Ships I need help with prismatic shields.

How do I get them?, is prismatic shield better than bi-woven interlaced shield?can someone explain to me?
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Prismos are a Powerplay module. You have to pledge yourself to Aisling for 4 weeks, then after that make enough merits to become rank 3. You can then spen large amounts of CR to buy some.

Prismos are heavier, use more power, regenerate slower (not sure about this one) but are about as effective as a shield one size higher. They are good for situations where you want to tank damage but don't expect to hang around for long. Or want to put a shield in a smaller slot but still have the same protection as the larger slot for whatever reason.
Prismatics are good if you have the power to spare, and simply want the maximum shielding for a single engagement (PvP). The shield strength they offer is absurdly high, but at a price . . . regeneration time. They renegerate at snail's pace, several times slower than comparable bi-weaves, and once they are down, they'll stay down a loooong time. (Okay, you can reboot, obviously, which is a saving grace.)

I did try one on one of my combatr ships, but I do not do PvP, and for PvE, bi-weaves suit my playing style A LOT better.
That said, for certain types of ships, namely, freighters, they allow mounting fantastic defences at a much lower "slot cost," freeing up big slots for cargo racks (or whatever you fancy).
The smaller prismatic, especially the size 1 can give quite a boost for less of a hit on recharge time. On a small ship they make a lot of sense.
Prismatic shields are mostly used on pvp shield tanks. They are very heavy, power hungry and they recharge rate is slooow, no chance to recharge that in combat but to use super heavy shield cell banks.There are only few ships able for maximize the capacity of shield bolstered with 8x heavy shield boosters which is Imperial Cutter, Federal Corvette and Anaconda. You can get really sick results especially with Cutter that can go above 10k MJ of shield strength .
From smaller ships prismatics are also used in pvp on Ferdy and Mamba. From really small ships prismatic shield class 1 (the smallest) is a solid choice on Imperial Courier. Prismatic shield also work well on trade ships, for example I'm using class 5 prismatic on my T9.
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