Idea for how expand the JP Era friendly building roster

While I don't think the way the Era system is currently implemented is all that great, I do think there are ways to improve it without making it obsolete.

One of the first ways to do this would be to simply add more building types and simply have them be JP versions of JW buildings.

There's a lot of material external from the movies and books to pull from, like comics, games and even trading cards.

For instance, the Bone Shaker from Tell Tale's Jurassic Park the game could be made into a Monorail skin.

Dr. Sorkin's Field lab could be converted into a Science Operations alternative and while in JW Era mode the Visitor Center could be offered as an alternative variant of Innovation Center.

While this would certainly be asking a lot of Frontier to put out all at once for free, I think that over the course of the next couple updates, giving us more buildings with the JP ascetic would go a long way towards fixing a lot of the post RJP-complaints.

The biggest issue that needs an update is the Sandbox Era restrictions. That just needs to go. In Sandbox mode you should have access to everything. Period. Hopefully their next update fixes that. As far as Challenge and the campaign modes go, the only thing in need of change is the dinosaur and decorations limitation. We got so many cool signs and whatnot to make our parks look even nicer and they're all mostly locked behind the JP Era ultra-limiting barrier. The Dinosaur restrictions were fine for the RJP campaign, but they need to go in all other modes. I'm sorry, but the restrictions are completely unacceptable.

Anywhoos, I think adding a few tabs into creative, campaign and challenge modes, for JP buildings and decorative items preferably would go a fair way to improving JWE. The last expansion added a lot of new and amazing things, but a lot of annoying little problems I think could be easily solved with time and elbow grease. Hopefully, Frontier is able to look beyond the movies and books for inspiration. There's a lot wonderful nuggets in Jurassic Park's past that could brighten Jurassic World Evolution's future.
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