How to play Elite Dangerous with virtual reality (VR) on the Playstation 4 (PS4) with PSVR

What do you do in VR when you're playing Elite?

I blaze my own trail and experience an evolving, player-driven narrative in a 34th century galaxy of warring galactic superpowers. Fight, trade, explore and survive in a 400 billion star systems at an incredible 1:1 scale, with a full galactic and technological simulation based on real scientific principles! :D

Same stuff you do in non-VR. Fundamentally there's no difference between a super-computer PC and PS4, just it looks prettier, and you can hack stuff like a YouTube screen in-game on your HUD, voice commands etc.

I blaze my own trail and experience an evolving, player-driven narrative in a 34th century galaxy of warring galactic superpowers. Fight, trade, explore and survive in a 400 billion star systems at an incredible 1:1 scale, with a full galactic and technological simulation based on real scientific principles! :D

Same stuff you do in non-VR. Fundamentally there's no difference between a super-computer PC and PS4, just it looks prettier, and you can hack stuff like a YouTube screen in-game on your HUD, voice commands etc.

It was the "sometimes" in your first post that got me wondering. There are people who prefer to do certain activities in VR and not others. Some prefer to trade with a crisp monitor display. Or they multitask when they are out exploring.

Personally, I'm with you. If I'm doing anything in Elite then I want to do it as if I was in a spaceship. I can no longer play Elite without VR.
Thanks for this instruction Stiggy, repped. Probably too much of a hassle for me currently, but good to know it's possible with some workarounds.
Playing ED with the current TRINUS + PSVR with SteamVR.

I killed my GTX 960 with this I bet. But now I have a GTX 1070 Ti and I am really content. Great performance, great details. Even reading text ain't a chore. I run it with graphics settings VR high with no problems.

If you own a PSVR the TRINUS software for 10 bucks is definitly worth it. But you'll need a good graphics card (and a PC with Elite Dangerous installed).
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Volunteer Moderator
Thought about trying this when I got mine this morning (unexpectedly) but, I think the display would be far too compromised. Is the UI even readable?
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Poder usar o PS VR em Elite Perigoso não significa apenas olhar para os lados, o mais importante é a profundidade 3d, essa imersão é que dá a sensação de estar dentro do jogo, que é maravilhoso, espero que com o lançamento do PS5 venha junto uma versão de Elite Perigoso VR, eu pagaria qualquer valor para viver isso.
Aside from head tracking, do we get an actual VR vision, or is it still just a flat screen n the PSVR?

I happen to have a Cronus Max and (not so) obsolete SONY Vaio laptop. Just no PSVR yet, and if this workaround will give actual VR I might get the VR set and give it a go - ED is the only game I'd love to warrant me to buy a PSVR set ;-)
Aside from head tracking, do we get an actual VR vision, or is it still just a flat screen n the PSVR?

No, as mentioned previously, it’s not true VR. Sounds like it’s close though.

I’ve considered trying this. Happy to see that it does work and instructions (more or less) on how to achieve it. If the OP could do a video of their setup and demonstrate how well it works, that would be a yuge help.
Sorry, I might have missed something - which wouldn't be new - but can this cronus device be used on HOTAS to make a non PS4 HOTAS function in ED?
Aside from head tracking, do we get an actual VR vision, or is it still just a flat screen n the PSVR?

I happen to have a Cronus Max and (not so) obsolete SONY Vaio laptop. Just no PSVR yet, and if this workaround will give actual VR I might get the VR set and give it a go - ED is the only game I'd love to warrant me to buy a PSVR set ;-)

No, as mentioned previously, it’s not true VR. Sounds like it’s close though.

I’ve considered trying this. Happy to see that it does work and instructions (more or less) on how to achieve it. If the OP could do a video of their setup and demonstrate how well it works, that would be a yuge help.

Thought it wasn't pure VR, but just checking (lots of text on instructions and not having PSVR I skipped a lot). In that case I'd rather wait for the PS5 (early 2020?) and hope Frontier will add native VR. Then I'll get PSVR for sure!
...that or native VR for PS4 Pro (in downward compatibility from PS5? :p), but that'll probably never happen :(
Thank you for the amazing guide. Bought the game one month ago and wanted to play it VR from minute one. If anyone wants to try and see the quality, just activate all the headlock-options as told and put your controller right on top of the VR. Sure you can t play like that, but it gives a good idea of how it works out when the setup is done. I can 100% recommend this setup, but as it is just a work around and not "real VR", I still hope for an PS5 or PS4 Pro-Version.
Good speed to you, Stiggy
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