If you had to choose one thing to fix in Odyssey, what would it be?

The appearance of space. The lighting, the self-illumination. Basically - the old skybox. The one we've been playing with for years. I'd want that back. Not this white spots on black useless skybox we have now. Oh, I know all the detail is still there in the data; it's just the values of almost everything have been pushed out to 0,0,0 or 255,255,255 by contrast, so we're left with this horrible, awful appearance of space. Some people prefer it; I'm not among them. xD I prefer my exploration of space to be beautiful.

Couldn't pick between them two because each one seems to have heavy impact on general playability.

When everyone can play again it's enough time for fixing bugs etc.
  • Many improvements and fixes, including
  • GFX optimisation (aka performance)
In fairness the FPS improvement in Update 2 in the stations that received culling treatment is noticeable. If FDev continue to make similar improvements in the other stations/settlements it will be a big step forwards for Odyssey.

Multiplayer improvements (network and gameplay) would certainly be my next choice though. Odyssey content is absolutely tailor-made for teamwork, once we can join up with friend reliably.
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Perhaps if Frontier can hear what issues are most important, maybe they'll focus on them.

For me, it's just the UI. I think I would be playing Odyssey a lot more if just the UI was fixed. It's little things that send me running back to Horizons. For me, all I ask for is to fix the UI. How about this, please just fix passenger missions so they show the destination faction. I swear it's just that one thing that is forcing me to play Horizons right now.

What is most important to you?
I would like to have a copilot for my ship, the current multi crew sucks.

It ruins the fun. Then performance, then visuals, then anything else.

Cause when u play with friends U don't suffer alone. You can have a good time even with a crappy bugged bad graphics game.
For the sake of this, I'll assume that performance will eventually be fixed:

Gunplay. It's the big draw to Odyssey and the gameplay feels pretty awful. The solution to all problems should not be, "Just use plasma". Weapons lack punch, feel extremely weak, and the gameplay itself is very weak.

You have a very fast-paced and high movement system, but very chunky enemies. You have to pick, do you want slower and more deliberate gameplay, or do you want Quake style run and gun? You have the movement of Quake, but this weird spongy enemy health system for the sake of keeping combat slow. It's very strange and doesn't feel good.

I'm fine with either style, so long as the direction is consistent. With a game like Elite, I'd actually lean a bit more on the sim side of things, but seeing as you've gone ahead and added a Call of Duty style base-fight thing, the Quake style would be more appropriate.

Just a couple bullets for my thoughts on how weaponry has been implemented:

-All weapons should be deadly the moment that they're purchased. Kinetic could have reduced effectiveness on shields, and energy could have reduced effectiveness on flesh, but both should be deadly. With Plasma being a 'solves all problems' kind of weapon, these weapons become obsolete. In the real world, this would mean that no military or mercenary company would use kinetics or lasers at all.

-Engineering should make sense. In 2021, you can buy a new barrel for your rifle, larger magazines, and different scopes without having to provide the materials to build them. You're telling me that in 1000+ years, you can't buy new components for your weapons wholesale? Can an engineer really not source materials for credits? And are you going to tell me that Picatinny rails or their equivalent don't exist anymore? This system is just needless grind and actually shatters immersion. Engineers should exist for things like customized firing pins, overclocking your laser rifles, and things like that. Basic things like extended barrels, scopes, and extended magazines should be available wholesale.

People keep telling me that Elite is a simulator, so I expect the developers of said simulator to understand weaponry. Even 1000 years into the future and within their own lore, they can make weapons feel grounded within it.

You're welcome to disagree with me and say everything's fine. I could very well be in the minority with this.
U know what would be great? When u go frame shift drive interplanetary we would have the same level of parallax moving stars in the background as jumping into hyperspace.
My first instinct was to say "the release", because the game is only early beta test stage yet. But no, that can pass.

The one thing I would want to fix is the completely unimaginative, grindy, MMO style minimum viable product game design. It's literally "social" space, so let's move one mission for each faction to one NPC standing out in the concourse yelling about his illegal tasks. Upgrade system, so lets make a fetch quest of literally dozens pieces of unobtainium per step. Someone said "so you could find a trader by talking to someone at the bar..." and they went "trade stuff. bartender. CHECK!". Inventory upgrade? Okay, let's require 10 of EVERY thing named "inventory", because we don't know what that word means anyway. Basically, the game has a bunch of asset design but no real writing or theme. Immersion was the strong point of Elite - and it's not even a consideration in this design. And the insane grinds come from that too; they just pick stuff at random, here, get 40 of this one thing, or 20 each of those three - never mind that it's half an hour of work (not even gameplay) to get a 2% chance to get one.

Expressed a little differently, Elite has always required reading between the lines to fill in the gaps. That's fine when the gaps are left open. Odyssey fills a lot of them with.. nothing. Some of it in direct contradiction with established lore (there's a bar now, but Jacques is missing, and so are the drinks), some of it just rips out the gaps (how is a clandestine subject brought up? who do you get a referral to?). There are even huge contradictions in its own interface! For instance, dropping a piece of data isn't a memory chip, but a huge canister. Upgrading a suit requires putting way more power regulators into it than could ever fit, while a single one powers a whole ship, SRV, or settlement. The cognitive dissonance just makes suspension of disbelief harder for no reason.

They took the old complaint that black markets are literally announced with a yell of "I WANT TO SELL ILLEGAL GOODS" and made it literal, with absolutely no tongue in cheek. And that in a world where you're summarily executed for loitering or petty theft.

And it comes down to the same old thing. Frontier's core design just doesn't even see what's to enjoy in the game. That's how they manage to trample over it every single time (yep, we have human traces on every planetoid in the black again).
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Perhaps if Frontier can hear what issues are most important, maybe they'll focus on them.

For me, it's just the UI. I think I would be playing Odyssey a lot more if just the UI was fixed. It's little things that send me running back to Horizons. For me, all I ask for is to fix the UI. How about this, please just fix passenger missions so they show the destination faction. I swear it's just that one thing that is forcing me to play Horizons right now.

What is most important to you?
Outfitting improv, I like the new design but its kind of confussing going through
Changed my mind...
More narrative: unique or rare missions not just easily provided. And consecuent achievements after completion ( unique ranks, decals, pet cats?... :)
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