Increased volatility in the BGS -runaway leaders many retreats

Another tick, more crazy swings, more other things screwed.

Around or before 9:30am this morning, the patch tick seems to have been re-applied rather than taking post-patch work into account.

This is creating some turbulence, exaggerating the effect of focused player activity. It will be interesting to see if this is a glitch or the new normal :)
If anyone wants to raise a Ticket or (hint) use their FD Contacts to summon Dav, some examples for them to look at:

They are way bigger than 3 days combined.
It looks like there'll be a mass outbreak of Expansions and Retreats. "Would all Factions please move one system to the left".
Thats OK, Expansion seems to be broken as well :(

Just raised an Issue on the Tracker. Our 2nd Expansion completed this tick, and it failed despite us having a valid invasion target.
REALLY peeved, as this has taken months to align, it was to be a Total Invasion where we Invade the System Controler.


Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
we just got a 25% increase in a mid sized system with a single bounty drop and 15 mins effort - it was stopped because it triggered

Dav knows.
We'd have predicted a little less than a 5% drop, the effect you got was not acheivable with a single lever due to diminishing returns

There were signs that the opposition in that system packed up and left that day, so it might be an extreme example. Wish there hadn't been a war in the way :).
Its going to be a rough ride if they don't.... I predict everyone in war/expansion or retreat withing days

It is force majeure though, some gain, some lose. I'd love it if the places where I lost out were reversed, but I'd rather not lose the gains :D

They didn't eject the factions that lost invasion wars but remained a while back ;)
Our factions influence is surging out of control. looks like everyone is going to be on an endless expansion ride

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator

Up from 48
Did the influence of the two factions in conflict drop?
No. Except for the movement of this other faction that had 3rd highest INF at start of the war on Monday but is now a couple tenths above the warring factions, it's as if the tick didn't happen. Traffic numbers changed. Numbers for Crime Report. Bounty Hunter Report numbers changed.

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
As far as I can see they change is to the normalization process and/or the system hard cap (population dependent) The relative effects of different levers are as close to being unchanged as I can guess at.
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