I have a question about the Advanced Docking Computer

I would recommend against using it as well. Not only does it free up a module slot that's better used for something more useful, but docking manually is actually and genuinely fun.
My Explo Anaconda has it and 1 free slot 5 for anything else I want/need.
ADCs took a step back when carriers arrived. It’s far easier to approach and land on a carrier deck than it is to thread the mail slot, especially for newer CMDRs.

I tend to put ADCs on non-combat ships for convenience, and on large combat ships where the landing process tends to go from engaging to tedious very quickly.
Funny how people always get triggered into discussions which have nothing to do with the initial question. Yours truly is not entirely immune, but with awareness one can try.

I don't know when this was changed as I haven't been around here when it was different, but find it reasonable to think that, if the change was not an accident, it was done to mitigate complaints about erratic behaviour of the docking computer which may have been found more difficult or impossible to fix. After all the machine is required to make situational decisions which can be tricky to formulate in exact rules.

I like to keep both assistants (ADC+SCA) in my builds wherever possible and I don't care what the hecklers think about that. I am far out exploring most of the time and use them almost always, i.e. also for landing anywhere in the wilderness. There has been only one incident so far where it actively tried to kill me by suddenly flipping the ship over and boosting against the next rock. Having made provisions for errors, recovering from it was no big deal. I heard from others who had similar things happen upon entering a station. Nothing is perfect, and in this case preventing it from shifting pips by itself should help reduce the risk of fatalities, and thereby the number of support requests the company has to deal with.
You're right, being dependent on the ADC strikes me as pitiable, especially when the game is about Flying a space ship.

As to scorn, it ain't worth the negative energy...
Daft comment, no-one is dependent on ADC. I've landed manually thousands of times, have nothing to prove, but still fit ADC in every ship because it makes the game more relaxing and believable.
Daft comment, no-one is dependent on ADC. I've landed manually thousands of times, have nothing to prove, but still fit ADC in every ship because it makes the game more relaxing and believable.
I see that sarcasm is dead, or is this intentionally obtuse?

In either case, I was just responding to someone else. So, if you want to call me daft, it implies that they are as well.
Correct spelling

The flip side of that is that you chose to perceive my writing in the most negative fashion possible.
Sorry again. Taken literally it was pretty negative. And I've seen almost identical remarks before which were meant to be taken seriously, especially on the ED Facebook group. In-game, I've been exploded for carrying a docking computer. Anyway, I got your post wrong and I apologise.
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I am sorry to hear that someone felt obliged to destroy you for carrying a docking computer. It is, of course, your choice in how you play and I would think that they probably were just looking for an excuse.

To the various and sundry who have been engaged by or engaging with me, please accept my apologies, as this has gotten far more sour than was originally intended.
I'm still happy to have ADC and use it. Just wasn't sure when that change came along and why, so thought I'd ask.
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