News Important Community Update

Zac Antonaci

Head of Communications
Translation: With five people we didn't make it to the scheduled date. We're waiting for your money before we do more.

Sorry, I'm really not sure I can agree with this statement.

I understand that it's disappointing if an element of an update is not going to be available as planned. I honestly do. Which is why we wanted to give you this information as early as possible. However, the last year has been a full development team (not 5) focusing on delivering free content. that's directly opposite to the point you made about waiting for money. As is taking a strong decision to NOT bring in premium paid for content in this year and instead focus more on the long term vision of the game. I really hope you like the content and everything that Chapter Four has to offer, the team have worked really hard on it. :)

First bite into real milk chocolate?
I find it hard to be very positive about this update, as the only concrete info is pretty negative. Carriers and ice planets were a big part of q4, and they have been cut 'and may well come later'. No paid-for major DLC either this year. In return we get 'exciting gameplay' without any details, and the promise of more 'exciting stuff' that will come 'a significant time after beyond ends'. While I appreciate getting an update at all, and it is good to see the long-term future of ED being taken serious by FD, I'm surprised such a lengthy update comes without any concrete info on what we will be getting.

Ah well, I'll see what happens in the coming weeks. :)
They cut stuff but a lot of people are like "wow cool thanks!"

At first I was disappointed, but this might actually be a good thing. I hope it means a deep-level cleaning of the game code and a more "end game" approach to design vs. just bolting pieces onto the game every couple of months. If we have to wait a year or two to get a finished game that's way better than it would be using the current "update every quarter" model, then I can live with this decision.

Having said that, this big new future update better be the Hail Mary of updates!
Thanks a lot for the update Zac, intriguingly cryptic. I certainly am looking forward to the Exploration updates as you know, I'm disappointed to hear that the improvements to the Ice Planets won't be fully added in Chapter Four, but I'm hoping from the wording in your post that means that Exploration itself will be getting more attention. More than fine by me :D

Ah why not, I might as well go ahead and be the first to suggest the significant new gameplay is going to be Atmospheric Landings

It's one of the few things I can think of that would both need a development arc this long and would also mean it made more sense to roll ice planets back into that future upgrade. So yeah, even though FDev aren't going to say anything at this stage I'd say you could probably hang your hat on that.




They cut stuff but a lot of people are like "wow cool thanks!"


I can only react for me. The stuff that was cut wasn't a major deal for me anyway. *shrugs*
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So basically this Means: We removed content from chapter 4 but we MAY have something Else in Store we wont talk about yet. I really hope its Spacelegs otherwise a lot of your Costumers will be dissapointed again. I dont know if you guys even realize that you dissapointed most of your costumers with literaly all Beyond updates. So for the Sake of Elite itself, i hope its a HUGE update with REALLY NEW Gameplay. Not just Timesink and grind.
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As an LEP holder...

I have but one request. Instead of specific items from the store, can we perhaps get credit to spend? I have a wishlist of things already..
Personally, it doesn't bother me that I didn't get anything "for free" in this "Beyond" season.. this is assuming that there are future paid expansions (however it's done) that I do get for free.

My fingers are crossed for Atmospheric landings in "the new era" as I suspect by that time I'll be thoroughly sick of NMS and will want Elite to do it "better".

I'm only a little sad that we don't get the full Ice Planet experience, but TBH I would trade this content for better space based gameplay in a heartbeat, as I spend far longer in space than on ice planets.
Fleet Carriers are a bigger bummer, as they would have added a whole new dynamic/aspect to our in game group/faction.. but Squadrons itself should do something similar, if not as cool.
Can't wait for the details on the changes which have been scheduled in their place.

I applaud the decision to spend development effort on future content, and not premium (paid for) content. I would far rather have more depth in Elite in general, than any single shiny bauble.
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