Hardware & Technical HP Microservers - any thoughts?

Hiya...just wondering if anyone has any experience with HP Microservers. I'm thinking of getting one to replace a possibly failing Netgear ReadyNAS104.
In terms of compact and fairly reliable hardware, you could get worse. You need to be aware of their service concept though, chances are that you won't get conveniences like firmware updates after a year or two, so if there's a gremlin in whatever you're using when the bell tolls, you're either paying or SOL. It's also very pedestrian "almost server" hardware (Excavator-era Opteron CPUs, not even using ECC RAM).

The big question is what you want to run on it and use it for. If you want another NAS that just sits there and stores and distributes data, give the SOHO models of Synology a look, their software is alright, and they have real CPUs (not that bargain bin ARM or Atom crap most consumer units are using and that chokes on anything requiring network or disk throughput) with enough RAM for most things if you go for an 8GB model. I have a tiny Linux VM with a Plex server on mine and that even transcodes video fine for a single user. If you want something to run your own stuff on FreeNAS on, or need more compute capability or even a GPU in there, that won't be an option though.
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