General / Off-Topic How to set up Twitch? need help!

It Sounds funny but today I started a stream and et voila it runs good. But when I look at dsl reports then I have a Hugh bufferbloat. But it seems that this doesn't might so important.

The only reason i could explain why it does run now is that I installed Windows clean a few days ago. I have a look at it

Brett C

It Sounds funny but today I started a stream and et voila it runs good. But when I look at dsl reports then I have a Hugh bufferbloat. But it seems that this doesn't might so important.

The only reason i could explain why it does run now is that I installed Windows clean a few days ago. I have a look at it

Bufferbloat becomes a problem if you're using the upload or download at its provisioned full capacity. Rating of C B or A or A+ are permissible. As seeing you're getting 20mbps upload, twitchTV caps out at 3500kbps (3.5mbps). You won't run into bufferbloat issues at this point.

If you reinstalled windows, its possible you had something eating away at CPU i/o and/or an app / virus on your machine was consuming bandwidth like it was candy.
Ok i was sure that the problem were generated by the fritzbox modem. But now i know that it was just something on Windows or another application that caused the issue. Like always said, a reset or like in this example a reinstall helps always.

So I can make good hd streams. But now I have got the next problem. After the reinstall I have no sound in menue and game. Intro is ok! It's not so bad because using music for stream. But if you could ask if the devs could bring a little update fixing this problem would be nice!
it is me again, today i wanted to stream but it started again, the endless story of laggy streams. it is curious :(. could it be because today its saturday?
i will try again windows install
Sorry to maybe necro/hijack this thread but I thought it would make more sense than just to make a new thread regarding asking help for twitch streaming.

I'm currently using OBS and am told the visual quality of my stream sucks (can't see it/recorded by potato). I'm wondering if there is something I could do to change that.
Sorry to maybe necro/hijack this thread but I thought it would make more sense than just to make a new thread regarding asking help for twitch streaming.

I'm currently using OBS and am told the visual quality of my stream sucks (can't see it/recorded by potato). I'm wondering if there is something I could do to change that.

I don't really understand what you mean recorded by potato?

Look at my streams on twitch Palaber1984
I have streamed all with obs and selected my gtx 1060 as the Nvenc codec!
Hey Brett!I have another problem! My streams are running really good. As I'm using the gtx 1060 as codec the quality is enough. But I have one problem!

When I'm streaming I wanna see my streams to be sure if nothing goes wrong and to be connected with the viewers!

But it doesn't matter if I'm watching on my computer or on my MacBook Pro. And it doesn't matter which browser I'm using.
In all combinations watching my own stream is a up and down.
Any idea if there are connections between streaming and viewing?
I would also like to thank everyone for the helpful advice I have gotten in the meantime. I hope palaber will get even better help!
Sorry to also hijack your thread Palaber, I'm looking for some streaming advice too.

I tried to set up OBS today to stream Planet Coaster to Twitch with seemingly no luck at all. To start with I was getting a serious lack of upload and download speed but then I discovered my dad was creating a bottleneck in the network by copying large amounts of files over LAN. [mad]

Now that I've got him told off though it's having serious frame-rate issues and seems to disconnect every 2 minutes or so. OBS tells me it's had a "bitrate overload" and I am really not sure how to fix that. Planet Coaster doesn't seem to be causing the issue as I tried streaming Notepad++ (pretty boring stream I know [haha]) to see what would happen with no other CPU intensive programs running and the issue persisted. I've tried using a delay and setting the output resolution really tiny but nothing seems to fix it.

I ran a speed test and this is the result I got: I think that's about half the speed of what I should be getting for download from my ISP (supposedly it's fibre), I'm not sure about upload though, I'm new to streaming so I don't really know what's normal. Is there anything I should be trying to see if I can improve the performance a bit?
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Hm what system do you have?
I want to explain a situation now. Weeks ago I had problems too streaming up, because always when I open twitch from my MacBook or my computer during the stream to see it there is stop and go. So I thought something was wrong with my stream. I made big trouble at my provider I told them that I have problems and they always look and told me that everything is fine! All the trouble because i thought my streams were laggy but in real they were good. Today when I stream I got this problems watching my stream during stream. BUT when I downloaded the video files and looked them on my computer I could see that they were without lags!

So my advise is! Try to update or reinstall obs! If you told me your specs I can tell you what about to configure!
I made a clean install of Windows! This could help you too!
And if there are lot of traffic in your home network caused from other devices than they should be set off!

Try and tell me what you could do
Hm what system do you have?
I want to explain a situation now. Weeks ago I had problems too streaming up, because always when I open twitch from my MacBook or my computer during the stream to see it there is stop and go. So I thought something was wrong with my stream. I made big trouble at my provider I told them that I have problems and they always look and told me that everything is fine! All the trouble because i thought my streams were laggy but in real they were good. Today when I stream I got this problems watching my stream during stream. BUT when I downloaded the video files and looked them on my computer I could see that they were without lags!

So my advise is! Try to update or reinstall obs! If you told me your specs I can tell you what about to configure!
I made a clean install of Windows! This could help you too!
And if there are lot of traffic in your home network caused from other devices than they should be set off!

Try and tell me what you could do

Okay thanks for your advice, I've made sure I've got OBS up to date now. I've got my stream running a lot better now than I had it last night because I switched to NVENC H.264 encoding, so I believe that means my GPU is now handling most of the workload? I have a gtx960 4GB, and a not-so-good Intel Pentium Dual-Core CPU (3.3 GHz): I believe that may have been the source of a lot of my problems. I am now alone in the house at this point in time so I know that I am the only person using the network, so there is no other unnecessary network traffic at the moment. I did another speed test earlier this morning and I'm still only getting about half the speeds of what I should be getting from my ISP, so I will be contacting them about that soon.

This is what my Output settings look like currently in OBS: I'm not sure what some of that stuff really means so if you could give me any advice on some of the settings it would be much appreciated. It does seem to be running a lot smoother now than last night though, so I think I'm making progress. [happy]
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Gtx 960 is good choice. I run Nvenc codec too with my gtx 1060 and no problems. I'm on the go so I can't tell you my settings. But you can increase bitrate up to 3500. You got nearly 10 mbits upload so there's no problem or should be no problem. And try to set to more quality instead of performance and look how it works!
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