I demand more single player missions NOW! Are you even reading this, Frontier?

Not tested any beta but just fired up ELite beyond on my PS4 today first time after months to see what has changed.

Whats up on the mission board? Massive list of wing missions, even though I play SOLO!!
Remaining missions rubbish, to be friendly. And NO, I dont want MULTI, I dont want PS4 payed network.
I was in passenger missions and bounty hunting. Tried passenger missions.
No resonable payout anymore. While I like the choice of reqards, the credit reward was nerved so much, it aint fun anymore to hop around for an hour or two for just 5 to 10M credits in ELITE vip missions. Before I payed 40 to 50M in 1-2 hours with some luck.
Ok, droped the idea to run passengers (only good thing is strong reputation gains if one was up for it). But then again, combat missions payout nerved as well.. doh.

Result? 4 hours of gameplay, bored to hell. Bought a new game on PS4 store and shelf stored Elite again. Lets wait anoither 3 month for the next update. Cant be bothered wasting my time with such low payouts and even bigger grind for money.
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This is a game designed for Open Play as a social experience. I suggest you come join us in Open Play

Coming from PvE only, I did so the last days (it began by mistake tbh :D).
While it does add some thrill to never know if you will reach your destination alive, the greetings and o7s I spammed whenever meeting another CMDR were not honoured a single reply. Not that much of a social experience, by the looks of it.

However, on the positive side I was not blown up on sight although I'm presently operating from a system where an engineer sits, and as usual it was quite busy with human players. From what one hears and reads about open play, I had expected much worse. I wonder if this is due to the new C&P?
Same issue here. 80 % of all missions are wing missions now. But even if you are in a wing taking a wing mission your wing does not get or see the wing mission, so I am not yet sure how this is supposed to work. :O
This is a game designed for Open Play as a social experience. I suggest you come join us in Open Play :)

So , it was designed for open play?? then why include a solo play option, maybe because of the outcry when it was about to be released when it was hinted that there would be no solo play. The original Elite was single player only and it broke all records for games on it's release. The main reason for the bias on open play is to keep people buying in the store to 'upgrade' with pretty coloured light shows. as for a social experience, is that the silence of space when trying to hail other players or the experience of watching a player destroyed by another player for no other reason than they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ? I suggest if you crave the FPS/PVP aspect then other games are far more suited, if on the other hand you would like to experience the aspects that this game was actually designed around you do not need open play.
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