Powerplay Immersion, PP and interdicting

I have just started PP and earned my rank 5 this week and so far I really enjoy it.

So, I have flown many LYs to invade my target's back yard. I am there to kill their life line (Just as the wolf pack did to the Brits and allies in ww2) and everyone else that belongs to this system. What breaks immersion for me a bit is that when i make my presence known to the system guardians (analogous to warships in ww2)...loud and clear though an interdiction...what do they do? They dont say...aha! there you are... you should have stayed under your rock silly pilot for now your dead...no, instead they want to fleeeeee and not accept the invitation/interdiction to protect their haulers...the very reason they are there! They fight tooth and nail to win the interdiction game so they can flee and what, leave their haulers and transports sitting ducks?

I know that the extra 20 merits in PP undermining comes from having to hunt your target in supercruise and then engage
interdiction and all that comes with that, but still. These guardian ships tend to be tougher to kill anyways which in itself mitigates easy merits if they accept interdiction....
Perhaps make it a little harder...and i mean a little here FD..no overreacting please and a robust thank you..to interdict a life liner hauler etc in exchange for making the guardians actually act like they want to guard! If the transport vessel is easy to kill but harder to interdict...this adds immersion for typically transports are heavily guarded by escorts anyways (outside of ED gaming i mean)

Can you imagine if a ww2 German sub were to surface right in the face of a British battlecruiser and right in their harbour...and the cruiser Capt'n instead of immediately engaging battle goes full engines and heads away and retorts ."leave me alone, im with powerful people"...(apparently you arent one of them pal)

I'd say...Let them act with some pride and go throttle zero and fight especially within their own control system .

We are the Galactic Federal Agency charged by 6th dimensional entities and beyond to
bring order calm and peace to these lower dimensions at all costs.

You can chose to be either on or under that bus. Choose well.
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I'm not 100% sure which ships you are referring to - system defence forces will pull you from SC, scan you, and if you are wanted they will fight you. If you are referring to the small fighters that escort an 'enemy' supply vessel (often a pair of sideys that are winged up with a freighter of some sort) then these guys will bug out as soon as the freighter has been destroyed.... if you want to fight them (and get the extra 30 points for each) then you need to kill them before killing the freighter.

Also the system defence forces will, if you create enough mayhem (it doesn't take too long to find yourself 100% Hostile to the power you are undermining, and it's the work of a moment to gain a wanted tag) show up as red on your scanner and take every opportunity to shoot at you the moment they spot you.
I keep myself at lvl 4, got a federal system close enough to Alliance space (I''m alliance) shooting federal logistics ships, it takes me 1 evenings work to keep it at 1500.

I like it that way lvl 4 is fine. Although IF I fancied getting to level 5, any tips where I should go gank for a better ratio per time/kill (I'm always in Mobius when PP'ing)

Im in a BH Python but can kit out a Conda if needed.

Lack of documentation by Frontier and my in-ability to spend half my evening Googling for anwsers (I'd rather just play!) has lead me to ask someone who's in the know. :)
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Because in a system of about 1.40e+40 cubic meters to patrol, no one gives a crap about you.

Thats what they are paid to do comrad. These forces fly about looking for enemy ships like me in their homeland, they are there to protect their resources, their homes and loved ones

My interdiction is saying, well here i am. its me that you are looking for, now what? What are you going to do now that you found me and have been challenged? Each and every time they choose to flee.

I am not talking about those ships that engage interdiction...not at all.

Its what they do when I have hunted them down on THEIR turf.

All they do is squeal and squeak trying to get away.

Some security that is p

Also....we are functioning as soldiers...since when did wartime soldiers get murder charges when in the line of duty?
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Also....we are functioning as soldiers...since when did wartime soldiers get murder charges when in the line of duty?

You're not officially in war, these are acts of terrorism and thus you get charges for killing people. And, you think even at war they would just let you go because "you're a soldier"? Of course they would fight you as an enemy.
I keep myself at lvl 4, got a federal system close enough to Alliance space (I''m alliance) shooting federal logistics ships, it takes me 1 evenings work to keep it at 1500.

I like it that way lvl 4 is fine. Although IF I fancied getting to level 5, any tips where I should go gank for a better ratio per time/kill (I'm always in Mobius when PP'ing)

Im in a BH Python but can kit out a Conda if needed.

Lack of documentation by Frontier and my in-ability to spend half my evening Googling for anwsers (I'd rather just play!) has lead me to ask someone who's in the know. :)
Spwans tend to be somewhat random, though they're generally better if you're in a wing. Also, the Federation and Alliance are neutral right now. If you want an undermining target that doesn't risk the relations of these powers, try Neche. We at Winters have set aside that system for folks who need undermining merits, since it's close to our HQ and randoms will generally fortify it. As a bonus, it's an anarchy system so you won't have system authorities bothering you while you earn your merits.

For weekly updates there's no need to Google, just get yourself over to https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteMahon/ to see what's going on. They generally don't post UM targets but if you ask I'm sure they probably have a list of systems like Neche from many powers.
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You're not officially in war, these are acts of terrorism and thus you get charges for killing people. And, you think even at war they would just let you go because "you're a soldier"? Of course they would fight you as an enemy.
Also, we're not soldiers; we don't work for governments. We work for the personal faction of our leader. We're like a step up from street gangs. :)
But then again...how is it that we dont work for Governments when these leaders are presidents and senators.
Think of it more like a frat. The president/prime minister runs the country, but in a galaxy of powerplay he also wants to spread the influence of his frat. So he is both the president of a government and the head of an organization fighting for influence against other orgs. It's all pretty dystopian, but that's the galaxy of Elite I suppose.
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