Inara data import not working

I started a week ago playing ED and wanted to use Inara to track my inventory. When i try to link Inara with frontier or epic games (i have the epic games version of the game with account linked to the frontier one) im always getting the 400 httpCode error.

I tried every single thing i found on internet about it. Relinking accounts, frontier authorization thing, unlinking epic games to frontier again... But it seems nothing works for me. I hope someone can help me and sorry for my bad english...:confused:
Make sure you're using the email for your Frontier account. If that doesn't work, contact Inara.

There's more outdated info than up-to-date on the web nowadays. Going through a bunch of steps that may or may not be outdated could make things worse.
Make sure you're using the email for your Frontier account. If that doesn't work, contact Inara.

There's more outdated info than up-to-date on the web nowadays. Going through a bunch of steps that may or may not be outdated could make things worse.
Ty for the reply. Im using the same email for everything related with this game so i don't know what's happening. I'll contact Inara then.
I have an Epic account which regularly gets similar Inara errors, but it generally works OK as long as I am actually logged in to the game on that account while doing the Inara update.

I also have a Steam account where Inara updates fine whatever I'm doing, so it would seem to be an Epic-specific oddity.
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I tried that and everything looks normal, same login as the epic games one. To make sure this is not the error i went to frontier to see my epic games account link and authorized applications. Here are some screenshoots:

Are you actually logged in to the game on that Epic account when you try your Inara update? It's weird but it works for me.
Are you actually logged in to the game on that Epic account when you try your Inara update? It's weird but it works for me.
Yep, i actually edited the name on the frontier account so when i start the game and it says the "this epic account is linked to a frontier account" and then says the name i can actually see the name changing and 100% confirm that the accounts are linked.
Yep, i actually edited the name on the frontier account so when i start the game and it says the "this epic account is linked to a frontier account" and then says the name i can actually see the name I changing and 100% confirm that the accounts are linked.

Just to confirm, I meant actively playing the game (rather than configuring/linking accounts). If I randomly try to update Inara I usually get the error you showed in the first post, but if I first launch Elite and am active in a game session, starting an Inara update while I'm actually playing the game works fine.
Just to confirm, I meant actively playing the game (rather than configuring/linking accounts). If I randomly try to update Inara I usually get the error you showed in the first post, but if I first launch Elite and am active in a game session, starting an Inara update while I'm actually playing the game works fine.
I'm trying it right now and i keep getting the same error.
I don't know if this is something useful but everytime i try the data import it gives me a frontier ID number, the game platform and it always fail at getting the commander name and game journals.
I'm trying it right now and i keep getting the same error.
I don't know if this is something useful but everytime i try the data import it gives me a frontier ID number, the game platform and it always fail at getting the commander name and game journals.

OK, sorry that didn't work. Looks like the default fix for Inara is just to wait :(

>>>Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires).
OK, sorry that didn't work. Looks like the default fix for Inara is just to wait :(

>>>Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires).
Don't worry, i'll try EDDI and if Inara gets fixed i'll use it as much as i can. Thank you everyone and sorry for the inconvenience!
I started a week ago playing ED and wanted to use Inara to track my inventory. When i try to link Inara with frontier or epic games (i have the epic games version of the game with account linked to the frontier one) im always getting the 400 httpCode error.View attachment 388459

I tried every single thing i found on internet about it. Relinking accounts, frontier authorization thing, unlinking epic games to frontier again... But it seems nothing works for me. I hope someone can help me and sorry for my bad english...:confused:

Also tried and nothing changes. Not looking as a browser issue for me...

For me, syncing my epic account to inara was always a pain.

But at the same time, it always worked IF i was logged and playing the game at the moment i was pressing "Import game data"

Edit: i never had these issues for my other accounts (Steam, FDev or, back in the days, XB account) - they all synced without issues at any time, no matter if i was logged in the game or not
Yes, in case of the Epic game version, there may be needed to start the game first and link the game account to Inara after. It seems the OAuth access token between Epic and Frontier is expiring within a few hours and for some reason, Frontier's server is then refusing to provide any data, including their own journals. So if such problem appear, jumping into the game and importing the data again should help (plus a re-authentication may be needed sometimes). Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about that as it's happening on Epic's/Frontier's end, so it's an annoyance Epic commanders must live with.
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