker entry looks the same - I imagine people are being scared off by all the reproduction demands so choosing the simpler (but completely pointless) option.
I would say it's because only one of those people has written anything in 'reproduction steps'.
I was worried about that's so unfair lol

in all seriousness, it really is a frustrating problem if true, because so many relevant problems submitted on the tracker will go ignored, just because people didn't know they had to add steps to be counted.
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