I don`t start the game

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Just seen users are also getting the error in Just Cause 4. So we have that game, Just Cause 3 and also Jurassic World Evolution.

Aren't all of these using DENUVO Copy Protection...? I think this might be the cause.
Denuvo isn't the cause. It's anti piracy software and have no effect on performance of the game.
I just did a search for Denuvo game outage and top hit was from a reddit post from today detailing hwo denuvo did not renew the domain for codefusion.technology which is what is causing this game and several others to have issues it seems. Aside from removing denuvo from the game i think we and serveral other games players are at the mercy of Denuvo actually rectifying this. =/

Here is the redit post describing how denuvo makes checks on first run and every 4 days or when hardware changes for the denuvo token.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/qotnlz/denuvo_forgets_to_renew_their_domain_registration/
Denuvo isn't the cause. It's anti piracy software and have no effect on performance of the game.
...and nobody in this thread was complaining about the performance, so why this comment?

Our problem is, we can't start the game at all !

I was suspecting Denuvo because
1) validating/reinstalling didn't help,
2) the message clearly was about "something" trying to connect to "somewhere" during the starting process.
3) Since the same problem occurs in different games from different companies, the copy protection is the first thing that came to my mind.
4) A quick online check revealed that all these games use Denuvo Copy protection.

And I see my theory validated by ShinNinht's post .

EDIT: Thankfully, they've fixed this. Still, quite embarassing for Denuvo, right ?
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