Imperial Cutter - what do you use it for?

I've wanted to include an an Imperial Cutter in my fleet for some time. As it is a beautiful ship. Expensive, for sure (but goals are important). Now that I have it, I am somewhat at a loss for what to do with it. I've currently outfitted it as a transport. Due to its weapons superiority over a T9, and the military slots providing greater hull and module protection, I'm comfortable running it without shields. It is quite pleasant to use for this role (and makes far more $$, per trip, than I ever did with my T9). I'll probably stop transporting when I have recovered a reasonable proportion of the cash I spent to buy and equip it.

What role are you guys using this ship for?
Two with roles and one is just a fat lazy transfer ship.
Transport, laser mining and tritium transfer.
I used to use a T10 for laser mining but the cutter destoys it for that, the cargo Cutter, good shields, speed, defence and 752t.
cutter is a great ship for trading built with speed out runs any intridiction also can have a mean fire power,but as a combat ship i would say no,i have two both combat traders if needed, but one i use for multi type missions,try it out why not it will make youre creds back in no time.
I used to use it for teaming up with a wing of friends and doing wing source and return missions. Or just stacking loads of elite level source missions so I could kill all the anacondas that came. Was the best way to get materials without getting bored. Materials reward missions + anaconda materials.
I use my cutters for trade and for killing
and sometimes just for basking - this is its role.

to fly with no shield and for the sake of making a few more credits is a waste.
there is no good reason to count those few pennies saved against a rebuy or 2.
if credits are needed so much, you really should avoid the rebuy.
fwiw some gankers look for ships like that for the very reason you are doing it.

I fully expect battles every time I haul in mine, and am fully prepped for it.

my cargo cutters have class 6 prismatics, full engineering on all modules
basic ships layout is identical to battle cutter
sub out the shield for a class 6, and put cargo racks for 720tons in the rest

this means it can haul, but can still kill anything dumb enough to get near it.
My Cutters:

Laser miner
Armed trader (generally for CGs)
AX - version 1
AX - version 2

I might get more for other roles in future 😊

Special mention to the cutter on the Maverick suit
Armed transport. Not that it needs the arms if all you want to do is get the cargo to the destination - there's pretty much nothing except for another Cutter that could stop a Cutter from going where it wants to go.
700 or so tons. I smuggle mixed loads so huge cargo isn't the point.
Firepower is.
She has size 6 shields which ain't huge but l need the juice for.. 5 Plasma accelerators with every experimental u can think huge volley. 2 packhounds high capacity drag missile launchers on her nacelles ensures the enemy is in no rush to get away.
She's formidable! Fast well armed shielded.
Now landing whilst silent running manually in a that's why she also has 2 engineered sinks. She's fully G5 and fast!
Reverski she's lethal.
Bit like the Clipper

BGS bully
Cool boost noise maker

It also has mega thick shields, so in a PvE context outside of ATR / certain NPCS with phasing weapons its invincible.
Hi :)

I use the Cutter mostly for transport missions.
Good defence, no need to worry about interdictions from pirates, can take on two elite large pirate ships easily.
Love it when interdicted by type 10 pirate ships, plenty of materials to collect after they disintegrate.
A pig when landing or taking off manually from high G planets though, you have to be careful what you're doing (fully loaded with cargo). I've had two rebuys at a certain planet starport in the past, costly! :LOL:
It's one of my favourite ships though.(y)

Jack :)
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It is the undisputed king of laser mining and a very, very good transport ship.

It is NOT a good combat ship. Being very tanky and able to outrun any other ship its size with ease is it's only use in combat.
Tritium miner. It's an absolutely brilliant miner. Made me 2 billion credits in a couple of weeks just from mining and selling the tritium on my FC.
What role are you guys using this ship for?

It's my main hauler. Long range hauler *
Replace the Guardian FSD Booster with another cargo rack if the extra range is not needed or use a size 4 instead of size 5 FSD booster

I used it as a miner too (hardpoints can be adjusted for core mining too or for a combination of both laser and core miner)

Anti-Xeno Ship for AX CZ

*(Solo/PG, i would not fly a such ship in open, but i rarely fly in open anyway since other players shenanigans are not helping with any ingame goals, with the exception of AX CZ and maybe combat CZ)
I have two. One is set up for laser mining. One is set up for cargo hauling.

Both can fight just fine (I put good shields and good weapons on both of them to fight off random pirates), but they are not my preferred combat ships.

I did try a combat build on one once, and it could shrug off just about anything, but it was kinda clumsy.
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