Improved Radio Chatter

Well, you learn something new in ED every day it seems.
There is radio chatter in the game!

But the only place I've found it is outside a station, while sitting very quietly.
So! Improvement time.

Radio Chatter Volume Control
Because some people love it (me), and some hate it.
But! It's should not be under audio options!
Why? Cuz' it'd kinda be cool to have it has a functions panel option. :D
(Like HUD brightness)
I'd crank it right up. :D

Moar Radio Chatter!
Yes! Can't get enough of it. Lol
Add radio chatter to supercruise, based on system state, and the make up of ships nearby.
So if you jump in to supercruise with a some security ships, you can hear faint security related chatter as they wizz by.

Also it could be effected by local USSs, as well as use the same radio chatter when you're in one, be it slightly clearer/louder.
Distress Calls should be heard when a Distress call is detected.
Convoy radio chatter near convoys.
Funeral and wedding chatter, plus military chatter near and in checkpoints and conflict zones. And also eerie static or SoS beacons for combat aftermaths.
Plus the usual signal noise from various sources, like degraded, encoded USS and things.
All should be slightly louder when targetted, but still be audible when not targetted too.

Other places could include RES sites, with miner, pirate and security chatter.
Nav Beacons of course, with all sorts, just like supercruise.

Then, when you enter a system with nothing in.
You get complete silence.
Eerie. :D


CMDR CosmicSpacehead
Strange. I'm usually very observant but I guess I just passed the radio chatter off as background immersion fluff. Until yesterday, I dropped out on a station and was greeted by the same ole welcome. And then it dawned on me. When they say "Lakon Tango Alpha Charlie" that was ME. The manufacture of my hull and the first three letter of my name! Way to go FD! It's the little things.

Oh and yea - what he ^ said. moar cowbell.
There is actually proper radio chatter near stations. Not just docking communication.

Try it. Park a few 100m from the slot at a busy port(not outpost), and stay quiet. And listen! :)
I suggested this on the 2.1 beta. I think they glossed over it. although in 2.2 beta they seem to have cranked up the volume a bit. although no change on the volume slider. still at 100%
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