Increased volatility in the BGS -runaway leaders many retreats

Have you looked at all the variables? How much traffic is going into the system? Is it all you and your team? Use the in-game bounty boards and traffic reports, as well as checking the commodity market prices. It could be you are up against a lot of random traffic!
Yes, it's a busy system (over 300 ships), always has bounty hunting going on (on the day only 10 million credits handed in though, which is a small amount for the system), the controlling faction went down in influence, every other faction changed a little influence except for the faction we worked on. I know this system very well, this is not normal.
It could be normal. It depends how much influence you had.
The retreating faction is at 1.9%, running 297+ worth of missions (yes I know it's overkill) should of raised them up, even a little, but it didn't. This is not normal, yes our small and medium systems are acting better, but the huge pop systems aren't, hence my question, has anyone actually looked into huge pop systems?

Just to expand a little, we can move influence for factions that are in second place in a different huge pop system (also a busy system etc) with little effort, but that faction is not in a retreat state and are not sitting at 1%, so it's a different situation, can't compare them.
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The retreating faction is at 1.9%, running 297+ worth of missions (yes I know it's overkill) should of raised them up, even a little, but it didn't. This is not normal, yes our small and medium systems are acting better, but the huge pop systems aren't, hence my question, has anyone actually looked into huge pop systems?

Just to expand a little, we can move influence for factions that are in second place in a different huge pop system (also a busy system etc) with little effort, but that faction is not in a retreat state and are not sitting at 1%, so it's a different situation, can't compare them.

I don't have anything comparable in population, sorry. Looks to me like you are being undermined on purpose. Could be a bug or a coincidence of course :) Try throwing more people at it imo.
I don't have anything comparable in population, sorry. Looks to me like you are being undermined on purpose. Could be a bug or a coincidence of course :) Try throwing more people at it imo.
Na I don't think someone else is working against the faction, we did nothing for them this tick and they went down 0.1%, if someone was working against the faction they would of went down by more.
for a ... what was it? 4.7bil pop? (looks it up)
assuming medium random traffic.... yeah, that's normal. "not a nice system" (the way it works), but normal.

Thing is, you could only raise them by ... say ~4% in such a huge system per day through positive actions - that's without retreat being active.
But, once a retreat is active, they get an automatic -2% / day. (at least, pre-update. but we had a retreat ourselves, smaller system, where that roughly held)

So, at best a +2%/day - if there is absolutely no missions/bounties/explo data for any of the other factions. none at all.
In comes random traffic....

well, long story short:
Even pre-update, when a faction went into retreat in a huge system: to prevent it, you need to pull out all the stops.
including going on murder sprees killing system security, driving passengers into the sun, KWS-ing the nav-beacon hoping for the 1 in 50 that has a bounty from the retreating faction ... the works

and, I'll admit it: I've never attempted such a big feat. The above is mostly theoretical know-how only

PS: that retreat went active on the 15th, right? so, today is the last day to make a difference. if they're below 2.5 tomorrow, they'll be gone Sunday.
good luck! (and, I mean that)
Retreat cost 2% a day before 3.7 ... I wouldn't be entirely surprised based on which systems are returning to equilibriums similar to their previous ones and which are trending towards new ones to find that this had been increased a little more, but it's hard to tell.
yeah... it's still much.... my gut says still 2% but hard to tell in the chaos atm

It's just, for huge systems, the flat -2 handicap for retreating factions most often just throws them down the well, breaking their necks
My faction is in election state.
But eventhough my squad mates can see and take the missions, I can't see them. I exit the game and get back in and still the same.
Has anybody seen something like this?
My faction is in election state.
But eventhough my squad mates can see and take the missions, I can't see them. I exit the game and get back in and still the same.
Has anybody seen something like this?
yeah seen similar, we won the conflicts by just supporting our faction with any available missions.
We've managed to keep our faction to a single expansion thanks to having done one just before the patch so we were on cooldown. It seems now that the BGS is settling down and behaving a bit more like its old self. We were able to take two of our systems below 75% through the direct efforts of very few CMDRs (we watched INF pre and post tick). Thankfully we have avoid all of our pending retreats too by just going nuts on the affected factions.

Is that the current observation too - things are settling down now?
Retreats seem to be a bit harder to evade but easier to enforce, which I'm happy about. Most expansions have yet to happen, but pulling back the high inf factions seems about the same as before.

Apart from the flak from the 'extended tick' (new 2.8% meme? :D) if how it is now was the originally intended change I'm pretty happy with it, it seems more in line with 3.0's design intent that multi-system factions would require maintenance to keep them from retreating, so unintended expansions should be relatively easy to retreat again later.
Has anyone else experienced "loads of missions don't move a faction a jot" problems since the update?
Everything's much more stable, but to my mind it seems like missions aren't effective at the moment. Noticeable in a number of systems, regardless of the "state" the system is in.

Bounty drops, trade and data seem ok.

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
Has anyone else experienced "loads of missions don't move a faction a jot" problems since the update?
Everything's much more stable, but to my mind it seems like missions aren't effective at the moment. Noticeable in a number of systems, regardless of the "state" the system is in.

Bounty drops, trade and data seem ok.
Not noticed that as yet, but I'm only just starting to retest
At first our suspicion was that a faction was 'stuck' almost as if it was locked in a war with no-one.

Can move influence of all the factions around it at will, the darned thing won't budge.

However, noticed that the bounty hauls for factions in the system wildly differed. It isn't spawning anything with a bounty. (or very little), nor very many ships labelled with that faction at all.

So. Tried another system and with a shed load of missions, can't get a faction to budge even a little. Bounties once again, or data drops shifts it massively. Almost as if the inf +++ aren't working.

Also the missions are having no discernible effect on the sliders. 200+ missions a day for a week and the economic slider hasn't budged.

Behaving like a huge pop system rather than one with a tiny population. Normally we see this with places like Epsilon Indi where even giant efforts make tiny movements in the BGS stats.
For consistency our test involved
100 missions split
1 : 1 : 1 trade, black ops and passengers
None for other factions
No bounties.

Faction wasn't owner. Faction was in boom and 'none' on security. No special states.
Systems do seem to be stabilising at levels more favourable to station owners than previously, though not universally so. A relative reduction in the impact of missions would be one way that could happen.
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