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Offtopic, but 4 player co-op which glitches out when someone coughs is not full multiplayer experience, just to point out.

Most of that stuff was hinted as part of official commercial release two years ago. Comparing to FD actually fleshing out space sim part of ED.

NMS might be fun to play, but HG really just made it up to people who bought their game in first place. FD has never had to do that.
Amen. The comparison is an insult.

Zac Antonaci

Head of Communications
Except ice planets tho' right?

Zac, can we be clear ... the following work has been postponed now right?


But what about the next one, is this still coming in Q4 or is this delayed too?



The content you've mentioned above (both) won't be in the Chapter Four update. The visual upgrade that was also talked about at Lavecon does include some use of the same technology but the ice planets that you're referring to above will not be in the next update.
Offtopic, but 4 player co-op which glitches out when someone coughs is not full multiplayer experience, just to point out.

Most of that stuff was hinted as part of official commercial release two years ago. Comparing to FD actually fleshing out space sim part of ED.

NMS might be fun to play, but HG really just made it up to people who bought their game in first place. FD has never had to do that.

I know you shill with the best of them but seriously Elites multiplayer connectivity is not much better.

Even its basic transaction servers are trash tier.
I'm a bit sad that Ice Planets will not be in the Chapter 4 of Beyond :( but i'm super happy to hear that the game has a bright future :)
Instead of telling everyone what they should do, why don't you just take your own advice and, well stop caring? If that's your decision, fine, you're perfectly entitled to it. Just stop mincing about and do it.

If everyone took this advice, FDev would only have you "yes men" around. What good would that do?
I can't tell if I'm in the minority, but I'm very happy I found Elite. I've never enjoyed a game so much. I've been an avid gamer since the Pong/ Space Invaders/Asteroids era. Over the years, I've usually kept up with the latest console and PC games (buying them for my children - yeah right). Now I play Elite in VR and see no reason to play other games.

Thank you to the developers - but I'm robbing you blind if you calculate the dollars/hour cost for me to play.

I'm thrilled that you are continuing to develop the game. I'm excited to see what's next, but will be busy making money, fighting my wing's enemies, and exploring the galaxy until then.
Thanks for the update. I appreciate it, and in particular it's good to read that you understand this is long overdue. I hope updates to the plan will be more regular and forthcoming in the future.

Had I known how these past three years would pan out at the time I had the choice between just buying Horizons and buying a lifetime pass, I would not have paid the extra, and the contents of this thread do not change that view for me.

Please be more specific on the timescales regarding premium content (months/years etc), and update us regularly when they change. It has already been far too long.

But thank you, it is always better to know than to not know. In an information vacuum, speculation runs wild.
Also, seeing as we're speculating wildly, I had some notion the other day that the recent Galnet news, the one that said something like 'we have new hologram technology which puts you in a beautiful personalised world', or words to that effect, that was hinting at space legs, wasn't it?
Offtopic, but 4 player co-op which glitches out when someone coughs is not full multiplayer experience, just to point out.

Most of that stuff was hinted as part of official commercial release two years ago. Comparing to FD actually fleshing out space sim part of ED.

NMS might be fun to play, but HG really just made it up to people who bought their game in first place. FD has never had to do that.

Not gonna lie, thought you were referring to Elite's Multicrew experience at first - because it's an all-too-apt description of what Elite has.

You really are a bit too bent on your spin, mate. Being fun to play is ALL that matters in the end. All this talk and questions about LEP stuff? That's FD having to make it up to people who bought LEPs back on kickstarter - you know, "in first place".

And right now, there's a lot of content in Elite that is not up to snuff. There's a lot that could use making-up.
I know you shill with the best of them but seriously Elites multiplayer connectivity is not much better.

Even its basic transaction servers are trash tier.

Not sure, I have quite good experience for last two years, never had issues with more than 20 ships in instance.

It is not a diss on NMS - people enjoy it, that's major point. It is however different game from ED. As you can see, it has totally different challenges and much higher stakes than 'Minecraft in space'.
I'm not going to read all 39 some odd pages of this thread as I'm well sure I know what I'll find. I don't think you can ask for a more well written and honest update. Things change, challenges are encountered, and choices are made. While I am disappointed that the carriers are not coming in Q4, I did always have in the back of my mind when the FFF for exploration seemed more and more delayed that something had "come up" and maybe the carriers would get nixed. It only makes sense...what does a fleet carrier or a squadron have to do with exploration? Seems a natural place to make the split to me, if it had to be done...which it obviously did.

More so than anything, I'd like to thank CMDR Antonaci for sticking around this long. You're braver than most...and if I'm honest, I'm not sure I'd wade in these waters if I had an orange avatar like you. Your candor and concise communication are appreciated. o7
well, and what kind of mythical new era are you talking about?
what is going to be there?
space legs?
atmosphere planets?
player driven polisy / economy?
what there will be such for the sake of what you turned the development of current features?
I really want to believe that you show on the pax west something that is really meaningful. otherwise, I as a player will feel cheated.
Also, seeing as we're speculating wildly, I had some notion the other day that the recent Galnet news, the one that said something like 'we have new hologram technology which puts you in a beautiful personalised world', or words to that effect, that was hinting at space legs, wasn't it?

ED lacks ways to interact with the world besides shooting and scanning using either SRV or ship.

These devices sound exactly that might be coming. But we will know soon enough - unless Zac just jumps out and dashes our hopes now and then :D
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