News Important Mac announcement

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Apple is investing in gaming, macOS recently started official support for external GPUs and it continues to develop Metal.

As much as I want to support the notion of Apple being viable and offering choice in the market, that's a point where I find myself stumbling. The notion that you have to pay hundreds of dollars more for an *external* graphics unit, instead of sticking one in the PC where it belongs, regardless of who makes it or what OS it runs on.
Apple is investing in gaming, macOS recently started official support for external GPUs and it continues to develop Metal.
Which boils down to attaching a GPU over USB at around the data transfer capacity of 4 PCIe3 lanes (assuming you don't plan to do anything else with that port), and talking to it via yet another weird fringe graphics API that, other than the made-for-games thing the PS4 uses, doesn't really come with a promise of much RoI, and from a company that has repeatedly demonstrated that it may stop supporting it just because they feel so. When it comes to games, Apple are not in any situation where they can try to dictate terms; if they wanted to be an attractive target for games, they would need to at least cooperate on the software front by making a long-term commitment to a standard.
I still remember the glory days of running an Arm based Desktop, with the most graphics intensive games. In an era when Windows didn't operate and wasn't a system. Apple was an 'also ran'. Unix was for Tech Savy rich kids. And Britain still did Computing Science.

The issue US OS's have is that they are all bloated, slow and 'soft'.

It must be tempting for Frontier to port to Arm if only to get it running on RiscOS.
In the last 3 1/2 years Apple has out sold Asus and Acer according to your chart. Thanks for clarifying what I said.

Not in the last 3 1/2 years according to the data you supplied.

Yep. Agreed. They are not and never have been gaming PC's.

Have you actually looked at the chart? Apple is in red, fourth place behind Asus and Acer, and have been since Q3 2014!! All I've proved is Apple have been out sold during this period on a regular basis. As I said before, great for some things, certainly not for gaming. No surprise that FD are doing this. I was actually more surprised they even made a version for Mac.
I still remember the glory days of running an Arm based Desktop, with the most graphics intensive games. In an era when Windows didn't operate and wasn't a system. Apple was an 'also ran'. Unix was for Tech Savy rich kids. And Britain still did Computing Science.

The issue US OS's have is that they are all bloated, slow and 'soft'.

It must be tempting for Frontier to port to Arm if only to get it running on RiscOS.
What was that, an Acorn Archimedes? We had those at school, and I have great memories of playing games on them during lunchtimes and sometimes even detention :)
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What was that, an Acorn Archimedes? We had those at school, and I have great memories of playing games on them during lunchtimes and sometimes even detention :)
We had a lab full of Apple //e, which was unfair because the folks in the other lab room got to play Descent. Fun times with Hypercard, less fun times with the daisychained Appletalk network that made you always gravitate towards the machines closer to the printer.
Hello Commanders,

It is with great sadness that we must announce the upcoming end of Elite Dangerous on Mac.

Firstly, we want to reassure you that this decision did not come lightly and is something that we have been investigating for some time. As many of you will know, despite our best efforts, we have been unable to bring Elite Dangerous Horizons to Mac since launch due to technical barriers. With the planned improvements coming in our Chapter Four update of the Beyond season we have felt it necessary to make this difficult decision in order to allow us to bring in content and features in the way that we felt was best for the overall Elite Dangerous experience. It is for this reason that we wanted to give you as much notice as possible. With the release of the Q4 update, coming towards the end of the year, you will no longer be able to play Elite Dangerous on Mac. As soon as we have a date of the update to share, we will do so here.

At the point of the Q4 update, you will no longer be able to access Elite Dangerous products through the Mac OS. However, you will still be able to log into your account on PC (or via Bootcamp.)

We hope you will understand why we have taken this course of action and would encourage those of you who have questions or concerns, to please contact our Support Team HERE who are on hand and ready to help!

Thanks again,

Ed and the Elite Dangerous team

Have been expecting this for some time.
Sad, but can't be helped.

Mac just doesn't have it in it to become a real, full blown game machine.
It is good at other stuff.
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We had a lab full of Apple //e, which was unfair because the folks in the other lab room got to play Descent. Fun times with Hypercard, less fun times with the daisychained Appletalk network that made you always gravitate towards the machines closer to the printer.
We only have one Macintosh at school and it belonged to a technician who wouldn't let anyone on it!
To all Mac users,

I feel for you guy's, I REALLY do!

If you want to continue to play ED after they have disposed of you like Biowaste on the bottom of their shoe, then I will let you come and play ED on my PC (for a small fee).

Or we could set up charity for iMac users - poor things :(
So the current stable release is almost a year out of date, and no apt/dpkg…

Has there been a feature release of Mesa between 17 and 18 that I don't know about? We backport important bugfixes to the released version and update that package. Stable, maintained platform, for double-digit product lifecycles, if you want to pay for that. And our customers don't use apt/dpkg, so that's irrelevant.

Android is a Linux kernel with none of the OS parts that would make up what people colloquially call "Linux", running an unlicensed Java fork… (And it's not a healthy targetable ecosystem either.)

Whataboutism. I've answered sollisb's ill-informed assertion that Linux is unsupportable for companies, and pointed out that it's technically a more viable platform for ED than OSX (with my sincere regards to the Mac community here, it's a raw deal for them). If you want to continue to play OS wars with me, the Elite Dangerous for Linux thread is this way.
Have you actually looked at the chart? Apple is in red, fourth place behind Asus and Acer, and have been since Q3 2014!! All I've proved is Apple have been out sold during this period on a regular basis. As I said before, great for some things, certainly not for gaming. No surprise that FD are doing this. I was actually more surprised they even made a version for Mac.

Yes I did:

My Bad, I thought they were in order. What a rubbish chart. Anyway 4th 5th and 6th are so close it keeps changing around. It doesn't matter and is unimportant.

They are currently the 4th biggest seller during 2017, if you go by year which I was.

But I agree. They are not gaming machines. Superb for other stuff though.
They are not the best gaming machines, but I game on my iMac quite nicely thanks.

Never said you couldn't. My quote still stands, they are not gaming machine, yes you still can, but it won't be as good an experience as a gaming PC. Hence the reason why I have a gaming PC and a mac for work at home.
I literally just installed Elite on my Mac two days ago to play while I'm away from my PC... I was wondering if the writing was on the wall after I couldn't find the download link... (Had to google the link).

And there you have it...

I'm really not a fan of bootcamp... I wonder if windows in VM can use a 1070 as an EGPU in a USB3 box. No way I'm rebooting my Mac just to play Elite Dangerous... I just woudn't be able to get my work done. LOL.
When I first started playing ED it was on a Macbook Pro via Boot camp + Windows 7. When I posted on bug/tickets about stuttering issues, I was told it was an unsupported platform.

Curious, if Mac users are getting the shaft now, will the Boot camp route become supported at all?
Never said you couldn't. My quote still stands, they are not gaming machine, yes you still can, but it won't be as good an experience as a gaming PC. Hence the reason why I have a gaming PC and a mac for work at home.

A gaming PC is a PC that you play games on, so I reckon an iMac counts :)
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