Newcomer / Intro How to:- refresher question

Just returned to game, got an email from some chap in space telling me to meet up and his location has been added to my map, buggered if i can remember how to find the location anyone able to tell me plz

Hey CMDR Chilipickle I forget how you know which system to go. I guess you accepted a mission from the message, it is probably may be in your transactions tab.

Then when you get there supercruise around the area and they should say a couple of things on the local channel to get your attention - and then they will drop and leave a LOW WAKE you target and go drop there yourself for a civilized conversation in normal space

Vaguely but refreshingly, cheers bakatcha CMDR
Just returned to game, got an email from some chap in space telling me to meet up and his location has been added to my map, buggered if i can remember how to find the location anyone able to tell me plz


In case the message was from one of the Engineers - you should see an icon on your galaxy map that looks like a nut (nut and bolt hex nut) - There will probably be a bookmark added to your bookmarks too (though I think some of these don't happen).

Failing all of that, look at the Engineers list in your ship (right-hand panel, select "Engineers", see what is on the resultant list.

Some of the Engineers that one had originally to unlock have been opened-up in the "Live" game - the first 5 engineers - so that could be why you got the message.

If it was a mission-type message then what @The Own of Noon says above holds, however I think the "adding to your map" does not apply to those (I could be wrong).
If it's a mission you accepted, you should be able to find the details in your transactions tab on the left side HUD.
If that was the message from one of the Engineers, you can find the list of Engineers accessible to you on your right side HUD. In this case, there's no hurry, though - Engineer invitations don't expire, so you can visit them any tim eyou feel like it (and then groan once you realize the effort the second step of that invitation requires...).
If it was an engineer (and you want to cheat a bit), you can find their relationships and unlocking conditions at
Sounds like the “Tip Off” mission to me. If so, it’s not worth it. But if you want to do it:

The mission message should still be in your inbox. Read it again to get the system and hopefully planet.

Go there. It’s been ages since I have done one of these so I don’t remember if there is be a mission marker at the planet or not.

In any case you then have to find the ground location by using longitude and latitude coordinates, which can be a pain. There are some 3rd party utilities that make this easier.

Find your way to the location and enjoy your reward.
cheers for the replies.
here is a piccy or 2 of what i was on about

Engineers. The Dweller and Juri Ishmaak are two of the engineers that will be unlocked once you've accomplished certain game milestones. In this case, rank up with Felicity and claimed more than 50 fed combat bonds (Juri) and dealt with 5 black markets (The Dweller).

The Dweller is the specialist for Power Distributors and moderately accomplished for lasers - and, more importantly, stepping stone to three further Engineers.
Juri mainly deals in scanners and sensors, and is a stepping stone for two further Engineers.
Engineers. The Dweller and Juri Ishmaak are two of the engineers that will be unlocked once you've accomplished certain game milestones. In this case, rank up with Felicity and claimed more than 50 fed combat bonds (Juri) and dealt with 5 black markets (The Dweller).

The Dweller is the specialist for Power Distributors and moderately accomplished for lasers - and, more importantly, stepping stone to three further Engineers.
Juri mainly deals in scanners and sensors, and is a stepping stone for two further Engineers.
Thanks for the info, now how do i find the location on my map there is nothing to even give me a clue or i maybe just stupid which is more than likely :) the issue
In the galaxy map their systems will have a nut icon like the one on Deciat, if they are not showing you need to have a look at the settings inside the map, they will also show up in the engineers section of your right hand hud screen each engineer that you are aware of like this has a galaxy map link there which will open the map at their location.
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