I kinda have a bad feeling about Space Legs.

I think they could be quite fun. I expect somone will come up with a legs canyon run, we'll all be posting our 10k times! 🦵🦵
I have absolutely no interest in space legs... never did. I want compelling team-based PvP and atmospheric flight on planets (other than the lazy approach... barren worlds, like we have now, with skyboxes).
at this point, I always expect to be disappointed with anything FD do with ED
I disagree. Taking Fleet Carriers as an example, I didn't take part in the beta because I didn't and still don't, have enough to buy a Fleet Carrier. All I heard from players was all the bad things about Fleet Carriers. Frontier tried to compromise with the community.

Now, after the release of the Fleet Carrier update, I actually like Fleet Carriers, I think it's been generally well received and Frontier actually did an update quite well compared to some of the past updates.

IF we as a community, only set our expectations with what Frontier quite literally tell us, then anything they do above that is a nice surprise, and using Xious's comment above, it'll be like expecting socks on Christmas day and getting something better.
I disagree. Taking Fleet Carriers as an example, I didn't take part in the beta because I didn't and still don't, have enough to buy a Fleet Carrier. All I heard from players was all the bad things about Fleet Carriers. Frontier tried to compromise with the community.

Now, after the release of the Fleet Carrier update, I actually like Fleet Carriers, I think it's been generally well received and Frontier actually did an update quite well compared to some of the past updates.

IF we as a community, only set our expectations with what Frontier quite literally tell us, then anything they do above that is a nice surprise, and using Xious's comment above, it'll be like expecting socks on Christmas day and getting something better.

I'm not feeling it myself, but, I respect your optimism.
Well I hope whatever gameplay we get, its good, I can only describe what I think is boring gameplay from SC.

The following gets old pretty quick in SC:
1) Waking up, going to the ship ordering console and ordering ship, going to landing bay and getting in ship. OK at least you can respawn in ship bed now .... most of the time.
2) Walking through stations, Place A for trade, Place B for upgrades grrrr.
3) Walking around your ship.
4) Dragging the crate to and from the Amazon Locker.

My mate purchased the new Biggest ship in game. 4(+) decks. I just got lost, its a device to get me plus whatever from a to b.

Not so fussed about ship interiors, and I hope I kee my "Station Services" menu.

For my Part: i dont need Space Legs for Barren Planets, we have a SRV for that. Id like to have them for Ships and Stations, Public Hubs or Clubs. The only Worlds interesting to Explore on Legs would be Earthlikes, Ammoniaworlds, something like that.

Frontier must first develop meaningful EVA which can subsequently be used for different planet types and interiors. So Odyssey is essential to eventually realize EVA on Earthlike worlds, ships and stations.
Until I see more I suspect that they will have tried to please everyone, spacelegs crowd/atmospheric landings crowd, and will end up pleasing no one.

The talk is about "disembarking" i.e getting out of your ship. Space legs proponents have been banging on about walking around in their ships since day one, if they don't get this they will be very salty and disappointed.

Atmospheric landings, so far look to be a sky box with some flames. Atmospheric landings fans have been banging on about weather, gas giants, earthlikes and much much more since day one, from what we've seen so far they will be very salty and disappointed.

Early days though and hopefully loads more will be revealed.

But if it does pan out the way I fear it begs the question why would FD ignore very clear customer feedback as to what they would like in a new product? I can only think it is either a fundamental technical limitation with the game or they don't have the people with the skills to make either a reality. That or just a cold hard cost /profit calculation.
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