How to make it more immersive.

I’m just gonna say it. This game lacks immersive realism in some areas. I mean the dinosaurs are fine. The paddocks and like for like Jurassic themed buildings sure. But here is where I have a problem “the shops” the vibe of this existing in a real world context

Now I know we can’t have brand names. I mean as much as I would love to see an actual McDonald’s with signs extra and yes you can do this through mods on pc but licensing stops this

So I figure why didn’t they create fake brands to mimic real life counter parts I mean GTA has done this before. Instead of KFC they have Clukin Bell - film studios use a number of fake brands over the years that are close to the original.

I figure that if they ever decide a JWE3 was ever to be made I think they should really consider changing the way the shops look and operate. And maybe include some Jurassic or other themed venues instead of Generic ice cream Parlore. Also the foods and drinks and gift shop designations are strange. Anyone else thought that. Is vegan burgers really a popular big name brand they would have in Jurassic World? It seems kind of really too nieche. Drinks you have kiefer I mean the yogurt drinks are brought in supermarkets never once seen a shop dedicate to its sell.

Also there should be four types of shops not 3
My reasoning is this, an attraction is a focus spending point right but some of the attractions on the list would be in smaller venues like an arcade extra - what would be better is to have it changed that most of those attractions are now shops in the three different sizes stuff like the arcade, cinema, spar, rock climbing and then you have some really unique buildings for bigger attractions for example Jurassic Park the lab looks like a similar but smaller style building to the visitor Center give it more immersed feel.

I feel that Universal Studios theme park island of adventure if they took inspiration from that layout of the Jurassic park area that would be amazing to replicate
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