I can't find Jameson's crash site since installing Odyssey

as i have always said though if you can take down a thagoid with no problems whatsoever i dont care if you use your grannies unbrella handel in the ship

in a dog fight if you spend more than 3 seconds looking at your controls your already doing something wrong
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I went to HIP 12099 1 B and there's nothing there. Scanned it, orbited it, landed on it, no POI, nothing. Do I have to switch back over to Horizons for it to show up?
Did you find a fix.. the planet has gone for me.. nothing there and I have been there before
Now someone lost the whole planet?!

FWIW, I was there a few weeks ago, and the new & improved version was still there.
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OK this looks like a changed mechanism.

I visited the crash site on the original version. You had no choice but to dead reckon the location.
I visited both the locations above, in Odyssey, and there is no sign of the site.

After a surface scan the site appears, somewhere near the locations above, as do the thermal vents and other POI.

This does seem to break the the idea that you can 'discover' things by chance alone. To play Elite Odyssey completely, a scanner is required.
This does seem to break the the idea that you can 'discover' things by chance alone. To play Elite Odyssey completely, a scanner is required.
No. You can still fly to sites, you just don't need to any more. Everything moved when they changed the POI system so old coordinates don't work is all.

Some people insist on resurrecting old threads with the old coordinates and being confused - and here we are 🤪
1 B was completely lifeless and had no feature at all, until I scanned. I didn't even pick up a single blip from an outcrop.
I for one don't miss playing "find the XY in Supercruise then planet" game. It was like trying to pick up a toy from a claw machine game with an excavator at times.
I'm pretty sure there's no Geysers or outcrops etc before you scan. I'll go to one of the other bodies and take some screen dumps.
I'm pretty sure there's no Geysers or outcrops etc before you scan. I'll go to one of the other bodies and take some screen dumps.

There are geysers and plants before you scan, these things aren't reliant on the scans, they are generated during planetary generation in system entry, the scan just helps to tell you where they are!
indeed scans do not make objects spawn into existence they are there regardless of weather you scan them or not...............
pending on alt and speed and pc gpu rendering capacity etc they can be and remain pretty much invisible however & pop into view which may be the reason some have difficulty finding them.
on older sub par min spec slower machines you may need to be practically on the surface and at a stand still for objects to render ,appear and subsequently become interactable. or you are using dtivers fit for zx spectrums:ROFLMAO:
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