If you're wondering where Frontier's attention is directed at...

I would really love to see one day of what this "constructive" thing might mean....11 updates and still no change for the exploration minigame, and with all the feedback asking for a redesign în a meningfull way and still no change, or years of repeated feedback (constructive feedback) and requests for powerplay improvements with little to no results. Literal hundreds of forum pages of feedback in Alpha stage only ( read Time dedicate to it) and yet little to no consequences. Constructive feedback or criticism has an effect only when is not just acknowledged but also integrated in development, otherwise might be regarded as toxicity.
lol, requests for power play improvements were only made by a one man army. I respect the man for his dedication and persistence but he is pretty much the only person who even talks about it. If Frontier ever improves PP it would show that they actually do not listen to constrictive criticism from the community. :D
In response to the opening thread, Yes that is where FD interest reside, making sure all of their titles make money, getting relevant promotion.

EDO as a product failed, it nosed dived their sales, lost them 40% of their stock and forced them to cut 30% of their audience.

In that respect the logical thing to do would be to pull resources over to those products that are safe and promote them and put EDO on the quiet step until they have fixed whatever is currently broken, for the sake of the company.

EDO is a season, which means it’s content is released over the fiscal year not in 1 lump. The last years debacle forced FD to throw away 12 months of planning and events management and effectively start over. Thargoids with legs is very likely to be their next big moment for EDO, if it works (!) it may bolster up the poor sales, so I presume they are busy trying very hard to make sure it actually works.

The failure of EDO I suspect was a genuine surprise for FD, they miscalculated their demographics and the functionality of the product, over the incentive to make a quick stack of cash.

Right now FD are doing the practical thing, I suspect they can’t focus on Community News simply because they have no news, the narrative is not moving forwards so the Comm team have nothing to work with (which they likely spent a great deal of time planning for but have since had to throw away).

They now are effectively thinking on their feet communication wise and going from one day to the next.

The last leg of EDO will be interesting and insightful, if FD have a good marketing strategy for Thargoid legs (and importantly if they work), it could turn the tide.

However I suspect once that has been resolved we will be back here, in the dark waiting for FD to figure out what they want to do?

I suspect their development plans no longer fit those proposed circa 2014 to 2017, but they are now market driven as they answer to their investors - not us. If enough people start buying games about cheese, it’s likely that’s what we will get too.
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In response to the opening thread, Yes that is where FD interest reside, making sure all of their titles make money, getting relevant promotion.

EDO as a product failed, it nosed dived their sales, lost them 40% of their stock and forced them to cut 30% of their audience.

In that respect the logical thing to do would be to pull resources over to those products that are safe and promote them and put EDO of the quiet step until they have fixed whatever is currently broken.

EDO is a season, which means it’s content is released over the fiscal year not in 1 lump. The last year have forced FD to throw away 12 months of planning and events management and effectively start over. Thargoids with legs is to be their big moment for EDO, if it work it may bolster up the poor sales, so I presume they are busy trying very hard to make sure it actually works.

The failure of EDO I suspect was a genuine surprise for FD, they miscalculated their demographics and the functionality of the product, over the incentive to make a quick stack of cash.

Right now FD are doing the practical thing, I suspect they can’t focus on Community News simply because they have no news, the narrative is not moving forwards so the Comm team have nothing to work with (which they likely spent a great deal of time planning for but has since had to throw away).

They now are effectively thinking on their feet communication wise and going for one day to the next.
I don't think you can blame Odyssey at all the gaming industry as a whole as suffered the last 2 years... covid, lockdowns and economy. I would suggest you're wrong as ED player numbers according to EDSM are where they were during Horizons. I go back to my original statement that ED isnt worth the extra time or investment for potential profit. I expect ED will continue to be developed just slowly until they either decide to make Elite 5 or leave the game in a maintenance mode.
Like its funny irony (ironic) like Frontier with their communication after the last 2 years of very poor communication

Actually they had really good coms last year - but i would assume that came with the damage control
And like normal coms in the years before - sort of like this year but without the bad news
Literal hundreds of forum pages of feedback in Alpha stage only ( read Time dedicate to it) and yet little to no consequences.

I think this ultimately will be ED's greatest failure. The amount of goodwill and users time investment to see Sir David and Frontier compete with the financial juggernaut of Star Citizen (just to frame the context of when ED was being developed), was clearly obvious. I mean all those DDF documents, and still to this day ALL the daily threads people post trying to improve upon aspects of the game, shows the love that Elite has in a wide array of the gaming public.

The inability (for whatever reasons) to turn that into real world strong financial success for ED is troubling, especially when you can compare how that could have worked as seen in No Man's Sky etc (yes different type of game, but they 'listened' and adapted to their player base (important in any kind of 'MMO' imho)).

Not saying crowd-sourcing the game design is a fix-all solution, but we still (as in "still!") have obvious in-game issues (across many aspects of gameplay) that actually have given solutions in those dead and buried community contributions.

Now this is probably enough Doom!(tm) ;)
First off, I'm just sharing this because judging from the view count of 165 views on Youtube as of posting this, and the fact that the video is unlisted, I don't think this video has caught the eyes of some people wondering where Frontier's attention is directed at with regards to their list of supported games.

As a quick summary of this 4 month old video with regards to Elite Dangerous, there is little mention of Elite Dangerous apart from a small mention of supporting the game.

Here is the video if you're interested.

Looking at Frontier's financial calandar, lets remain optimisic on the future of Elite Dangerous development at least until after 31 May. Afterall, they may have things planned for the new financial year.

View attachment 304170

Secondly, the following is my personal opinion. I love Elite Dangerous and used to play it a lot up till Engineers came out, then I stopped for a while because the time investment in grinding and method of collecting materials was too time consuming for me. I recently came back before Odyssey to push my engineer progression after the materials update, which gave players 3 instead of 1 material, and have since invited 4 other friends to join me on Odessey.

We played for about 2 weeks? There were bugs of course but they weren't the main issue. The feedback I got from my friends was similiar in sentiment for myself. They felt that Elite Dangerous required too much time investment to play sustainably. i.e. We all have daily jobs and don't really have hours to dedicate to the mundane relogging grind, searching of Odyssey outposts for materials, long supercruise travel times, yet we still love the game. It just feels like a chore to play and not really friendly to casual players.

I know the game is meant to be "Hard", "Dangerous", whatever you want to call it. Everyone has differing opinions and I respect that. I just wish it was more casual friendly so I could log in for 1-2 hours a day and still feel like I'm making progress.

Thank you for reading the second part if you did.
I agree to the second part. I tried few odyssey missions before I asked to be refunded and it felt like you need to play for too many hours in a row if you want to achieve something. Than it was also too much easy to mess up everything at the last minute and lose any progress made. The overall experience with the missions was frustrating and irritating. Fortunately I didn't even attempt to do some engineering...
As a console only gamer, it has been the epitome of poor communication throughout the Odyssey saga by Frontier.

Oh, i see where you coming from.
I also consider meself a console player, but i also have pc accounts.
So i dont consider them doing anything wrong last year - comms wise - ofc except from getting a 'punked launch CDPR style, but without having the resources CDPR had at their disposal 🤷‍♂️
As a console only gamer, it has been the epitome of poor communication throughout the Odyssey saga by Frontier. As a british gamer, I am shamed that Frontier are British by their actions (or lack of) and their corporate stance in all of this farce. To have been honest or up-front in their difficulties with consoles in the last year (rather than their silence) would have mitigated and avoided most of the fuming and furore; rather they just dropped the baby, picked it up again then decided that it's not their baby after all, is quite frankly... amateurish, in any form of communication, by any relative standards.

And I know it's the norm for this company, but sheesh! its like it's run by a pack of fourteen year olds who don't want to share their ball. It shouldn't be like that, not nowadays. So sweeping out the 'communications broom cupboard' of relics of the past can only be a good step forward for ED, but sadly I don't doubt you'll see the improvement.
I'm also a console-only gamer and we now have the benefit of some hindsight. The communication they gave us console players is exactly what they said they would give us...nothing until they had some news. Now we do know that they struggled to put EDO on consoles and ultimately gave up, but why would they need to communicate with us the struggles they were having before coming to a decision? It's not like anyone in the community is going to have any insight into the problem to help fix it, so they keep it to themselves until the point they realize they're just done and need to move on. All that said, I would say that it's not so much the communication that sucks, it's their follow-through. Hoping that whatever it is they have to announce on Wednesday is some good news about things they are going to do rather than things they can't/won't do as has been the norm so far this year. So far this year they've tended to post all the bad news as a brief forum blurb, so the fact it's making the live stream gives some hope.
First off, I'm just sharing this because judging from the view count of 165 views on Youtube as of posting this, and the fact that the video is unlisted, I don't think this video has caught the eyes of some people wondering where Frontier's attention is directed at with regards to their list of supported games.

As a quick summary of this 4 month old video with regards to Elite Dangerous, there is little mention of Elite Dangerous apart from a small mention of supporting the game.

Here is the video if you're interested.

Says the YouTuber closed their account. Why?
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