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If you click the little Frontier logo on a post from Zac it'll take you directly to the next one, makes skipping through all the chaff a lot easier :)

This is worth repeating here, if you click the little Frontier icon next to any official Frontier forum post ..


.. it will take you to the next post by Frontier in the same thread.
I've read this whole thread. Started when it was posted on Friday, chipped away at it over the weekend and now I've got to the end (yes, I want a medal!) I suppose I should post something. Bit of an essay, sorry.

TL;DR Not overly bothered about Zac's announcement, shizz happens - but expected Beyond to be more 'fixes' in the minor updates, not ships & weapons, etc.

I'm one of those old school 80s Elite & 90s Frontier types and I've been following ED's progress since the Kickstarter but I only started actually playing it with the PS4 launch (so a bit more than a year) I've no idea how many hours because on the PS version the 'hours played' counter wasn't working for a long time so I've never trusted it. I've played a lot though in that year and a bit. I was pretty obsessed for a while, and generally I love it. I do play other games though, I've had breaks for HZD, GT Sport, and right now... well, I haven't really touched ED since NMS NEXT came out - yes I mentioned it - it's fun, I enjoy it, it keeps me amused, engaged and busy and it cropped up at a time when I was just starting to find it a little difficult to find fun things I wanted to do in ED.

There's tons to do in ED of course, but one of it's problems (IMO) is that ED doesn't really know what it is or what it wants to be any more. It's fallen into the trap of trying to be all things to all people which it has the proverbial hell-bound snowball's chance of achieving. From my (purely selfish) personal point of view (which is as a solo player who plays ED pretty much as an updated version of Frontier: E2) Elite Dangerous contains a lot of content that I just don't use. I'm not saying I begrudge it being there, if other people use it that's fine. I'm not that mean and self-centred, go ahead, blaze your trail.

It does mean I'm not overly upset about the Carriers being pushed back, I'm unlikely to use them. The ice planets, yes, that's a shame and the rest of the Exploration and planet stuff is the thing I'm really waiting for in Chapter 4 of Beyond, but I did think they looked a bit ambitious when they first revealed them. There were questions about performance hit which were countered with a firm "No, no performance hit" from the Devs, but I was still sceptical. Really, even on consoles? Even on the PS4 that can't seem to render shadows properly without horrible pixelation and near fit-inducing flickering? (That's for you, Old Duck!)

I have been confused about the Beyond season for a while though, in terms of what it set out to do and what it's actually brought to the table so far. It was pitched as a 'fixer' season, improving the core gameplay, fixing mistakes (like Beige-gate), etc, and it started out fairly well...

In Chapter 1 we had the planet colour fix, we had a re-working of Engineers - which for me worked brilliantly, I hardly touched Engineers before that because the grind was so long-winded and frustrating, but Beyond Chapter 1 pretty much fixed Engineers for me.
We also had the C&P changes, which is not something I normally have to deal with in my play-style, except accidentally, but it is better now to be able to skip to an IF if I ever do pick up a bounty and pay it off straight away rather than having to wait eight days or whatever it was for the thing to turn into a payable fine. Chapter 1 seemed like a good start.

Then there were Chapters 2 & 3 the two 'small' updates. I have to say, given the aim of Beyond, I was fully expecting these to be largely bug fixes, QoL fixes, etc. You know, those long standing often reported, sometimes game-breaking bugs that seem to affect huge chunks of the player base. Yet what we got was more new ships, new weapons, new Guardian content and yes, a few bug fixes, but really not many and not any of those bigguns that keep cropping up in thread after thread.

Now, I'm not going to sniff at new content, and personally the Krait MkII was a joy and did drag me back into my ED obsession for a good few weeks - only curtailed by that pesky NMS update arriving in fact - but I'm surprised and a bit disappointed that FDev didn't manage to address at least some of the more prominent issues, bugs, and QoL stuff that have been raised in the community in the Chapter 2 & 3 updates.

I'll wait patiently for Chapter 4 - I'm looking forward to the Exploration changes, ice planets or not.
All that reading and you know what it told me? Absolutely nothing at all. That's a gift being able to write like that.

You really need to read between the lines to get at the meat of Zac's post, as the talking points are skillfully diluted within a lot of spin words.

The summary of the update is this:

  • Fleet Carriers are cut from 3.3, and "MIGHT" come at a later date. Maybe.
  • Ice Planet improvements have been cut from 3.3. The tech might be used in a later update, possibly.
  • The 2018 LEP content has been delayed. No ETA's, no guarantees.
  • LEP owners might get a little something special in the Elite Store before the end of the year.
  • Yes, 100+ people are still working on Elite Dangerous.
  • There will be some additional "deep and rich" gameplay added to 3.3 now. It's still a secret though.
  • The team has just started production on the next major step forward for Elite, but it's still top secret, and is a very, VERY long ways off.
  • Full details on what 3.3 will bring to the game will be revealed "soon".

There you go.
You just don't get it, do you? Customers unhappy with a product for which they've paid good money are fully entitled to their opinions. I personally don't care either way what Frontier say in carefully worded press releases about inclusive content etc, I'll make a value judgement based on the upcoming updates in isolation...& as you say, it's just a vid any expression of 'anger' is probably within the perspective of leisure time activities for most people.

It's fundamentally incongruous that people like you get vicariously upset for the "poor ickle devs" with their fragile sensibilities following criticism, but if your phone company <EDIT: messes up><messes up=""> <messes up=""><nope>or your new car is not fixed correctly (ie. an employee makes human mistakes, as you put it), it's appropriate to go next-level ape-poo!

Frontier is a limited company - treat them as such! They provide a poor product/ them a verbal rocket up the jacksie seems perfectly okay to me. The only people having a problem with "priorities" are the game's edge (head?) cases (pro & con) who go way over the top with support or criticism - calling for sackings or calling some employees incompetent etc is pretty low imo, but I'd still argue they are more level-headed & do less harm to the game overall, than the myopic Frontier enthusiasts. There really is nothing worse for innovation & progress than a bunch of acquiescent dorks making the company complacent & satisfied with any old crap they churn out.

Oh & since you mention the whole "priorities" thing...look at your number of hours played in the right UI panel to get a really good idea if you have that issue nailed down...or not!

EDIT: Added to demonstrate that I am able to form coherent sentences, despite expedient moderation editing.

Hello there fellow human being,

I'm not vicariously upset in the slightest. I simply stated that certain people here put too much importance into a video game and using the inability of FD to instantly cater or provide certain demands as grounds for useless and uncalled backlash.

Yes, they decided to change things at the last moment. Is it a bad move? Perhaps. Did it cost them credibility? Yes, but less then if they would've tried to squeeze something out that would've made the whole game community slam the doors in their faces.

You try hard and hope things work out, but have to acknowledge close before the deadline that you simply can't make it. Happens more often then you might imagine.

Was the whole thing badly communicated? Yes, but if Zac would've been allowed to speak his own mind instead of having to reiterate what the higher-ups allowed him to communicate across we might've seen something different. But just like any other employee of FD or any company for that matter, a person represents them while talking to others, not as private person.

Having your car not properly fixed (which can lead to life-threatening situations) is something completely different then not having something provided to you by a company that develops games that you play at your leisure. Playing a (video) game and not receiving something promised by the developer is in no way comparable to anything else you might bring up. It's a complete and utter misconception that whatever amount of money entitles you to anything in return, because you gave that cash by your own free will (again, we're talking video game here aka nothing important for the survivability of a person).

What you do with your money is your own decision. If you give it for something that might become something that you will enjoy one day, you put your good faith in whomever you give it to. In other words you're gambling and hoping for a good outcome. It may or may not come to pass, but essentially it was your decision to hand over the cash.

Or did FD force you to buy Elite? Horizons? The purely cosmetic Paintjobs and Ship kits? Did they blackmail you in any way? Threaten you to tell the world you absolutely crave to wear pink silk underwear?

The best way to show a company that you do not care is not to pay up when they bring out something new. Endless pages with rants and salt will not hurt as bad as when they don't receive the cash they need to survive.

I will reserve me the right to test what is being delivered, and if I find it acceptable, I'll pay. Otherwise, nope. Simple as that.

If others operate differently they may do so. Does that grant them entitlement to cry foul? No.


As to my priorities, here's a little picture...

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A while ago, our development went from pre-production into full production on our next major milestone of Elite development.

What that means in the simplest terms is that the team are actively working on the next major landmark which takes us into our next era for Elite. We aren’t going to be ready to talk about or announce any details for quite a while yet, it is early in the development and there is still a long way to go, but I can say that this is something that will be scheduled to release a considerable time after the final update in the Beyond series. ...
As part of pre-production, the team investigate all areas of the content and scope them out thoroughly. It’s important to take the time to be clear on what the vision for this is and how we imagine the content working.

Hi - I think I may be interpreting the above incorrectly and am keen to get explicit confirmation that I am indeed incorrect.

I interpret the above to mean that you are working on Elite: Dangerous 2... or the next game in the Elite franchise/universe.

I believe this specifically because, instead of saying, "We've started working on the next CHAPTER of Elite: Dangerous", which is the choice of wording you have used thus far when discussing the season model, you have changed to saying Elite in general. Likewise, if something is in Pre Production it implies that this thing is not in Production, which Elite: Dangerous certainly is.

On this basis, could you please confirm that all of this is eluding to the next Season in the Elite Dangerous development plan, and not a re engineered, or brand new game engine/architecture; the license to which would be sold in a new contract? (unless you are a LEP.. perhaps)?
Great TS! LR DRIA. (Long read, Did read it all.)

A tip:
Design the concept to be able to withstand thousands of years into the future. Meaning you design the platform to survive bad economic times for Frontier, and never overextend. A slow but peak interest type of platform is that which you can continue to develop and evolve…. forever.

A way to visualise this is to put a barrier in the future, and consider the platform "the road to Raxxla". The road will never end, always incrementing in ever smaller steps. Excitement, immersion, inspiration and community feedback remain as a balanced stream, but the goal is never really reached.

Always beyond the new Horizons. The infinite legacy of Elite.

I can envisioning several mini-universes with different type of game play, all within Elite. All connected, ever evolving.
Hello there fellow human being,

I'm not vicariously upset in the slightest. I simply stated that certain people here put too much importance into a video game and using the inability of FD to instantly cater or provide certain demands as grounds for useless and uncalled backlash.

Yes, they decided to change things at the last moment. Is it a bad move? Perhaps. Did it cost them credibility? Yes, but less then if they would've tried to squeeze something out that would've made the whole game community slam the doors in their faces.

You try hard and hope things work out, but have to acknowledge close before the deadline that you simply can't make it. Happens more often then you might imagine.

Was the whole thing badly communicated? Yes, but if Zac would've been allowed to speak his own mind instead of having to reiterate what the higher-ups allowed him to communicate across we might've seen something different. But just like any other employee of FD or any company for that matter, a person represents them while talking to others, not as private person.

Having your car not properly fixed (which can lead to life-threatening situations) is something completely different then not having something provided to you by a company that develops games that you play at your leisure. Playing a (video) game and not receiving something promised by the developer is in no way comparable to anything else you might bring up. It's a complete and utter misconception that whatever amount of money entitles you to anything in return, because you gave that cash by your own free will (again, we're talking video game here aka nothing important for the survivability of a person).

What you do with your money is your own decision. If you give it for something that might become something that you will enjoy one day, you put your good faith in whomever you give it to. In other words you're gambling and hoping for a good outcome. It may or may not come to pass, but essentially it was your decision to hand over the cash.

Or did FD force you to buy Elite? Horizons? The purely cosmetic Paintjobs and Ship kits? Did they blackmail you in any way? Threaten you to tell the world you absolutely crave to wear pink silk underwear?

The best way to show a company that you do not care is not to pay up when they bring out something new. Endless pages with rants and salt will not hurt as bad as when they don't receive the cash they need to survive.

I will reserve me the right to test what is being delivered, and if I find it acceptable, I'll pay. Otherwise, nope. Simple as that.

If others operate differently they may do so. Does that grant them entitlement to cry foul? No.


As to my priorities, here's a little picture...

Only 10,000 LY max distance from start? Wow, what a loser!


Seriously though, 39 weeks playtime...that's pretty intense. I have just under 24 weeks and had to give it up or start talking divorce with my extremely patient wife.
Hi - I think I may be interpreting the above incorrectly and am keen to get explicit confirmation that I am indeed incorrect.

I interpret the above to mean that you are working on Elite: Dangerous 2... or the next game in the Elite franchise/universe.

I believe this specifically because, instead of saying, "We've started working on the next CHAPTER of Elite: Dangerous", which is the choice of wording you have used thus far when discussing the season model, you have changed to saying Elite in general. Likewise, if something is in Pre Production it implies that this thing is not in Production, which Elite: Dangerous certainly is.

On this basis, could you please confirm that all of this is eluding to the next Season in the Elite Dangerous development plan, and not a re engineered, or brand new game engine/architecture; the license to which would be sold in a new contract? (unless you are a LEP.. perhaps)?

Deleted member 38366


Hmm.... I remember FDev several years ago reserving the Title "ELITE : Deadly". Unsure if related, but technically they could make a spin-off or sequel anytime while keeping very close ties to ELITE : Dangerous.
Pure speculation though, but a possibility.
Hmm.... I remember FDev several years ago reserving the Title "ELITE : Deadly". Unsure if related, but technically they could make a spin-off or sequel anytime while keeping very close ties to ELITE : Dangerous.
Pure speculation though, but a possibility.
I admit the idea hadn't occurred to me, but MakahiGames post makes me wonder.
let's not forget too many commanders who play alone like me, not having friends who play online and with little time available
cmdr solitary wolf MFC1969
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