Infinity Battlescape

Backed it, too - I was very satisfied with what I saw. I knew that they can create very nice planetary vistas, however I am pleasantly surprised with ship designs. Especially the cockpit interior looks great: reminded me why I dislike holograms and this 'plastic' feel that many ships in ED are giving me.
But they don't, they're just taking baby steps with the PG, they haven't even scratched the surface of the depth of detail that Frontier has already shown and none of it has any sense of realism.

I-Novae was making seamless transitions from outer space, through planetary rings, all the way down to procedurally generated surface 6-7 years ago, when FDEV was busy with kid games for mobiles. They've also had full procedural galaxy prototype containing hundreds billions of stars even before that. I would not call this "baby steps" - it's the Frontier who is actually playing a "catch-up" game in this department; yes, FDEV is promising a lot but let's wait and see how it really turns out. No offense, but for some reason I simply don't trust FDEV too much. Fact I am not going to hide is that I've just happily backed Infinity, while I am holding off from purchasing Horizons for the time being.
I've meant serious, as in: I-Novae knows how to build quality PG engine. But I do agree that building an engine, and creating a fun game based on it, are two different things. We'll se what they can do, KS campaign is about to start today. Battlescape is definitely NOT what I wanted to see, but for as long as there is a slightest chance it grows into something resembling their original MMO project (IQFTE), they'll have my humble support.

By the way, Flavien backed both ED and SC and called his followers to do the same. Surely, it wasn't some big deal for these two heavyweights -Infinity's community is/was rather tiny- but nonetheless, I hope that Braben and Roberts will return the favor. I think I-Novae deserves a chance.

It looks REALLY good so far. One weird detail that bugged me though was the circular pilot "face" icons above the ships. Seeing a real persons goofy face smiling above their ship on a hud icon didn't really fit with the rest of the beautiful graphics. Everything else looks kind of amazing though and very immersive. Like the BSG colonies before the fall. I hope FD goes along this route eventually when they introduce new station types and surfaces that are inhabited and colonized. Although to be fair, it's gotta be easier to create an immersive PG solar system than an immersive PG galaxy. That's not really a point of favor for either one, just a difference.
I have gone with 250 but i can be considered fanboy :)
I promised myself years ago that i do what i can to help this when the time comes.
It looks REALLY good so far. One weird detail that bugged me though was the circular pilot "face" icons above the ships. Seeing a real persons goofy face smiling above their ship on a hud icon didn't really fit with the rest of the beautiful graphics.

Yeah that detail was indeed out of place. Probably something they'll change or get rid of somewhere down the line.
check out new concepts from battlescape web
Kicking star citizen where it hurts.
NOTE: We do not want to fall into the trap of constantly adding new features to a game that never gets finished just because we crowdsource additional funds post-Kickstarter.

It will be interesting to see how this game evolves. Alpha look incredible good through and for an alpha play the game looks pretty solid but I still graphic wise they have got a lot of work to do. But once they have a solid base it shouldn't be that difficult to build stuff on top.

Probably won't have the funds to put into Kickstarter through, holidays, christmas and decorating have suck up all my spare funds. Hopefully some point later on I will find some cash to throw at them.
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^^ They are easily showing things recorded in their engine in real time, which we'll probably have to wait for several years (minus few hundred extra euros for expansions) before we get to see something similar in ED. I think lot of people are not yet aware just how powerful engine is I-Novae.
The initial KS rush is more or less over. Now for the hard work of getting it up there. Fingers crossed and everything else for that matter, hoping it makes an impression on players of the genre. I would really like to see it get to the goal that allows players to make content, now that would be something to see, I reckon.
Still, lets get it off the ground first. ;)
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I suppose they have more vids and details prepared for refreshing their KS page in the upcoming weeks. Looks good for the first day.
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