I am 60 yrs old tomorrow, so gonna stop playing ED

As per title, it's my 60th birthday tomorrow, so i will be stopping playing playing elite, at least for a few days as i am going away for my birthday, (instead of the usual party). I was also wondering. i struggle with combat, slower reactions, poor muscle memory ect, how many other players out their my age, or older, do you struggle playing with age related problems, if so in what way.
i also find it harder to have prolonged sustained gaming sessions now, as it tires me out far more than it used to.

Trouble with combat, just drop some mines while they chase you.
As per title, it's my 60th birthday tomorrow, so i will be stopping playing playing elite, at least for a few days as i am going away for my birthday, (instead of the usual party). I was also wondering. i struggle with combat, slower reactions, poor muscle memory ect, how many other players out their my age, or older, do you struggle playing with age related problems, if so in what way.
i also find it harder to have prolonged sustained gaming sessions now, as it tires me out far more than it used to.

Happy birthday commander :) I know of several players your age who are fairly successful PVPers so don't give up on yourself yet ;-) You have 20 years on me but in my experience the best way that older players can provail is to use their enhanced attention spans. I.e. by reading and knowing things. That actually counts for a huge amount in this game. When people post on the forums about the NPCs killing them etc, it almost always turns out that they didn't know something...
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Happy birthday commander, just a few years behind you. My biggest pain is constantly having to swap my glasses to see the keyboard to type a message. Then having to swap back to see the screen and message response. Therefore every time I chat I have to come to a stop or fly in a straight line. I did have a headset with a mic, but the ships cat chewed it off.
Haha, oh have all the big toys, at my age we know how to make credits, trouble is i took my Conda out, and it is now useless in combat, the little ships are like stinging wasps around a beetle. It is now mothballed and for use when i finally decide to explore far away places.

Happy early-birthday! My conda is an explorer, and before I leave I always make sure I get into some USS fights to make sure my build works. Take a look at the loadoat, versus little ships all you have to do is deploy hardpoints and sip some tea. :)

Its a new 'rule of thumb I use':

1) Fixed is for fighting enemies equally or less agile than you
2) Gimballed is for fighting enemies slightly more agile than you
3) Turrets are for fighting enemies much more agile than you

On my conda, dogfighting like ships is a giant PITA. With some turrets life becomes much easier. For turrets I use the following three rules:

1) Small turrets track fast, and are the primary damage dealers versus tiny ships. Place beams here.
2) Medium turrets track a little slower, so maybe not as good versus Eagles and such. Burst still gives it a good chance to hit, without spending too much energy per shot
3) Large turrets track much more slowly, and are more against larger ships (Clipper, Python and such). Keep energy usage low, go for pulse.

On a more combat-oriented Corvette I'd only use the c1 and c2 for turrets (takes care of small ships) and receive the large and huge hardpoints for gimballed and fixed kinetics respectively.
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Have a great day, commander.

I will be joining the Over Sixties Club next year.

Age (and being an introvert) prevents me from playing in Open but I'm having a blast in Solo. Like many of the elder statesmen of Elite I boost and run as often as possible sowing mines behind me as I go. Turreted weapons also help.

senum severiorum salutavist
I'm just above 40 (but sometimes feeling way older [sad] ), but we got a member in our group who's in the mid 70's.
He put together a gaming chair, got him a warthog, using Voice attack...
He's just great, everyone likes him.

This is what makes ED somewhat special, it's definately not a kiddie playground, you encounter every type and every age.

Wish you all the best for your BD, live long and prosper... :)
I'm 60.

Been a gamer since 1984 when I got my C64 and Elite. Computers were my hobby back then. (I was a Pottery Barn store manager in New York.) Because of my interest in computer gaming, I've been an IT engineer for the last 20 years.

Yeah, my hand hurts after a couple of hours of grip and twist, but hey, it gets the blood going! Just remember to get up and walk around frequently. Sitting is the new smoking, you know.

Now where did I leave my Fitbit?
Lol, whippersnapper. Many happy returns, however, I will be 66 in November. my reactions in combat are fine thanks to a good Hotas set up, however, its my memory thats going, thank God for the missions tab otherwise I wouldn't know where or why I was flying to a certain system.
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As per title, it's my 60th birthday tomorrow, so i will be stopping playing playing elite, at least for a few days as i am going away for my birthday, (instead of the usual party). I was also wondering. i struggle with combat, slower reactions, poor muscle memory ect, how many other players out their my age, or older, do you struggle playing with age related problems, if so in what way.
i also find it harder to have prolonged sustained gaming sessions now, as it tires me out far more than it used to.

I suppose its only relevant to each individual, as I am now over sixty I find yes I am likely to be slower than the teens to thirty aged players, but by no means that slow, as to muscle memory having just upgraded my controllers and the almost totally different lay out of the individual controls which had to be relearned from scratch spent half a day in the training to fine tune the controls, now one week on I am back to normal play (for me that is). so you have to learn or relearn and play and at your pace not someone else's; I for one bar accidents / injuries hope to be gaming for some years to come yet. Hell,l I would take my damn gaming rig to the grave if I thought I could play in the hereafter lol. Growing older is part of life and is far different, from growing old which to me is a state of mind. PS happy birthday and welcome to the club 60+
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Well, if you find your reaction time dropping you could always go with turrets/gimbals if you still want to engage in combat, or focus in on different types of missions, trading and exploration. The nice thing is you can still make a buck in this game and have fun even without combat.

I realized in my mid-20s that I couldn't keep up anymore in games like Quake Arena, and Counterstrike. Just not fast enough! The decline is real. It was about that time that I rekindled my interest in RPGs and MMOs :) Even on this game, with an X-55 setup and a very good PC, I still don't run any combat ships without gimbals.
Congrats, nosscar. May the Life be prosper! Or so. :)

Being still 40 I'm feeling like a 20s guy now - Mhm, well, okay - not really exactly like some. But I grew up with all this crap, my brain got already well trained before I even knew what was happening, so my awesome skills are hard wired. I guess I'll be still great in getting my butt kicked in my 60s. Can't wait!

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