How to increase head tracking sensibility?

Hi ED Forum,

Is there a way to increase the head tracking sensibility (YAW / PITCH / head movement) in ED? I dont want to move my head that much to access the side panels (terminals).
I tried different ingame options, searched the web and the forum, but could not find anything. I tried the opentrack tool (Input: Oculus Rift runtime / Output: freetrack 2.0 / custom library location) as well, but it does not effect Elite dangerous.

Thanks for any advices.

My Specs:
ED - Steam Version
Oculus runtime (Quest 2 headset)
NVIDIA RTX 2060 mobile
Windows 10
Hi ED Forum,

Is there a way to increase the head tracking sensibility (YAW / PITCH / head movement) in ED? I dont want to move my head that much to access the side panels (terminals).
I tried different ingame options, searched the web and the forum, but could not find anything. I tried the opentrack tool (Input: Oculus Rift runtime / Output: freetrack 2.0 / custom library location) as well, but it does not effect Elite dangerous.

Thanks for any advices.

My Specs:
ED - Steam Version
Oculus runtime (Quest 2 headset)
NVIDIA RTX 2060 mobile
Windows 10
As far as I am aware there is no method of giving greater movements in VR to your actual physical head movements - anything that doesn’t exactly match your real-life head motion tends to result in immediate nausea.

There is only one game where I’ve seen this sort of thing mentioned - the upcoming VR expansion to IL-2 Cliffs of Dover, and I’ll be interested to see if it makes it to the release version. The only thing close to it I’ve experienced is the zoom-in view in DCS, and that’s fairly unpleasant unless I keep my head very still.
I use an office style swivel chair which allows me to turn left and right to view the side panels to reduce head movement, helps with my bad neck.
Thanks 4 your response,

Yes, it's about my neck. I changed the head tracking sensibility (YAW / PITCH / head movement) in farming simulator 2019 with VORPX / opentrack and it works quiet good. No motion sickness or nausea.
In the ED Desktop Version the head automatically turns to the side panel (terminals), if you press the matching shortkey. That would be an alternative, but I can't set this behavior in the Option Menu as well.
Hi ED Forum,

Is there a way to increase the head tracking sensibility (YAW / PITCH / head movement) in ED? I dont want to move my head that much to access the side panels (terminals).
I tried different ingame options, searched the web and the forum, but could not find anything. I tried the opentrack tool (Input: Oculus Rift runtime / Output: freetrack 2.0 / custom library location) as well, but it does not effect Elite dangerous.

Thanks for any advices.

My Specs:
ED - Steam Version
Oculus runtime (Quest 2 headset)
NVIDIA RTX 2060 mobile
Windows 10
Don’t be silly. Head tracking has to be 1:1.
Thanks 4 your response,

Yes, it's about my neck. I changed the head tracking sensibility (YAW / PITCH / head movement) in farming simulator 2019 with VORPX / opentrack and it works quiet good. No motion sickness or nausea.
In the ED Desktop Version the head automatically turns to the side panel (terminals), if you press the matching shortkey. That would be an alternative, but I can't set this behavior in the Option Menu as well.
You must have cast-iron guts with VorpX 😅

I suppose it’s one of those things some people can get used to, but for the general VR population it’d have to be 1:1 motion tracking to mitigate nausea.

The auto window focus options in Elite will not work in VR, so I’d suggest DeckerSolo’s swivel chair idea is a good solution.
I don't have any problems with disorientation, motion sickness or nausea. In farming simulator you have to turn your head very often, as you have to watch the attached tools when you work on the fields. This causes neck pain. I increased the head tracking sensibility (YAW / PITCH / head movement) and it works fine.
I don't have any problems with disorientation, motion sickness or nausea. In farming simulator you have to turn your head very often, as you have to watch the attached tools when you work on the fields. This causes neck pain. I increased the head tracking sensibility (YAW / PITCH / head movement) and it works fine.
I’ve only used VorpX for a short period a few years ago so I wasn’t aware this motion-multiplier was an available option - it’s great that you’ve got this solution available to you but I think you’re out of luck when it comes to Elite - however, early on in Odyssey’s release there were a few attempts at getting flatscreen EDO going with VorpX but the results were not great mainly due to performance. Might be something to look at now there have been a few Updates?

I’m not aware of any VR-native / VR-optional game that isn’t a 1:1 head tracked implementation with the exception of the IL-2 game I mentioned above (and I’ll be very curious to see if it makes it past the closed Beta).

This does exactly what you ask for and works with DCS and IL2 as long as you play via OpenXR (using OpenComposite's appropriate branch). I've not tried it in Elite, but I wouldn't be surprised if it works since it registers as an OpenXR overlay.

It's got both continuous multiplication and stepped/on-demand rotation.
what I do is still use a joystick 4-way hat button to activate the panels, that way you don't automatically activate them when not needed nor do you have to fully align your head
@ silence please - It seems like the Oculus app uses OpenXR anyway (full support OpenXR 1.0 added in July 2021), so I will try XrNeckSafer with and without OpenComposite.

@ BigBangtheory[VR] - I mapped the different panels (terminals) to a joystick button as well, but my Head will not turn to the matching panel, like it is in the (NON-VR) Desktop Version by default. No matter, if focus / UI Focus camera is enabled or disabled.
@ BigBangtheory[VR] - I mapped the different panels (terminals) to a joystick button as well, but my Head will not turn to the matching panel, like it is in the (NON-VR) Desktop Version by default. No matter, if focus / UI Focus camera is enabled or disabled.

Oh I see, so you are able to activate the panels but when you turn your head/HMD to face the panel you get very little movement in game?
@ silence please - It seems like the Oculus app uses OpenXR anyway (full support OpenXR 1.0 added in July 2021), so I will try XrNeckSafer with and without OpenComposite.

As ED is an OpenVR title , you need OpenComposite to channel the OpenVR calls to your OpenXR handler (the Oculus implementation of the OpenΧR runtime in this case). Make sure that you pick up the openxr branch of OpenComposite and not the legacy one (which works natively with the Oculus runtime).

For a primer that should dispel any confusion on the matter check out this:
@ BigBANGtheory [VR] - Yes, I want more head tracking sensibility (YAW / PITCH / head movement), as I don't want to turn my head by nearly 90 degrees to acces the side panels (terminals), but I want to run OpenXR Toolkit Companion app as well to optimize the VR performance.

@ silence please - I have an Oculus Quest 2, so I should be fine with OpenComposite ( Correct?

"OpenComposite was originally developed for Oculus. When looking up OpenComposite, you may end up on the GitLab page for the project, which defaults to the “main” branch, which is for Oculus only. Be sure to pick the “openxr” branch."


Elite Dangerous starts without SteamVR now, but something seems to be missing / incorrect. I can't open the "OpenXR Toolkit" ingame menu. The hotkeys simply don't work. I tried different combinations. "OpenXR Toolkit Companion app" is running in the background and status says "active" (See the screenshot below). Part of the window is missing. No "open log file" button, no "Capture trace" buton...
OpenXR window.png

Can't find OpenComposite logfile (openovr_log) and OpenXR Toolkit Companion app log file (%LocalAppData%\OpenXR-Toolkit\logs) as well.
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