How long will Legacy 3.8 be available on PC?

Hello. Does anyone know how long Legacy 3.8 will be around? Until Frontier removed it forever.
The fact is that I get 3.8 at a stable 110 FPS on high settings, and Odyssey 20 FPS. Therefore, I am forced to stay on 3.8, unless an optimization miracle happens.
But if Frontier soon deletes the old version of Legacy while I'm playing it, it will be a real shame. Because in Odyssey and Legacy the commanders are not the same. And Frontier will definitely delete the Legacy server someday.
I wonder how long I can play 3.8 before it disappears forever? Year?
I believe Legacy will remain on PC for as long as it does on console, and Frontier is still selling copies on console, so I think you should have at least a year of server support.

FWIW, I'm in a similar boat, but I'm slowly pulling up my framerate in "Live", setting-by-setting, tweak-by-tweak, so maybe in a year I'll have some tips to share in that regard. You'll never get 100 fps high settings in Odyssey, but I'd be happy to have a stable 60 fps with graphics on par with Legacy. I'm actually pretty close to that already in Legacy scenarios (avoiding Odyssey ground bases), so it might be doable.
PC Config/Build? Im playing Odyssey with Ultra-Settings on a RTX 3080 Sea Hawk Edition,Ryzen 7 7700X with 64Gb (ASRock-Mainboard), 4TB NvMe. Framerates: Ground Settlement 60-90Fps, Space 80-140Fps. (Including fights)
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