Yes, it would be great if the route plotter jet cone boost option had the option of including neutron stars but excluding white dwarfs.
I believe the Spansh plotter allows one to do exactly this. It's a great tool. I've used it for a number of forays into deep space, in order to reach areas that are largely unexplored.
With how 'blessed' we are in ways to earn millions of credits these days, the risk/reward bit hardly counts - but individuals will make their own decision on that.
Although, for me, the very same factors makes them fun - but I don't play 'seriously', which explains a lot, I guess!
It's not about the money. It's about time, the precious resource that we all have limited amounts of unless and until some clever person invents an immortality serum. Getting my ship destroyed and having to spend the necessary time to retrace my route over hundreds of light years, to get back on track to where I was originally heading before being blown up, is not what I would consider a worthwhile use of my time. So take steps to avoid having to do that. Long-distance exploring is one of my "chill" gaming activities rather than the white-knuckle experience I can get from doing other things.