Yeah in that manner it is, but i meant to reply again afterwards.

Are you talking about where it says something like "you're doing that too much?" if so that means you've already posted and are perhaps accidently trying to post the same thing again. It's a spam guard I believe.
Just to explain what Reddit does with new users. It doesn't like new users to post too much too quickly until they have some karma, this is to try and stop the spammers or at least slow them down. If you are new it is simply a matter of waiting before making your next post. These restrictions are lifted quickly as you use Reddit.
If you want to find our reddit, you have to search no more. Here it is. ;) If you want to get a basic idea of all PP activities (from the Hudson perspective) you can watch this video. We also have guides for our new players in our right sidebar and in the strategy sticky. If you are a newish player I wouldn't bother with doing fortification/preparation for merits for now (quite expensive), except if you have times where you are in the reach of your PC (or are you on XBox?) and can fill up with the free contingents every 30 minutes. Best way at the beginning is to wing up with us to undermine though. Just keep posting stuff that's unclear here or on reddit. Would be much faster to answer everything you want to know on our Teamspeak, so feel free to hop on.

Thanks mate - will do so (need to dig through some boxes to find a microphone... joys of moving recently - lots of boxes, but not the stuff I want easily on hand)...

Have started reading the reddit posts and guides... good stuff there and have posted some more direct queries and received some reply so starting to make some sense. Will be on TS in due course to see if I can join in a wing.
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